February 27, 2003, Introduced by Reps. Hopgood, Murphy, Gieleghem, O'Neil, Law, Cheeks and Condino and referred to the Committee on Land Use and Environment.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by amending the part heading of                  


    part 141 and by adding sections 14101, 14102, 14103, 14104,                 


    14105, 14106, 14107, and 14108.                                             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      




2       Sec. 14101.  As used in this part:                                          


3       (a) "Contaminant" means any chemical, radionuclide, ion,                    


4   element, compound, mixture, or microorganism that does not occur            


5   naturally in groundwater or soil or that is present in a                    


6   concentration that is higher than the natural or background                 


7   concentration.                                                              


8       (b) "Contamination" means the direct or indirect introduction               


9   into groundwater or soil of any contaminant in quantities that              



1   are or can become injurious to human health or welfare, to animal           


2   life, to plant life, or to property, or that interfere with the             


3   beneficial uses of the groundwater or soil.                                 


4       (c) "Department" means the department of environmental                      


5   quality.                                                                    


6       (d) "Fresh groundwater" means groundwater that has less than                


7   10,000 mg/l total dissolved solids.                                         


8       (e) Subject to subdivision (f), "geotechnical well" or "well"               


9   means any of the following:                                                 


10                                                                               (i) A well or boring used to determine soil or rock                                 


11  characteristics for purposes of evaluating a site for                       


12  construction or for investigation of soil or groundwater                    


13  contamination, otherwise referred to as a soil boring.                      


14      (ii) A well or boring used to determine physical or chemical                 


15  characteristics of fresh groundwater or potential contamination             


16  or other impacts to fresh groundwater, otherwise referred to as a           


17  groundwater monitoring well.                                                


18      (iii) A well that is used to exchange heat with the soils or                 


19  fresh groundwater for heating or air conditioning, otherwise                


20  referred to as a closed-loop heat exchange well.                            


21      (iv) A well or boring used for the placement of an elevator                  


22  cylinder below ground level, otherwise referred to as an elevator           


23  cylinder well.                                                              


24      (v) A well or boring used to protect subsurface structures                  


25  such as pipelines against corrosion, otherwise referred to as a             


26  cathodic protection well.                                                   


27      (vi) A well or boring used to remediate contaminated soil or                 


1   groundwater.                                                                


2       (f) "Geotechnical well" does not include any of the                         


3   following:                                                                  


4                                                                                (i) A water well regulated under part 127 of the public                             


5   health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.12701 to 333.12771.                       


6       (ii) A well regulated under the safe drinking water act, 1976                


7   PA 399, MCL 325.1001 to 325.1023.                                           


8       (iii) A well regulated under part 625.                                       


9       (g) "Owner" means the person who has the right to drill or                  


10  operate a geotechnical well.                                                


11      (h) "Saturated zone" means the subsurface zone in which all                 


12  rock or soil pore space is filled with water.                               


13      Sec. 14102.  (1) A geotechnical well shall meet all of the                  


14  following requirements:                                                     


15      (a) A geotechnical well shall be drilled, cased, and sealed                 


16  in a manner that prevents the movement of contaminants from the             


17  surface to a subsurface stratum or from 1 subsurface stratum to             


18  another, and prevents the flow of groundwater from 1 stratum into           


19  another or to the surface of the ground.                                    


20      (b) Equipment and materials used in the drilling,                           


21  construction, and operation of geotechnical wells shall be free             


22  of materials that may cause contamination of the soils or                   


23  groundwater.                                                                


24      (c) Water used in the drilling and construction of a                        


25  geotechnical well shall be potable water.  Surface water shall              


26  not be used unless it is obtained from a municipal water supply             


27  system.                                                                     


1       (d) Drill cuttings generated during the drilling of a                       


2   geotechnical well shall be handled and disposed of in a manner              


3   that does not cause contamination of the soil, surface water, or            


4   groundwater.                                                                


5       (e) A geotechnical well that is not plugged immediately after               


6   completion of drilling shall be properly cased and sealed as                


7   follows:                                                                    


8                                                                                (i) A geotechnical well that does not penetrate bedrock shall                       


9   be cased throughout the entire depth of the well.                           


10      (ii) The section of a geotechnical well that penetrates                      


11  bedrock may be left uncased from a depth of 20 feet below the top           


12  of the bedrock to the bottom of the well if the bedrock is                  


13  competent and capable of maintaining an open hole throughout the            


14  life of the well and if the requirements of subdivision (a) are             


15  met.                                                                        


16      (iii) Casing and joints shall be watertight and shall be                     


17  designed to withstand the internal and external pressures and the           


18  tension and compression forces anticipated during the drilling,             


19  construction, and operation of the well.                                    


20      (iv) Materials used for casing, joints, screens, and other                   


21  permanent well equipment shall be chemically compatible with                


22  soils and groundwater anticipated during the drilling,                      


23  construction, and operation of the well.                                    


24      (v) A geotechnical well in which the borehole diameter                      


25  exceeds the outside casing diameter shall be grouted by filling             


26  the annular space between the casing and the borehole wall from             


27  the bottom of the annular space to the surface as follows:                  


1       (A) Any section of a geotechnical well that penetrates                      


2   bedrock shall be grouted with cement grout.                                 


3       (B) Any section of a geotechnical well that penetrates                      


4   glacial drift or other unconsolidated materials shall be grouted            


5   with cement grout or bentonite grout.                                       


6       (C) Grout shall be placed by circulating through the casing                 


7   or by placement through a tremie pipe.                                      


8       (vi) A geotechnical well in which the casing is driven or is                 


9   oversize with respect to the borehole diameter shall be grouted             


10  by introducing bentonite granules continually along the outside             


11  of the casing as the casing is advanced.                                    


12      (f) The top of the casing in a geotechnical well shall be                   


13  sealed in such manner that it excludes precipitation, surface               


14  water, dirt, or other foreign materials from entering the well.             


15      (g) The top of the casing in a geotechnical well shall be                   


16  protected from damage by appropriate measures.                              


17      (h) The casing in a geotechnical well shall be secured in a                 


18  manner that prevents unauthorized entry into the well.                      


19      (2) The department may grant an exception to a provision of                 


20  subsection (1) if the owner of the geotechnical well demonstrates           


21  to the satisfaction of the department that an alternative method            


22  or material satisfies the intent of subsection (1).  If the                 


23  department does not respond to a request for an exception within            


24  10 business days of receipt of the request, the request shall be            


25  considered granted.                                                         


26      Sec. 14103.  (1) The owner of a geotechnical well shall plug                


27  the well within 1 year after the well ceases to be used for its             


1   intended purpose.  A geotechnical well shall be plugged in                  


2   compliance with all of the following:                                       


3       (a) A geotechnical well shall be plugged in a manner that                   


4   prevents the movement of contaminants from the surface to a                 


5   subsurface stratum or from 1 subsurface stratum to another, and             


6   prevents the flow of groundwater from 1 stratum into another or             


7   to the surface of the ground.                                               


8       (b) Any section of a geotechnical well from the surface to a                


9   depth of 10 feet may be plugged by filling with native materials,           


10  provided that section of the well does not penetrate bedrock or             


11  does not penetrate the water table.                                         


12      (c) The section of a geotechnical well below a depth of 10                  


13  feet that does not penetrate bedrock shall be plugged by filling            


14  the well with cement grout, concrete grout, bentonite grout, or             


15  bentonite pellets or chips.  However, if the well does not reach            


16  the water table and does not encounter silt or clay, or any                 


17  combination of silt or clay with other materials, the section of            


18  the well below a depth of 10 feet may be plugged by filling with            


19  native materials mixed with 50% bentonite granules, pellets, or             


20  chips.                                                                      


21      (d) The section of a geotechnical well that penetrates                      


22  bedrock shall be plugged by filling with cement grout or concrete           


23  grout from the bottom of the well to not less than 20 feet above            


24  the top of the bedrock or to the ground surface.  The section of            


25  the well from 20 feet above the bedrock to the ground surface               


26  shall be plugged pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c).                      


27      (e) Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection, gravel,               


1   sand, stone aggregate, or fluid loss agents may be used for                 


2   plugging that section of a geotechnical well that penetrates lost           


3   circulation zones.                                                          


4       (f) Only cement or concrete grout shall be used to plug                     


5   geotechnical wells that discharge gases from the subsurface or              


6   that encounter groundwater under artesian pressure.  Precautions            


7   shall be taken to prevent gas or groundwater under artesian                 


8   pressure from cutting the cement and reaching another stratum or            


9   the surface.                                                                


10      (g) Plugging materials for geotechnical wells shall be placed               


11  as follows:                                                                 


12                                                                               (i) Cement, concrete, or bentonite grout shall be placed by                         


13  circulating through a tremie pipe from the bottom of the well to            


14  the depth prescribed in this section.                                       


15      (ii) Bentonite granules, pellets, or chips shall be poured                   


16  slowly into the top of the well to prevent bridging in the casing           


17  or borehole, until the well is filled to the depth prescribed in            


18  this section.  Potable water shall then be placed into the well             


19  to promote expansion of the bentonite.                                      


20      (iii) Gravel, sand, stone aggregate, or native materials                     


21  shall be placed slowly into the top of the well to prevent                  


22  bridging in the casing or borehole, until the well is filled to             


23  the depth prescribed in this section.                                       


24      (h) Upon completion of plugging, there shall be no open,                    


25  unplugged annular space between casings or between a casing and             


26  the borehole, and there shall be no open, unplugged space inside            


27  a casing or in the borehole.                                                


1       (i) Casing may be removed from a geotechnical well provided                 


2   all requirements of this section are met.                                   


3       (2) The department may grant an exception to a provision of                 


4   subsection (1) if the owner of a geotechnical well demonstrates             


5   to the satisfaction of the department that an alternative method            


6   or material satisfies the intent of subsection (1).  If the                 


7   department does not respond to a request for an exception within            


8   10 business days of receipt of the request, the request shall be            


9   considered granted.                                                         


10      Sec. 14104.  If the department determines that an owner of a                


11  geotechnical well has failed or neglected to case, seal, operate,           


12  repair, or plug the geotechnical well pursuant to this part or              


13  the rules promulgated under this part, the department shall give            


14  notice of the determination to the owner.  If the owner fails to            


15  correct the specified conditions within 60 days after service of            


16  notice, the department may enter into or upon any private or                


17  public property on which the well is located, and across any                


18  private or public property to reach the well, and repair or                 


19  correct the specified condition, and the owner is liable for all            


20  expenses incurred.  The department shall certify to the owner the           


21  claim of the state, listing in the claim the items of expense in            


22  making the repair or correction.  The claims shall be paid by the           


23  owner, within 30 days, and if not paid within that time, the                


24  department may bring suit in the circuit court of Ingham county             


25  against the owner for the collection.                                       


26      Sec. 14105.  (1) The geotechnical well oversight fund is                    


27  created within the state treasury.                                          


1       (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets                   


2   from any source for deposit into the fund.  The state treasurer             


3   shall direct the investment of the fund.  The state treasurer               


4   shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund                    


5   investments.                                                                


6       (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


7   remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.                 


8       (4) The department shall expend money from the fund, upon                   


9   appropriation, only to implement this part.                                 


10      Sec. 14106.  The department may promulgate rules to                         


11  implement this part.                                                        


12      Sec. 14107.  (1) A person who violates this part is                         


13  responsible for a civil fine of not more than $1,000.00 for each            


14  well at which a violation occurs.                                           


15      (2) A default in the payment of a civil fine or costs ordered               


16  under this section or an installment of the fine or costs may be            


17  remedied by any means authorized under the revised judicature act           


18  of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.101 to 600.9948.                              


19      (3) Civil fines collected under this section shall be                       


20  forwarded to the state treasurer for deposit into the                       


21  geotechnical well oversight fund created in section 14105.                  


22      Sec. 14108.  A person who violates this part is guilty of a                 


23  misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days            


24  or a fine of not more than $2,500.00, or both.