Senate Bill 102 (as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Senator Alan L. Cropsey
Committee: Judiciary
The bill would amend the Corrections Code to rename the Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility, as the Jack Welborn Correctional Facility.
The renaming would be effective January 1, 2006.
Proposed MCL 791.220d Legislative Analyst: Patrick Affholter
The bill would create additional costs for the State. According to the Department of Corrections (DOC), changing the name of the Ionia Maximum Correctional Facility would cost approximately $67,500. The costs include changing signs, references in operating procedures, and American Correctional Association standards, and replacing prisoner and staff identification, letterhead, stationary, prisoner guidebooks, envelopes, business cards, post orders, and preprinted forms. Of those costs, $3,600 is for paper products; this cost could be somewhat diminished if the DOC were given enough time to use up existing supplies and plan for the change. The DOC also could incur additional costs for other changes such as notifying vendors and courts, revising Michigan Administrative Information Network (MAIN) profiles, and updating websites and databases. The DOC does not yet have a cost estimate for these changes.
Date Completed: 2-8-05 Fiscal Analyst: Bethany Wicksall
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb102/0506