January 29, 2003, Introduced by Senator HAMMERSTROM and referred to the Committee on




























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1978 PA 33, entitled                                              


    "An act to prohibit the dissemination, exhibiting, or displaying            

    of certain sexually explicit matter to minors; to prohibit                  

    certain misrepresentations facilitating the dissemination of                

    sexually explicit matter to minors; to provide penalties; to                

    provide for declaratory judgments and injunctive relief in                  

    certain instances; to impose certain duties upon prosecuting                

    attorneys and the circuit court; to preempt local units of                  

    government from proscribing certain conduct; and to repeal                  

    certain acts and parts of acts,"                                            


    by amending section 6 (MCL 722.676), as amended by 1999 PA 33.              


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 6.  Section 5 does not apply to the dissemination of                   


2   sexually explicit matter to a minor by any of the following:                


3       (a) A parent or guardian who disseminates sexually explicit                 


4   matter to his or her child or ward.                                         


5       (b) A teacher or administrator at a public or private                       


6   elementary or secondary school that complies with the revised               


7   school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852, and who                    



1   disseminates sexually explicit matter to a student as part of a             


2   school program permitted by law.                                            


3       (c) A licensed physician or licensed psychologist who                       


4   disseminates sexually explicit matter in the treatment of a                 


5   patient.                                                                    


6       (d) A librarian  employed by a library of a public or private               


7   elementary or secondary school that complies with the revised               


8   school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852, or employed by a           


9   public library,  who disseminates sexually explicit matter in the           


10  course of that person's employment  .  with any of the                      


11  following:                                                                  


12                                                                               (i) A library of a public or private elementary or secondary                        


13  school that complies with the revised school code, 1976 PA 451,             


14  MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.                                                      


15      (ii) A public library, including, but not limited to, a                      


16  library established by a public or private community college,               


17  college, or university.                                                     


18      (iii) A library established by a public or private community                 


19  college, college, or university that is not a public library.               


20      (e)  Any  A public or private college or university or  any                 


21  other  another person who disseminates sexually explicit matter             


22  for a legitimate medical, scientific, governmental, or judicial             


23  purpose.                                                                    


24      (f) A person who disseminates sexually explicit matter that                 


25  is a public document, publication, record, or other material                


26  issued by a state, local, or federal official, department, board,           


27  commission, agency, or other governmental entity, or an accurate            


1   republication of such a public document, publication, record, or            


2   other material.