SB-0635, As Passed Senate, December 16, 2003
July 16, 2003, Introduced by Senator HAMMERSTROM and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
by amending section 21311 (MCL 333.21311), as amended by 1984 PA
1 Sec. 21311. (1) A home for the aged shall be licensed under
2 this article.
3 (2) "Home for the aged" or a similar term or abbreviation
4 shall not be used to
describe or refer to an institution a
5 health facility or agency
unless the institution health
6 facility or agency is licensed as a home for the aged by the
7 department under this article.
8 (3) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a home
9 for the aged shall not
admit individuals an individual under 60
10 years of age. Upon the request of a home for the aged, the
Senate Bill No. 635 as amended December 11, 2003
1 director <<may shall>> waive the age limitation imposed by this subsection
2 if the director
determines that a waiver would be in the best
3 interests of a
resident of the home for the aged and the
4 individual for whom
the waiver is sought waiver is in
the best
5 interests of the individual under 60 years of age <<and the individual will be compatible with the other residents of that home for the aged>>, as determined
6 by all of the following:
7 (a) The individual.
8 (b) The individual's guardian or other legal representative.
9 (c) The individual's physician.
10 (d) The owner, operator, and governing body of the home for
11 the aged.