SB-0467, As Passed Senate, June 18, 2003
A bill to amend 1952 PA 214, entitled
"An act authorizing the Mackinac bridge authority to acquire a
bridge connecting the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan,
including causeways, tunnels, roads and all useful related
equipment and facilities, including park, parking, recreation,
lighting and terminal facilities; extending the corporate
existence of the authority; authorizing such authority to enjoy
and carry out all powers incident to its corporate objects;
authorizing the appropriation and use of state funds for the
preliminary purposes of the authority; providing for the payment
of the cost of such bridge and in that connection authorizing the
authority to issue revenue bonds payable solely from the revenues
of the bridge; granting the right of condemnation to the
authority; granting the use of state land and property to the
authority; making provisions for the payment and security of such
bonds and granting certain rights and remedies to the holders
thereof; authorizing banks and trust companies to perform certain
acts in connection therewith; authorizing the imposition of tolls
and charges; authorizing the authority to secure the consent of
the United States government to the construction of the bridge
and to secure approval of plans, specifications and location of
same; authorizing employment of engineers irrespective of whether
such engineers have been previously employed to make preliminary
inspections or reports with respect to the bridge; authorizing
the state highway department to operate and maintain such bridge
or to contribute thereto and enter into leases and agreements in
connection therewith; exempting such bonds and the property of
the authority from taxation; prohibiting competing traffic
facilities; authorizing the operation of ferries by the
authority; providing for the construction and use of certain
buildings; and making an appropriation,"
by amending section 12 (MCL 254.322).
1 Sec. 12. (1) No
free use of such bridge shall be
2 permitted, but Except as provided in this section, all
3 individuals or vehicles
using such the bridge shall pay the
4 tolls and charges
established for such use by the authority.
5 This provision,
however, shall not apply to the operating
6 personnel or vehicles
of the authority. The authority
shall not
7 charge tolls or charges to its own personnel or vehicles.
8 Beginning July 1, 2003, the authority shall not charge tolls or
9 charges to authorized emergency vehicles that are in the process
10 of responding to an emergency, transporting a patient from a
11 health facility or agency to another health facility or agency,
12 or returning from transporting a patient from a health facility
13 or agency to another health facility or agency.
14 (2) As used in this section:
15 (a) "Authorized emergency vehicles" means that term as
16 defined in section 2 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300,
17 MCL 257.2.
18 (b) "Health facility or agency" means that term as defined
19 in section 20106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL
20 333.20106.