SB-0468, As Passed Senate, June 18, 2003                                    












                              SUBSTITUTE FOR                                    


                           SENATE BILL NO. 468                                  










                                                                                 A bill to amend 1952 PA 214, entitled                                             


    "An act authorizing the Mackinac bridge authority to acquire a              

    bridge connecting the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan,               

    including causeways, tunnels, roads and all useful related                  

    equipment and facilities, including park, parking, recreation,              

    lighting and terminal facilities; extending the corporate                   

    existence of the authority; authorizing such authority to enjoy             

    and carry out all powers incident to its corporate objects;                 

    authorizing the appropriation and use of state funds for the                

    preliminary purposes of the authority; providing for the payment            

    of the cost of such bridge and in that connection authorizing the           

    authority to issue revenue bonds payable solely from the revenues           

    of the bridge; granting the right of condemnation to the                    

    authority; granting the use of state land and property to the               

    authority; making provisions for the payment and security of such           

    bonds and granting certain rights and remedies to the holders               

    thereof; authorizing banks and trust companies to perform certain           

    acts in connection therewith; authorizing the imposition of tolls           

    and charges; authorizing the authority to secure the consent of             

    the United States government to the construction of the bridge              

    and to secure approval of plans, specifications and location of             

    same; authorizing employment of engineers irrespective of whether           

    such engineers have been previously employed to make preliminary            

    inspections or reports with respect to the bridge; authorizing              

    the state highway department to operate and maintain such bridge            

    or to contribute thereto and enter into leases and agreements in            

    connection therewith; exempting such bonds and the property of              

    the authority from taxation; prohibiting competing traffic                  


    facilities; authorizing the operation of ferries by the                     

    authority; providing for the construction and use of certain                

    buildings; and making an appropriation,"                                    


    by amending section 7 (MCL 254.317).                                        


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 7.  (1)  The  Except as otherwise provided in this                     


2   section, the authority shall  properly  construct, maintain,                


3   operate, repair, manage, and control the bridge  , except as                


4   hereinafter provided,  and shall determine the rates of tolls and           


5   charges  to be  made for the services and facilities  afforded              


6   thereby and  provided.  The authority may make and enter into all           


7   contracts or agreements  deemed  considered necessary or                    


8   desirable to the performance of its duties and the execution of             


9   its powers under this act including, but not limited to, power to           


10  permit use of the bridge by public carriers and for telephone,              


11  telegraph, and other utility lines and to contract for such use             


12  and determine the terms and conditions  thereof  of the contract,           


13  and the rates to be charged  therefor  under the contract.  The             


14  authority may  in its discretion  construct as a part of the                


15  bridge telephone, telegraph, or other utility lines and                     


16  mechanical equipment not inconsistent with the appropriate use of           


17  the bridge and may lease the right to use the  same on such terms           


18  and for such considerations as it shall determine  lines on                 


19  whatever terms it determines.  Tolls, fees, rents, and charges              


20  shall be fixed, imposed, and collected for the use of the bridge,           


21  and  its services, and its facilities  so as  in order to make             


22  the revenues  to be  derived from the operation of the bridge               


23  fully sufficient, until  such time as  the principal of and                 


1   interest on the bonds  herein  authorized in this act are paid in           


2   full (a) pay all expenses of operating, repairing, and                      


3   maintaining the bridge, except to the extent that  such  the                


4   expenses may be in whole or in part  cared  paid for by the state           


5   highway department as hereinafter provided  transportation                 


6   department, (b) make possible the prompt payment of principal of            


7   and interest on all bonds  herein authorized  and the making of             


8   all payments required to be made for such purpose and for the               


9   creation of a reserve  therefor  for the bonds and a reserve for            


10  contingencies as may be provided in the resolution authorizing or           


11  the trust indenture securing the bonds.   Such  The tolls, fees,            


12  rents, rates, or other charges shall not be subject to                      


13  supervision or regulation by any bureau, board, commission, or              


14  agency.   When the cost of the bridge, including all principal of           


15  and interest on the bonds issued hereunder and all advances made            


16  therefor, shall have been fully paid from such tolls, fees,                 


17  rents, rates and charges, the collection therefor for the use of            


18  such bridge shall cease and the bridge shall be maintained and              


19  operated by the state as a free bridge.                                     


20      (2)  In the event that  If the bonds  herein authorized  are                


21  sold  prior to  before December 31, 1953, there shall be                    


22  appropriated from the funds of the state highway department                 


23  derived from taxes imposed upon gasoline or other motor fuels and           


24  on motor vehicles registered in the state to the Mackinac bridge            


25  authority amounts sufficient to pay all expenses of operating,              


26  repairing, and maintaining the bridge in each fiscal year                   


27  beginning with the fiscal year in which the bridge shall be                 


1   opened for traffic, and until the cost of bridge, including all             


2   principal of and interest on the bonds issued  hereunder  under             


3   this act and all advances made  therefor shall have been  are               


4   fully paid.  :  Provided, however, That the  The amount  so                 


5   appropriated to the authority under this subsection shall not               


6   exceed in the aggregate $417,000.00 in any  one  1 fiscal year.             


7   The amounts  so  paid shall be based upon requisitions of the               


8   authority subject to  the  audits  hereinbefore  described in               


9   this act.   Inasmuch as the bridge will be an essential part of             


10  the public highway system of the state and the operation,  The              


11  repair and maintenance of the bridge  will be the performance of            


12  shall be an essential governmental function of the state, and the           


13  provisions of this paragraph shall have the force of contract               


14  with the holders of the bonds issued for the bridge, subject only           


15  to  prior pledges of said funds heretofore made:  Provided, That            


16  the state of Michigan shall not be  pledges of funds previously             


17  made.  This state is not liable for any bonds or other                      


18  obligations issued under  the provisions of  this act, and the              


19  full faith and credit of the state  shall not be  is not pledged            


20  in carrying out any  such  obligations under this act.                      


21      (3) It may be provided in the resolution authorizing or the                 


22  trust indenture securing the bonds that the authority may not               


23  sell, encumber, lease, or otherwise dispose of the bridge or any            


24  substantial part  thereof  of the bridge while the bonds are                


25  outstanding, except under such provisions as may be  therein                


26  provided under this act.                                                    


27      (4)  At such time as  When the cost of the bridge, including                


1   all principal of and interest on the bonds issued  hereunder                


2   under this act and all advances made  therefor,  shall have been            


3   fully paid from  such  the tolls, fees, rents, rates, and                   


4   charges,  said  the bridge shall  thereafter  be maintained and             


5   operated by the state  highway commissioner, who is hereby                  


6   authority, which is authorized to continue to charge  such  the             


7   tolls, fees, rates, and charges for the use of  said  the bridge            


8   as are  deemed  necessary  by him to reimburse the state highway            


9   department for all sums theretofore paid by said department                 


10  pursuant to the provisions of this act  for operation and                   


11  maintenance of the bridge.  :  Provided, however, That at such              


12  time as said reimbursement has been made, said bridge shall                 


13  thereafter be maintained and operated by the state highway                  


14  commissioner as a free bridge.                                              


15      (5) As of March 1, 2003, all advances made by this state to                 


16  the Mackinac bridge authority pursuant to sections 161 and 163 of           


17  the motor fuel tax act, 2000 PA 403, MCL 207.1161 and 207.1163,             


18  have been repaid or forgiven.                                               


19      Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


20  effect unless Senate Bill No. 464 of the 92nd Legislature is                


21  enacted into law.