SB-0554, As Passed House, July 17, 2003    















                           HOUSE SUBSTITUTE FOR                                 


                           SENATE BILL NO. 554                                  


                       (As Amended July 16, 2003)                               








                                                                                 [A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled                                             


    "Michigan vehicle code,"                                                    


    by amending sections 217a, 217d, 226, 226b, 307, 310, 312e, 312h,           


    320e, 723, 801, 802, 803b, 803m, 804, 806, 807, 810, 811, 811c,             


    811h, and 812 (MCL 257.217a, 257.217d, 257.226, 257.226b,                   


    257.307, 257.310, 257.312e, 257.312h, 257.320e, 257.723, 257.801,           


    257.802, 257.803b, 257.803m, 257.804, 257.806, 257.807, 257.810,            


    257.811, 257.811c, 257.811h, and 257.812), section 217a as                  


    amended by 1988 PA 419, section 217d as amended by 2000 PA 78,              


    section 226 as amended by 2002 PA 642, section 226b and 312h as             


    amended by 1989 PA 299, section 307 as amended by 2002 PA 534,              


    sections 310 and 312e as amended by 2002 PA 652, section 320e as            


    amended by 1998 PA 346, section 723 as amended by 1988 PA 346,              


    section 801 as amended by 2002 PA 417, section 802 as amended by            


    1998 PA 396, section 803b as amended by 1996 PA 142, section 803m           


     Senate Bill No. 554 (H-7) as amended July 16, 2003


    as amended and section 811c as added by 1994 PA 332, section 804            


    as amended and section 811h as added by 2000 PA 77, section 806             


    as amended by 2002 PA 497, section 807 as amended by 1998 PA 384,           


    section 810 as amended by 1987 PA 238, section 811 as amended by            


    2000 PA 456, and section 812 as amended by 1989 PA 280, and by              


    adding sections 803r, 810b, 819a, and 819b; and to repeal acts and          


    parts of acts.]                                                             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 217a.  (1) A person who holds an unexpired technician,                 


2   general, conditional, advanced, or extra class amateur radio                


3   license issued by the federal communications commission may make            


4   application directly to the secretary of state for a registration           


5   plate inscribed with the official amateur radio call letters of             


6   the applicant as assigned by the federal communications                     


7   commission.                                                                 


8       (2) The applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the                    


9   secretary of state that the applicant holds an unexpired amateur            


10  radio license.  In addition to the regular registration fee, the            


11  applicant shall pay a service fee of $2.00.  The $2.00 fee shall            


12  be credited to the  Michigan  transportation administration                 


13  collection fund  ; and, after deduction of manufacturing and                


14  administrative costs, the service fee shall be allocated pursuant           


15  to section 10 of Act No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, being               


16  section 247.660 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  created under                


17  section 810b.  A plate may be issued for a motor vehicle which              


18  bears a registration issued pursuant to section 801(1)(a) and               


19  (q).                                                                        


1       (3) If a plate issued under this section is used on a vehicle               


2   other than the vehicle for which the plate was issued, the owner            


3   of the plate is guilty of a misdemeanor and the registration                


4   plate shall be surrendered to the secretary of state.  A holder             


5   of a plate whose amateur radio license is not in full force and             


6   effect immediately shall surrender the call letter plate to the             


7   secretary of state and obtain a regular registration plate.                 


8       (4) An application for a plate issued under this section                    


9   shall be submitted to the secretary of state pursuant to section            


10  217.  The expiration date for plates issued under this section              


11  shall be the date determined pursuant to section 226.                       


12      Sec. 217d.  (1) The secretary of state shall design and may                 


13  issue a special congressional medal of honor registration plate             


14  for residents of this state awarded the congressional medal of              


15  honor.                                                                      


16      (2) A special congressional medal of honor registration plate               


17  shall be issued only for 1 vehicle intended for personal use by             


18  the applicant.                                                              


19      (3) A person who is a recipient of the congressional medal of               


20  honor may apply to the secretary of state for a special                     


21  registration plate under this section on a form prescribed by the           


22  secretary of state, which shall be accompanied by any proof of              


23  the applicant having been a congressional medal of honor                    


24  recipient that the secretary of state may require.  The secretary           


25  of state shall waive the $5.00 service fee requirement under                


26  section 804.                                                                


27      (4) A person who qualifies to be issued a special                           


1   registration plate under this section is entitled to only 1                 


2   special registration plate issued under subsection (1) that is              


3   exempt from payment of the tax provided in section 801.                     


4       (5) A person with disabilities who applies for a special                    


5   registration plate under this section shall be issued a tab for             


6   persons with disabilities as provided in section 803f for his or            


7   her special registration plate.  The secretary of state shall               


8   require the same proof that the applicant is disabled as is                 


9   required for issuance of a permanent windshield placard under               


10  section 675.                                                                


11      (6) A special registration plate issued under subsection (1)                


12  expires on the birthday of the vehicle owner in a year in which             


13  new plates are issued by the secretary of state.                            


14      (7) The secretary of state shall deliver or cause to be                     


15  delivered 1 or more special registration plates issued under this           


16  section to the home address of the applicant at no additional               


17  cost to the applicant.                                                      


18      (8) The secretary of state shall develop and, upon                          


19  application, may issue a Michigan veterans memorial registration            


20  plate to an applicant for use on the passenger motor vehicle,               


21  pickup truck, van, motor home, hearse, bus, trailer coach, or               


22  trailer for which the registration plate is issued instead of a             


23  standard registration plate.  Michigan veterans memorial                    


24  registration plates shall bear letters and numbers that the                 


25  secretary of state prescribes.  The plate shall be of a design as           


26  determined by the secretary of state.  The word "Michigan" shall            


27  appear on each Michigan veterans memorial registration plate.               


1       (9) An application for a Michigan veterans memorial                         


2   registration plate shall be submitted to the secretary of state             


3   pursuant to the procedures prescribed in section 217.                       


4   Application for an original or renewal Michigan veterans memorial           


5   registration plate shall be accompanied with payment of the                 


6   regular vehicle registration tax in addition to the following:              


7       (a) For an original Michigan veterans memorial registration                 


8   plate, a donation of $25.00 and a service fee of not more than              


9   $10.00, as determined by the secretary of state.  The $10.00                


10  service fee shall be deposited in the transportation                        


11  administration collection fund created under section 810b.                  


12      (b) For a renewal Michigan veterans memorial registration                   


13  plate, a  service fee  donation of $10.00.                                  


14      (10) A Michigan veterans memorial registration plate shall                  


15  expire as described in section 226.  Upon the issuance or renewal           


16  of a Michigan veterans memorial registration plate, the secretary           


17  of state may issue a tab or tabs designating the month and year             


18  of expiration.                                                              


19      (11) The secretary of state may issue a temporary                           


20  registration permit to a person who submits an application and              


21  the proper payments for a Michigan veterans memorial registration           


22  plate if the applicant's current vehicle registration will expire           


23  before his or her receipt of a Michigan veterans memorial                   


24  registration plate.  The temporary registration shall expire upon           


25  receipt of a Michigan veterans memorial registration plate or 60            


26  days after the issuance of a Michigan veterans memorial                     


27  registration plate, whichever occurs first.  The temporary permit           


1   shall be issued without a separate fee.                                     


2       (12) Michigan veterans memorial registration plate service                  


3   fees collected under this section by the secretary of state shall           


4   be identified and segregated by the secretary of state into a               


5   separate account.   After deducting the manufacturing and                   


6   administrative costs of the secretary of state, including                   


7   administrative costs associated with issuing, replacing, and                


8   substituting plates, the  The secretary of state shall on a                 


9   quarterly basis transfer all of the donations  and the balance of           


10  the Michigan veterans memorial registration plate service fees              


11  to the state treasurer who shall credit the  fee money  donations           


12  to the Vietnam veterans memorial monument fund created in section           


13  3 of the Michigan Vietnam veterans memorial act, 1988 PA 234, MCL           


14  35.1053.  These  funds  donations shall be used exclusively for             


15  the purposes described in sections 5 and 7 of the Michigan                  


16  Vietnam veterans memorial act, 1988 PA 234, MCL 35.1055 and                 


17  35.1057.                                                                    


18      (13) For purposes of this section, "Michigan veterans                       


19  memorial registration plate" means a registration plate                     


20  containing a specialized design pertaining to Michigan veterans.            


21      Sec. 226.  (1) A vehicle registration issued by the                         


22  secretary of state expires on the owner's birthday, unless                  


23  another expiration date is provided for under this act or unless            


24  the registration is for the following vehicles, in which case               


25  registration expires on the last day of February:                           


26      (a) A commercial vehicle except for a commercial vehicle                    


27  issued a registration under the international registration plan             


1   or a pickup truck or van owned by an individual.                            


2       (b) Except for a trailer or semitrailer issued a registration               


3   under the international registration plan, a trailer or                     


4   semitrailer owned by a business, corporation, or person other               


5   than an individual; or a pole trailer.                                      


6       (2) The expiration date for a registration issued for a                     


7   motorcycle is March 31.                                                     


8       (3) The expiration date for a registration bearing the                      


9   letters "SEN" or "REP" is February 1.                                       


10      (4) In the case of a vehicle owned by a business,                           


11  corporation, or an owner other than an individual, the secretary            


12  of state may assign or reassign the expiration date of the                  


13  registration.                                                               


14      (5) The secretary of state shall do all of the following:                   


15      (a) After the October 1 immediately preceding the year                      


16  designated on the registration, issue a registration upon                   


17  application and payment of the proper fee for a commercial                  


18  vehicle, other than a pickup or van owned by an individual; or a            


19  trailer owned by a business, corporation, or person other than an           


20  individual.                                                                 


21      (b) Beginning 60 days before the expiration date assigned on                


22  an international registration plan registration plate, issue a              


23  registration under section 801g upon application and payment of             


24  the proper apportioned fee for a commercial vehicle engaged in              


25  interstate commerce.                                                        


26      (c) After the February 14 immediately preceding the year                    


27  designated on a registration, issue a registration upon                     


1   application and payment of the proper fee for a motorcycle.                 


2       (d) Beginning 45 days before the owner's birthday and 120                   


3   days before the expiration date assigned by the secretary of                


4   state, issue a registration for a vehicle other than those                  


5   designated in subsection (1)(a) or (b).  However, if an owner               


6   whose registration period begins 45 days before his or her                  


7   birthday will be out of the state during the 45 days immediately            


8   preceding expiration of a registration or for other good cause              


9   shown cannot apply for a renewal registration within the 45-day             


10  period, application for a renewal registration may be made not              


11  more than 6 months before expiration.                                       


12      (6) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the                    


13  secretary of state, upon application and payment of the proper              


14  fee, shall issue a registration for a vehicle to a resident that            


15  shall expire on the owner's birthday.  If the owner's next                  


16  birthday is at least 6 months but not more than 12 months in the            


17  future, the owner shall receive a registration valid until the              


18  owner's next birthday.  If the owner's next birthday is less than           


19  6 months in the future, the owner shall receive a registration              


20  valid until the owner's birthday following the owner's next                 


21  birthday.  The tax required under this act for a registration               


22  described in this subsection shall  bear the same relationship to           


23  the tax required under section 801 for a 12-month registration as           


24  the length of time of the registration bears to 12 months.  be              


25  either of the following:                                                    


26      (a) For an original registration, the tax shall bear the same               


27  relationship to the tax required under section 801 for a 12-month           


1   registration as the length of the registration bears to 12                  


2   months.                                                                     


3       (b) For a renewal of a registration, either of the                          


4   following:                                                                  


5                                                                                (i) For a registration that is for at least 6 months but not                        


6   more than 12 months, the same amount as for 12 months.                      


7       (ii) For a renewal of a registration that is for more than 12                


8   months, 2 times the amount for 12 months.                                   


9   Partial months shall be considered as whole months in the                   


10  calculation of the required tax and in the determination of the             


11  length of time between the application for a registration and the           


12  owner's next birthday.  The tax required for that registration              


13  shall be rounded off to whole dollars as provided in section                


14  801.                                                                        


15      (7) A certificate of title shall remain valid until canceled                


16  by the secretary of state for cause or upon a transfer of an                


17  interest shown on the certificate of title.                                 


18      (8) The secretary of state, upon request, shall issue special               


19  registration for commercial vehicles, valid for 6 months after              


20  the date of issue, if the full registration fee exceeds $50.00,             


21  on the payment of 1/2 the full registration fee and a service               


22  charge as enumerated in section 802(1).                                     


23      (9) The secretary of state may issue a special registration                 


24  for each of the following:                                                  


25      (a) A new vehicle purchased or leased outside of this state                 


26  and delivered in this state to the purchaser or lessee by the               


27  manufacturer of that vehicle for removal to a place outside of              


1   this state, if a certification is made that the vehicle will be             


2   primarily used, stored, and registered outside of this state and            


3   will not be returned to this state by the purchaser or lessee for           


4   use or storage.                                                             


5       (b) A vehicle purchased or leased in this state and delivered               


6   to the purchaser or lessee by a dealer or by the owner of the               


7   vehicle for removal to a place outside of this state, if a                  


8   certification is made that the vehicle will be primarily used,              


9   stored, and registered outside of this state and will not be                


10  returned to this state by the purchaser or lessee for use or                


11  storage.                                                                    


12      (10) A special registration issued under subsection (9) is                  


13  valid for not more than 14 days after the date of issuance, and a           


14  fee shall be collected for each special registration as provided            


15  in section 802(3).  The special registration may be in the form             


16  determined by the secretary of state.  If a dealer makes a retail           


17  sale or lease of a vehicle to a purchaser or lessee who is                  


18  qualified and eligible to obtain a special registration, the                


19  dealer shall apply for the special registration for the purchaser           


20  or lessee.  If a person other than a dealer sells or leases a               


21  vehicle to a purchaser or lessee who is qualified and eligible to           


22  obtain a special registration, the purchaser or lessee shall                


23  appear in person, or by a person exercising the purchaser's or              


24  lessee's power of attorney, at an office of the secretary of                


25  state and furnish a certification that the person is the bona               


26  fide purchaser or lessee or that the person has granted the power           


27  of attorney, together with other forms required for the issuance            


1   of the special registration and provide the secretary of state              


2   with proof that the vehicle is covered by a Michigan no-fault               


3   insurance policy issued pursuant to section 3101 of the insurance           


4   code of 1956, 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.3101, or proof that the                  


5   vehicle is covered by a policy of insurance issued by an insurer            


6   pursuant to section 3163 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956                


7   PA 218, MCL 500.3163.  The certification required in this                   


8   subsection shall contain all of the following:                              


9       (a) The address of the purchaser or lessee.                                 


10      (b) A statement that the vehicle is purchased or leased for                 


11  registration outside of this state.                                         


12      (c) A statement that the vehicle shall be primarily used,                   


13  stored, and registered outside of this state.                               


14      (d) The name of the jurisdiction in which the vehicle is to                 


15  be registered.                                                              


16      (e) Other information requested by the secretary of state.                  


17      (11) Upon request, the secretary of state may issue a                       


18  registration valid for 6 months after the date of issuance for              


19  use on a trailer or semitrailer weighing 1,500 pounds or less and           


20  that is used for recreational purposes, upon payment of 1/2 the             


21  full registration fee imposed under section 801(1)(l).  This                


22  subsection does not apply after October 1, 2003.                            


23      (12) In the case of a commercial vehicle, trailer, or                       


24  semitrailer issued a registration under the international                   


25  registration plan, the secretary of state in mutual agreement               


26  with the owner may assign or reassign the expiration date of the            


27  registration.  However, the expiration date agreed to shall be              


1   either March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31.  Renewals           


2   expiring on or after September 30, 1993 shall be for a minimum of           


3   at least 12 months if there is a change in the established                  


4   expiration date.                                                            


5       (13) The expiration date for a multiyear registration issued                


6   for a leased vehicle shall be the date the lease expires but                


7   shall not be for a period longer than 24 months.                            


8       Sec. 226b.  (1) A temporary registration may be issued to an                


9   owner of a vehicle.  The registration shall be valid for  14                


10  either 30 days or 60 days from date of issue, at the discretion             


11  of the owner, and shall be in a form as determined by the                   


12  secretary of state.  A fee shall be collected for each temporary            


13  registration as provided in section 802.                                    


14      (2) A vehicle which has a temporary registration shall not be               


15  used for the transportation of passengers for hire  ,  or for the           


16  transportation of goods, wares, or merchandise  ,  or draw other            


17  vehicles transporting goods, wares, or merchandise.                         


18      Sec. 307.  (1) An applicant for an operator's or chauffeur's                


19  license shall supply a birth certificate attesting to his or her            


20  age or other sufficient documents or identification as the                  


21  secretary of state may require.  An application for an operator's           


22  or chauffeur's license shall be made in a manner prescribed by              


23  the secretary of state and shall contain all of the following:              


24      (a) The applicant's full name, date of birth, residence                     


25  address, height, sex, eye color, signature, other information               


26  required or permitted on the license under this chapter, and, to            


27  the extent required to comply with federal law, the applicant's             


1   social security number.  The applicant may provide a mailing                


2   address if the applicant receives mail at an address different              


3   from his or her residence address.                                          


4       (b) The following notice shall be included to inform the                    


5   applicant that under sections 509o and 509r of the Michigan                 


6   election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.509o and 168.509r, the                   


7   secretary of state is required to use the residence address                 


8   provided on this application as the applicant's residence address           


9   on the qualified voter file for voter registration and voting:              




10    "NOTICE:  Michigan law requires that the same address be used             


11    for voter registration and driver license purposes.  Therefore,           


12    if the residence address you provide in this application                  


13    differs from your voter registration address as it appears on             


14    the qualified voter file, the secretary of state will                     


15    automatically change your voter registration to match the                 


16    residence address on this application, after which your voter             


17    registration at your former address will no longer be valid for           


18    voting purposes.  A new voter registration card, containing the           


19    information of your polling place, will be provided to you by             


20    the clerk of the jurisdiction where your residence address is             


21    located.".                                                                


22      (c) For an operator's or chauffeur's license with a vehicle                 


23  group designation or indorsement, the following certifications by           


24  the applicant:                                                              


25                                                                               (i) The applicant meets the applicable federal driver                               


26  qualification requirements under 49 C.F.R. part 391 if the                  


1   applicant operates or intends to operate in interstate commerce             


2   or meets the applicable qualifications under the rules                      


3   promulgated by the department of state police under the motor               


4   carrier safety act of 1963, 1963 PA 181, MCL 480.11 to 480.22, if           


5   the applicant operates or intends to operate in intrastate                  


6   commerce.                                                                   


7       (ii) The vehicle in which the applicant will take the driving                


8   skills tests is representative of the type of vehicle the                   


9   applicant operates or intends to operate.                                   


10      (iii) The applicant is not subject to disqualification,                      


11  suspension, revocation, or cancellation for conviction of an                


12  offense described in section 312f or 319b.                                  


13      (iv) The applicant does not have a driver's license from more                


14  than 1 state.                                                               


15      (d) An applicant for an operator's or chauffeur's license                   


16  with a vehicle group designation and a hazardous material                   


17  indorsement (H vehicle indorsement) shall provide his or her                


18  fingerprints which shall have been taken by a law enforcement               


19  official or a designated representative for investigation as                


20  required by the uniting and strengthening America by providing              


21  appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism              


22  (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001, Public Law 107-56, 115 Stat. 272.            


23      (2) Except as provided in this subsection, an applicant for                 


24  an operator's or chauffeur's license may have his or her image              


25  and signature captured or reproduced when the application for the           


26  license is made.  An applicant required under section 5a of the             


27  sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.725a, to                


1   maintain a valid operator's or chauffeur's license or official              


2   state personal identification card shall have his or her image              


3   and signature captured or reproduced when the application for the           


4   license is made.  The secretary of state shall acquire by                   


5   purchase or lease the equipment for capturing the images and                


6   signatures and may furnish the equipment to a local unit                    


7   authorized by the secretary of state to license drivers.  The               


8   secretary of state shall acquire equipment purchased or leased              


9   pursuant to this section under standard purchasing procedures of            


10  the department of management and budget based on standards and              


11  specifications established by the secretary of state.  The                  


12  secretary of state shall not purchase or lease equipment until an           


13  appropriation for the equipment has been made by the                        


14  legislature.  An image and signature captured pursuant to this              


15  section shall appear on the applicant's operator's or chauffeur's           


16  license.  Except as provided in this subsection, the secretary of           


17  state may retain and use a person's image described in this                 


18  subsection only for programs administered by the secretary of               


19  state.  Except as provided in this subsection, the secretary of             


20  state shall not use a person's image unless the person grants               


21  written permission for that purpose to the secretary of state or            


22  specific enabling legislation permitting the use is enacted into            


23  law.  A law enforcement agency of this state has access to                  


24  information retained by the secretary of state under this                   


25  subsection.  The information may be utilized for any law                    


26  enforcement purpose unless otherwise prohibited by law.  The                


27  department of state police shall provide to the secretary of                


1   state updated lists of persons required to be registered under              


2   the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.721 to              


3   28.732, and the secretary of state shall make the images of those           


4   persons available to the department of state police as provided             


5   in that act.                                                                


6       (3) An application shall contain a signature and                            


7   certification by the applicant and shall be accompanied by the              


8   proper fee.  The examiner shall collect the application fee and             


9   shall forward the fee to the secretary of state with the                    


10  application.  The secretary of state shall refund the application           


11  fee to the applicant if the license applied for is denied, but              


12  shall not refund the fee to an applicant who fails to complete              


13  the examination requirements of the secretary of state within 90            


14  days after the date of application for a license.   A service fee           


15  of $1.00 shall be added to each fee collected for an original,              


16  renewal, duplicate, or corrected operator's or chauffeur's                  


17  license.  The service fee received and collected under this                 


18  subsection shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit           


19  of the general fund.  The service fee shall be used to defray the           


20  expenses of the secretary of state.  Appropriations from the                


21  Michigan transportation fund shall not be used to compensate the            


22  secretary of state for costs incurred and services performed                


23  under this section.                                                         


24      (4) In conjunction with the issuance of an operator's or                    


25  chauffeur's license, the secretary of state shall do all of the             


26  following:                                                                  


27      (a) Provide the applicant with all of the following:                        


1                                                                                (i) Written information explaining the applicant's right to                         


2   make an anatomical gift in the event of death in accordance with            


3   section 310.                                                                


4       (ii) Written information describing the organ donation                       


5   registry program maintained by Michigan's federally designated              


6   organ procurement organization or its successor organization.               


7   The written information required under this subparagraph shall              


8   include, in a type size and format that is conspicuous in                   


9   relation to the surrounding material, the address and telephone             


10  number of Michigan's federally designated organ procurement                 


11  organization or its successor organization, along with an                   


12  advisory to call Michigan's federally designated organ                      


13  procurement organization or its successor organization with                 


14  questions about the organ donor registry program.                           


15      (iii) Written information giving the applicant the                           


16  opportunity to be placed on the organ donation registry described           


17  in subparagraph (ii).                                                        


18      (b) Provide the applicant with the opportunity to specify on                


19  his or her operator's or chauffeur's license that he or she is              


20  willing to make an anatomical gift in the event of death in                 


21  accordance with section 310.                                                


22      (c) Inform the applicant in writing that, if he or she                      


23  indicates to the secretary of state under this section a                    


24  willingness to have his or her name placed on the organ donor               


25  registry described in subdivision (a)(ii), the secretary of state            


26  will forward the applicant's name and address to the organ                  


27  donation registry maintained by Michigan's federally designated             


1   organ procurement organization or its successor organization, as            


2   required by subsection (6).                                                 


3       (5) The secretary of state may fulfill the requirements of                  


4   subsection (4) by 1 or more of the following methods:                       


5       (a) Providing printed material enclosed with a mailed notice                


6   for an operator's or chauffeur's license renewal or the issuance            


7   of an operator's or chauffeur's license.                                    


8       (b) Providing printed material to an applicant who personally               


9   appears at a secretary of state branch office.                              


10      (c) Through electronic information transmittals for                         


11  operator's and chauffeur's licenses processed by electronic                 


12  means.                                                                      


13      (6) If an applicant indicates a willingness under this                      


14  section to have his or her name placed on the organ donor                   


15  registry described in subsection (4)(a)(ii), the secretary of                


16  state shall within 10 days forward the applicant's name and                 


17  address to the organ donor registry maintained by Michigan's                


18  federally designated organ procurement organization or its                  


19  successor organization.  The secretary of state may forward                 


20  information under this subsection by mail or by electronic                  


21  means.  The secretary of state shall not maintain a record of the           


22  name or address of an individual who indicates a willingness to             


23  have his or her name placed on the organ donor registry after               


24  forwarding that information to the organ donor registry under               


25  this subsection.  Information about an applicant's indication of            


26  a willingness to have his or her name placed on the organ donor             


27  registry that is obtained by the secretary of state under                   


1   subsection (4) and forwarded under this subsection is exempt from           


2   disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442,               


3   MCL 15.231 to 15.246, pursuant to section 13(1)(d) of the freedom           


4   of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.243.                                


5       (7) If an application is received from a person previously                  


6   licensed in another jurisdiction, the secretary of state shall              


7   request a copy of the applicant's driving record and other                  


8   available information from the national driver register.  When              


9   received, the driving record and other available information                


10  become a part of the driver's record in this state.  If the                 


11  application is for an original, renewal, or upgrade of a vehicle            


12  group designation or indorsement, the secretary of state shall              


13  check the applicant's driving record with the national driver               


14  register and the federal commercial driver license information              


15  system before issuing that group designation or indorsement.                


16      (8) Except for a vehicle group designation or indorsement or                


17  as provided in this subsection, the secretary of state may issue            


18  a renewal operator's or chauffeur's license for 1 additional                


19  4-year period by mail or by other methods prescribed by the                 


20  secretary of state.  The secretary of state shall issue a renewal           


21  license only in person if the person is a person required under             


22  section 5a of the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295,              


23  MCL 28.725a, to maintain a valid operator's or chauffeur's                  


24  license or official state personal identification card.  If a               


25  license is renewed by mail or by other method, the secretary of             


26  state shall issue evidence of renewal to indicate the date the              


27  license expires in the future.  The department of state police              


1   shall provide to the secretary of state updated lists of persons            


2   required under section 5a of the sex offenders registration act,            


3   1994 PA 295, MCL 28.725a, to maintain a valid operator's or                 


4   chauffeur's license or official state personal identification               


5   card.                                                                       


6       (9) Upon request, the secretary of state shall provide an                   


7   information manual to an applicant explaining how to obtain a               


8   vehicle group designation or indorsement.  The manual shall                 


9   contain the information required under 49 C.F.R. part 383.                  


10      (10) The secretary of state shall not disclose a social                     


11  security number obtained under subsection (1) to another person             


12  except for use for 1 or more of the following purposes:                     


13      (a) Compliance with chapter 313 of title 49 of the United                   


14  States Code, 49 U.S.C. 31301 to 31317, and regulations and state            


15  law and rules related to this chapter.                                      


16      (b) Through the law enforcement information network, to carry               


17  out the purposes of section 466(a) of part D of title IV of the             


18  social security act, 42 U.S.C. 666, in connection with matters              


19  relating to paternity, child support, or overdue child support.             


20      (c) As otherwise required by law.                                           


21      (11) The secretary of state shall not display a person's                    


22  social security number on the person's operator's or chauffeur's            


23  license.                                                                    


24      (12) A requirement under this section to include a social                   


25  security number on an application does not apply to an applicant            


26  who demonstrates he or she is exempt under law from obtaining a             


27  social security number or to an applicant who for religious                 


1   convictions is exempt under law from disclosure of his or her               


2   social security number under these circumstances.  The secretary            


3   of state shall inform the applicant of this possible exemption.             


4       Sec. 310.  (1) The secretary of state shall issue an                        


5   operator's license to each person licensed as an operator and a             


6   chauffeur's license to each person licensed as a chauffeur.  An             


7   applicant for a motorcycle indorsement under section 312a or a              


8   vehicle group designation or indorsement shall first qualify for            


9   an operator's or chauffeur's license before the indorsement or              


10  vehicle group designation application is accepted and processed.            


11  Beginning on and after July 1, 2003, an original license or the             


12  first renewal of an existing license issued to a person less than           


13  21 years of age shall be portrait or vertical in form and  an               


14  original license or the first renewal of an existing  a license             


15  issued to a person 21 years of age or over shall be landscape or            


16  horizontal in form.                                                         


17      (2) The license issued under subsection (1) shall contain all               


18  of the following information:                                               


19      (a) The distinguishing number permanently assigned to the                   


20  licensee.                                                                   


21      (b) The full name, date of birth, address of residence,                     


22  height, eye color, sex, an image, and the signature of the                  


23  licensee.                                                                   


24      (c) An indication that the license contains 1 or more of the                


25  following:                                                                  


26                                                                               (i) The blood type of the licensee.                                                 


27      (ii) Immunization data of the licensee.                                      


1       (iii) Medication data of the licensee.                                       


2       (iv) A statement that the licensee is deaf.                                  


3       (v) A statement that the licensee is an organ and tissue                    


4   donor pursuant to part 101 of the public health code, 1978                  


5   PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10109.                                         


6       (vi) Emergency contact information of the licensee.                          


7       (vii) A sticker or decal as specified by the secretary of                    


8   state to indicate that the licensee has designated 1 or more                


9   patient advocates in accordance with section 5506 of the estates            


10  and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386, MCL 700.5506, or a             


11  statement that the licensee carries an emergency medical                    


12  information card.                                                           


13      (d) If the licensee has made a statement described in                       


14  subdivision (c)(v), the signature of the licensee following the             


15  indication of his or her organ and tissue donor intent identified           


16  in subdivision (c)(v), along with the signature of at least 1               


17  witness.                                                                    


18      (e) The sticker or decal described in subdivision (c)(vii)                   


19  may be provided by any person, hospital, school, medical group,             


20  or association interested in assisting in implementing the                  


21  emergency medical information card, but shall meet the                      


22  specifications of the secretary of state.  The emergency medical            


23  information card may contain the information described in                   


24  subdivision (c)(vi), information concerning the licensee's                   


25  patient advocate designation, other emergency medical                       


26  information, or an indication as to where the licensee has stored           


27  or registered emergency medical information.                                


1       (f) Beginning July 1, 2003, in the case of a licensee who is                


2   less than 18 years of age at the time of issuance of the license,           


3   the date on which the licensee will become 18 years of age and 21           


4   years of age.                                                               


5       (g) Beginning July 1, 2003, in the case of a licensee who is                


6   at least 18 years of age but less than 21 years of age at the               


7   time of issuance of the license, the date on which the licensee             


8   will become 21 years of age.                                                


9       (3) Except as otherwise required in this chapter, other                     


10  information required on the license pursuant to this chapter may            


11  appear on the license in a form prescribed by the secretary of              


12  state.                                                                      


13      (4) The license shall not contain a fingerprint or finger                   


14  image of the licensee.                                                      


15      (5) A digitized license may contain an identifier for voter                 


16  registration purposes.  The digitized license may contain                   


17  information appearing in electronic or machine readable codes               


18  needed to conduct a transaction with the secretary of state.  The           


19  information shall be limited to the person's driver license                 


20  number, birth date, license expiration date, and other                      


21  information necessary for use with electronic devices, machine              


22  readers, or automatic teller machines and shall not contain the             


23  person's name, address, driving record, or other personal                   


24  identifier.  The license shall identify the encoded information.            


25      (6) The license shall be manufactured in a manner to prohibit               


26  as nearly as possible the ability to reproduce, alter,                      


27  counterfeit, forge, or duplicate the license without ready                  


1   detection.  In addition, a license with a vehicle group                     


2   designation shall contain the information required pursuant to              


3   49 C.F.R. part 383.                                                         


4       (7) A person who intentionally reproduces, alters,                          


5   counterfeits, forges, or duplicates a license photograph, the               


6   negative of the photograph, an image, a license, or the                     


7   electronic data contained on a license or a part of a license or            


8   who uses a license, an image, or photograph that has been                   


9   reproduced, altered, counterfeited, forged, or duplicated is                


10  subject to 1 of the following:                                              


11      (a) If the intent of the reproduction, alteration,                          


12  counterfeiting, forging, duplication, or use was to commit or aid           


13  in the commission of an offense that is a felony punishable by              


14  imprisonment for 10 or more years, the person committing the                


15  reproduction, alteration, counterfeiting, forging, duplication,             


16  or use is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not            


17  more than 10 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or                


18  both.                                                                       


19      (b) If the intent of the reproduction, alteration,                          


20  counterfeiting, forging, duplication, or use was to commit or aid           


21  in the commission of an offense that is a felony punishable by              


22  imprisonment for less than 10 years or a misdemeanor punishable             


23  by imprisonment for 6 months or more, the person committing the             


24  reproduction, alteration, counterfeiting, forging, duplication,             


25  or use is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not            


26  more than 5 years, or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or                


27  both.                                                                       


1       (c) If the intent of the reproduction, alteration,                          


2   counterfeiting, forging, duplication, or use was to commit or aid           


3   in the commission of an offense that is a misdemeanor punishable            


4   by imprisonment for less than 6 months, the person committing the           


5   reproduction, alteration, counterfeiting, forging, duplication,             


6   or use is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for            


7   not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or               


8   both.                                                                       


9       (8) Except as provided in subsection (16), a person who                     


10  sells, or who possesses with the intent to deliver to another, a            


11  reproduced, altered, counterfeited, forged, or duplicated license           


12  photograph, negative of the photograph, image, license, or                  


13  electronic data contained on a license or part of a license is              


14  guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5           


15  years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.                       


16      (9) Except as provided in subsection (16), a person who is in               


17  possession of 2 or more reproduced, altered, counterfeited,                 


18  forged, or duplicated license photographs, negatives of the                 


19  photograph, images, licenses, or electronic data contained on a             


20  license or part of a license is guilty of a felony punishable by            


21  imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than           


22  $10,000.00, or both.                                                        


23      (10) Except as provided in subsection (16), a person who is                 


24  in possession of a reproduced, altered, counterfeited, forged, or           


25  duplicated license photograph, negative of the photograph, image,           


26  license, or electronic data contained on a license or part of a             


27  license is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for           


1   not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or               


2   both.                                                                       


3       (11) Subsections (7)(a) and (b), (8), and (9) do not apply to               


4   a minor whose intent is to violate section 703 of the Michigan              


5   liquor control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL 436.1703.                      


6       (12) The secretary of state, upon determining after an                      


7   examination that an applicant is mentally and physically                    


8   qualified to receive a license, may issue to that person a                  


9   temporary driver's permit entitling the person while having the             


10  permit in his or her immediate possession to drive a motor                  


11  vehicle upon the highway for a period not exceeding 60 days                 


12  before issuance to the person of an operator's or chauffeur's               


13  license by the secretary of state.                                          


14      (13) An operator or chauffeur may indicate on the license in                


15  a place designated by the secretary of state his or her blood               


16  type, emergency contact information, immunization data,                     


17  medication data, or a statement that the licensee is deaf, or a             


18  statement that the licensee is an organ and tissue donor and has            


19  made an anatomical gift pursuant to part 101 of the public health           


20  code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10109.                              


21      (14) An operator or chauffeur may indicate on the license in                


22  a place designated by the secretary of state that he or she has             


23  designated a patient advocate in accordance with sections 5506 to           


24  5513 of the estates and protected individuals code, 1998 PA 386,            


25  MCL 700.5506 to 700.5513.                                                   


26      (15) If the applicant provides proof to the secretary of                    


27  state that he or she is a minor who has been emancipated pursuant           


1   to 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.1 to 722.6, the license shall bear the              


2   designation of the individual's emancipated status in a manner              


3   prescribed by the secretary of state.                                       


4       (16) Subsections (8), (9), and (10) do not apply to a person                


5   who is in possession of 1 or more photocopies, reproductions, or            


6   duplications of a license to document the identity of the                   


7   licensee for a legitimate business purpose.                                 


8       Sec. 312e.  (1) Except as otherwise provided in this                        


9   section, a person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle,             


10  shall obtain the required vehicle group designation as follows:             


11      (a) A person, before operating a combination of vehicles with               


12  a gross combination weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more                  


13  including a towed vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of             


14  more than 10,000 pounds, shall procure a group A vehicle                    


15  designation on his or her operator's or chauffeur's license.                


16  Unless an indorsement or the removal of restrictions is required,           


17  a person licensed to operate a group A vehicle may operate a                


18  group B or C vehicle without taking another test.                           


19      (b) A person, before operating a vehicle having a gross                     


20  vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, shall procure a             


21  group B vehicle designation on his or her operator's or                     


22  chauffeur's license.  Unless an indorsement or the removal of               


23  restrictions is required, a person licensed to operate a group B            


24  vehicle may operate a group C vehicle without taking another                


25  test.                                                                       


26      (c) A person, before operating a single vehicle having a                    


27  gross vehicle weight rating under 26,001 pounds or a vehicle                


1   having a gross vehicle weight rating under 26,001 pounds towing a           


2   trailer or other vehicle and carrying hazardous materials on                


3   which a placard is required under 49 C.F.R. parts 100 to 199, or            


4   designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver,           


5   shall procure a group C vehicle designation and a hazardous                 


6   material or passenger vehicle indorsement on his or her                     


7   operator's or chauffeur's license.                                          


8       (2) An applicant for a vehicle group designation shall take                 


9   knowledge and driving skills tests that comply with minimum                 


10  federal standards prescribed in 49 C.F.R. part 383 as required              


11  under this act.                                                             


12      (3) The license shall be issued, suspended, revoked,                        


13  canceled, or renewed in accordance with this act.                           


14      (4) Except as provided in this subsection, all of the                       


15  following apply:                                                            


16      (a) If a person operates a group B passenger vehicle while                  


17  taking his or her driving skills test for a P indorsement, he or            


18  she is restricted to operating only group B or C passenger                  


19  vehicles under that P indorsement.                                          


20      (b) If a person operates a group C passenger vehicle while                  


21  taking his or her driving skills test for a P indorsement, he or            


22  she is restricted to operating only group C passenger vehicles              


23  under that P indorsement.                                                   


24      (c) A person who fails the air brake portion of the written                 


25  or driving skills test provided under section 312f or who takes             


26  the driving skills test provided under that section in a                    


27  commercial motor vehicle that is not equipped with air brakes               


1   shall not operate a commercial motor vehicle equipped with air              


2   brakes.                                                                     


3       (5) A person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle,                  


4   shall obtain required vehicle indorsements as follows:                      


5       (a) A person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle                   


6   pulling double trailers, shall procure the appropriate vehicle              


7   group designation and a T vehicle indorsement under this act.               


8       (b) A person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle                   


9   that is a tank vehicle, shall procure the appropriate vehicle               


10  group designation and an N vehicle indorsement under this act.              


11      (c) A person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle                   


12  carrying hazardous materials on which a placard is required under           


13  49 C.F.R. parts 100 to 199, shall procure the appropriate vehicle           


14  group designation and an H vehicle indorsement under this act.              


15      (d) A person, before operating a commercial motor vehicle                   


16  that is a tank vehicle carrying hazardous material, shall procure           


17  the appropriate vehicle group designation and both an N and H               


18  vehicle indorsement, which shall be designated by the code letter           


19  X on the person's operator's or chauffeur's license.                        


20      (e) A person, before operating a vehicle designed to                        


21  transport 16 or more passengers including the driver, shall                 


22  procure the appropriate vehicle group designation and a P vehicle           


23  indorsement under this act.  An applicant for a P vehicle                   


24  indorsement shall take the driving skills test in a vehicle                 


25  designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the                   


26  driver.                                                                     


27      (6) An applicant for an indorsement shall take the knowledge                


1   and driving skills tests described and required pursuant to                 


2   49 C.F.R. part 383.                                                         


3       (7) The holder of an unexpired operator's or chauffeur's                    


4   license may be issued a vehicle group designation and indorsement           


5   valid for the remainder of the license upon meeting the                     


6   qualifications of section 312f and payment of the original                  


7   vehicle group designation fee of  $20.00  $25.00 and an                     


8   indorsement fee of $5.00 per indorsement, and a corrected license           


9   fee of  $6.00  $18.00.  A person required to procure an F vehicle           


10  indorsement pursuant to subsection (9) shall pay an indorsement             


11  fee of $5.00.                                                               


12      (8) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (9) and (10),               


13  this section does not apply to a driver or operator of a vehicle            


14  under all of the following conditions:                                      


15      (a) The vehicle is controlled and operated by a farmer or an                


16  employee or family member of the farmer.                                    


17      (b) The vehicle is used to transport agricultural products,                 


18  farm machinery, farm supplies, or a combination of these items,             


19  to or from a farm.                                                          


20      (c) The vehicle is not used in the operation of a common or                 


21  contract motor carrier.                                                     


22      (d) The vehicle is operated within 150 miles of the farm.                   


23      (9) A person, before driving or operating a combination of                  


24  vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or           


25  more on the power unit that is used as described in subsection              


26  (8)(a) to (d), shall obtain an F vehicle indorsement.  The F                


27  vehicle indorsement shall be issued upon successful completion of           


1   a knowledge test only.                                                      


2       (10) A person, before driving or operating a single vehicle                 


3   truck having a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or              


4   more or a combination of vehicles having a gross vehicle weight             


5   rating of 26,001 pounds or more on the power unit that is used as           


6   described in subsection (8)(a) to (d) for carrying hazardous                


7   materials on which a placard is required under 49 C.F.R.  parts             


8   100 to 199, shall successfully complete both a knowledge test and           


9   a driving skills test.  Upon successful completion of the                   


10  knowledge test and driving skills test, the person shall be                 


11  issued the appropriate vehicle group designation and any vehicle            


12  indorsement necessary under this act.                                       


13      (11) This section does not apply to a police officer                        


14  operating an authorized emergency vehicle or to a firefighter               


15  operating an authorized emergency vehicle who has met the driver            


16  training standards of the Michigan fire fighters' training                  


17  council.                                                                    


18      (12) This section does not apply to a person operating a                    


19  motor home or a vehicle used exclusively to transport personal              


20  possessions or family members for nonbusiness purposes.                     


21      (13) The money  received and  collected under subsection (7)                


22  for a vehicle group designation or indorsement shall be deposited           


23  in the state treasury to the credit of the general fund.  The               


24  secretary of state shall refund out of the fees collected to each           


25  county or municipality acting as an examining officer or                    


26  examining bureau $3.00 for each applicant examined for a first              


27  designation or indorsement to an operator's or chauffeur's                  


1   license and $1.50 for each renewal designation or indorsement to            


2   an operator's or chauffeur's license, whose application is not              


3   denied, on the condition that the money refunded shall be paid to           


4   the county or local treasurer and is appropriated to the county,            


5   municipality, or officer or bureau receiving that money for the             


6   purpose of carrying out this act.                                           


7       (14) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a                 


8   person operating a vehicle described in subsections (8) and (9)             


9   is subject to the provisions of sections 303 and 319b.                      


10      Sec. 312h.  (1) A person who is issued an original                          


11  chauffeur's license as described in section 314(3), upon payment            


12  of a fee of  $20.00  $25.00 for a vehicle group designation and             


13  $5.00 for each indorsement in addition to any other chauffeur's             


14  license fees and compliance with section 312f, may be issued a              


15  vehicle group designation and indorsement for the same period.              


16      (2) The money  received and  collected under this section                   


17  shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the               


18  general fund.  The secretary of state shall refund out of the               


19  fees collected to each county or municipality acting as an                  


20  examining officer or examining bureau, $2.00 for each applicant             


21  examined for a vehicle group designation or indorsement to a                


22  first chauffeur's license whose application is not denied, on the           


23  condition, however, that the money refunded shall be paid to the            


24  county or local treasurer and is appropriated to the county,                


25  municipality, or officer or bureau receiving that money for the             


26  purpose of carrying out this act.                                           


27      Sec. 320e.  (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection                  


1   (2), (3), or (4), a person whose operator's or chauffeur's                  


2   license is suspended, revoked, or restricted pursuant to section            


3   303, 319, 320, 324, 625, 625b, 625f, 732a, or 904 shall pay a               


4   license reinstatement fee of $125.00 to the secretary of state              


5   before a license is issued or returned to the person.  The                  


6   increase in the reinstatement fee from $60.00 to $125.00 shall be           


7   imposed for a license that is issued or returned on or after                


8   October 1, 1991 regardless of when the license was suspended,               


9   revoked, or restricted.  Of the increase in the reinstatement fee           


10  from $60.00 to $125.00, $25.00 shall be allocated to the                    


11  department of state, $10.00 shall be deposited by the department            


12  of treasury in the drunk driving prevention equipment and                   


13  training fund created under section 625h(1), and $30.00 shall be            


14  deposited by the department of treasury in the drunk driving                


15  caseflow assistance fund created under section 625h(5).  The fee            


16  shall be waived if the license was suspended or restricted                  


17  because of the person's mental or physical infirmity or                     


18  disability.                                                                 


19      (2) A person whose operator's or chauffeur's license is                     


20  suspended, revoked, or restricted pursuant to section 319(7)                


21  shall pay a license reinstatement fee of $125.00 to the secretary           


22  of state before a license is issued or returned to the person.              


23  The fee shall be waived if the license was suspended or                     


24  restricted because of the person's mental or physical infirmity             


25  or disability.                                                              


26      (3) A person whose operator's or chauffeur's license is                     


27  suspended, revoked, or restricted pursuant to section 319e shall            


1   pay a license reinstatement fee of $125.00 to the secretary of              


2   state before a license is issued or returned to the person.  Of             


3   the $125.00 fee, $95.00 shall be allocated to the department of             


4   state and $30.00 shall be deposited by the department of treasury           


5   in the drug case information management fund created under                  


6   section 323d.                                                               


7       (4) A person whose operator's or chauffeur's license is                     


8   suspended as provided in section 321c shall pay a license                   


9   reinstatement fee of $85.00 to the secretary of state before a              


10  license is issued or returned to the person.  The fee shall be              


11  deposited in the state general fund and shall be used to defray             


12  the expenses of the secretary of state in processing the                    


13  suspension and reinstatement of driver licenses under this                  


14  section.                                                                    


15      (5) The secretary of state shall assess points and take                     


16  licensing action, including suspending, revoking, or denying a              


17  license under this act, according to the law in effect at the               


18  time of the conspiracy to commit the offense or at the time the             


19  offense was committed or attempted or the civil infraction                  


20  occurred.  If 1 or more of the convictions involved in a                    


21  licensing sanction is a violation or attempted violation of this            


22  act committed or attempted after January 1, 1992, the secretary             


23  of state shall apply the law in effect after January 1, 1992.               


24      (6) Judicial review of an administrative licensing sanction                 


25  under section 303 shall be governed by the law in effect at the             


26  time the offense was committed or attempted.  If 1 or more of the           


27  convictions involved in an administrative licensing sanction is a           


1   violation or attempted violation of this act committed or                   


2   attempted after January 1, 1992, judicial review of that sanction           


3   shall be governed by the law in effect after January 1, 1992.               


4       Sec. 723.  (1) All motor trucks or truck tractors, except as                


5   provided in subsection (4), of more than 5,000 pounds registered            


6   weight and all towing or platform bed wrecker road service                  


7   vehicles in operation upon the public highways of this state                


8   shall have the name, city, and state or the registered logo or              


9   emblem of the registered owner of the vehicle, and lessee of the            


10  vehicle if the vehicle is being operated under lease, painted or            


11  permanently attached on each side of the cab on a motor truck or            


12  truck tractor in letters of not less than 3 inches in height, not           


13  lower than the bottom edge of the door, except that motor trucks            


14  with closed van bodies may place the information on each side of            


15  the van body not lower than the bottom edge of the cab door.                


16  This information shall be in sharp color contrast to the                    


17  background.                                                                 


18      (2) Except for towing or platform bed wrecker road service                  


19  vehicles, the identification requirements of subsection (1) may             


20  be met through the use of removable devices which meet the                  


21  requirements of subsection (1).  These devices shall be of                  


22  durable construction and securely attached to each side of the              


23  motor truck or truck tractor.  The removable devices shall be               


24  attached so that the identification is in a horizontal position.            


25      (3) Motor vehicles subject to this section shall have 2 years               


26  after the effective date of this subsection to be in compliance             


27  with the marking location as required in subsection (1).                    


1       (4) This section shall not apply to  trucks  a truck eligible               


2   for and  equipped with  registered under a farm or manufacturer             


3   license  plates  plate.                                                     


4       (5) A person who violates this section is responsible for a                 


5   civil infraction.                                                           


6       Sec. 801.  (1) The secretary of state shall collect the                     


7   following taxes at the time of registering a vehicle, which shall           


8   exempt the vehicle from all other state and local taxation,                 


9   except the fees and taxes provided by law to be paid by certain             


10  carriers operating motor vehicles and trailers under the motor              


11  carrier act, 1933 PA 254, MCL 475.1 to 479.43; the taxes imposed            


12  by the motor carrier fuel tax act, 1980 PA 119, MCL 207.211 to              


13  207.234; and except as otherwise provided by this act:                      


14      (a) For a motor vehicle, including a motor home, except as                  


15  otherwise provided, and a pickup truck or van that weighs not               


16  more than 5,000 pounds, except as otherwise provided, according             


17  to the following schedule of empty weights:                                 




18    Empty weights                                           Fee               


19    0 to 3,000 pounds...................................  $ 29.00             


20    3,001 to 3,500 pounds...............................    32.00             


21    3,501 to 4,000 pounds...............................    37.00             


22    4,001 to 4,500 pounds...............................    43.00             


23    4,501 to 5,000 pounds...............................    47.00             


24    5,001 to 5,500 pounds...............................    52.00             


25    5,501 to 6,000 pounds...............................    57.00             


26    6,001 to 6,500 pounds...............................    62.00             

     Senate Bill No. 554 (H-7) as amended July 15, 2003


1     6,501 to 7,000 pounds...............................    67.00             


2     7,001 to 7,500 pounds...............................    71.00             


3     7,501 to 8,000 pounds...............................    77.00             


4     8,001 to 8,500 pounds...............................    81.00             


5     8,501 to 9,000 pounds...............................    86.00             


6     9,001 to 9,500 pounds...............................    91.00             


7     9,501 to 10,000 pounds..............................    95.00             


8     over 10,000 pounds......................$ 0.90 per 100 pounds             


9                                                   of empty weight             


10                                                                               On October 1, 1983, and October 1, 1984, the tax assessed                          


11  under this subdivision shall be annually revised for the                    


12  registrations expiring on the appropriate October 1 or after that           


13  date by multiplying the tax assessed in the preceding fiscal year           


14  times the personal income of Michigan for the preceding calendar            


15  year divided by the personal income of Michigan for the calendar            


16  year which preceded that calendar year.  In performing the                  


17  calculations under this subdivision, the secretary of state shall           


18  use the spring preliminary report of the United States department           


19  of commerce or its successor agency.  A van which is owned by an            


20  individual who uses a wheelchair or by an individual who                    


21  transports a resident of his or her household who uses a                    


22  wheelchair and for which registration plates are issued pursuant            


23  to section 803d shall be assessed at the rate of 50% of the tax             


24  provided for in this subdivision.                                           


25      (b) For a trailer coach attached to a motor vehicle,  76                    


26  cents per 100 pounds of empty weight of the trailer coach  [the tax]        


27  shall be assessed as provided in subdivision (l).  A trailer                


1   coach not under 1959 PA 243, MCL 125.1035 to 125.1043, and while            


2   located on land otherwise assessable as real property under the             


3   general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157, if             


4   the trailer coach is used as a place of habitation, and whether             


5   or not permanently affixed to the soil, shall not be exempt from            


6   real property taxes.                                                        


7       (c) For a road tractor, truck, or truck tractor owned by a                  


8   farmer and used exclusively in connection with a farming                    


9   operation, including a farmer hauling livestock or farm equipment           


10  for other farmers for remuneration in kind or in labor, but not             


11  for money, or used for the transportation of the farmer and the             


12  farmer's family, and not used for hire, 74 cents per 100 pounds             


13  of empty weight of the road tractor, truck, or truck tractor.  If           


14  the road tractor, truck, or truck tractor owned by a farmer is              


15  also used for a nonfarming operation, the farmer shall be subject           


16  to the highest registration tax applicable to the nonfarm use of            


17  the vehicle but shall not be subject to more than 1 tax rate                


18  under this act.                                                             


19      (d) For a road tractor, truck, or truck tractor owned by a                  


20  wood harvester and used exclusively in connection with the wood             


21  harvesting operations or a truck used exclusively to haul milk              


22  from the farm to the first point of delivery, 74 cents per 100              


23  pounds of empty weight of the road tractor, truck, or truck                 


24  tractor.  A registration secured by payment of the fee as                   


25  prescribed in this subdivision shall continue in full force and             


26  effect until the regular expiration date of the registration.  As           


27  used in this subdivision, "wood harvester" includes the person or           


1   persons hauling and transporting raw materials in the form                  


2   produced at the harvest site.  As used in this subdivision, "wood           


3   harvesting operations" does not include the transportation of               


4   processed lumber, Christmas trees, or processed firewood for a              


5   profit making venture.                                                      


6       (e) For a hearse or ambulance used exclusively by a licensed                


7   funeral director in the general conduct of the licensee's funeral           


8   business, including a hearse or ambulance whose owner is engaged            


9   in the business of leasing or renting the hearse or ambulance to            


10  others, $1.17 per 100 pounds of the empty weight of the hearse or           


11  ambulance.                                                                  


12      (f) For a  motor  vehicle owned and operated by this state, a               


13  state institution, a municipality, a privately incorporated,                


14  nonprofit volunteer fire department, or a nonpublic, nonprofit              


15  college or university, $5.00 per  set; and for each motor vehicle           


16  operating under municipal franchise, weighing less than 2,500               


17  pounds, 65 cents per 100 pounds of the empty weight of the motor            


18  vehicle, weighing from 2,500 to 4,000 pounds, 80 cents per 100              


19  pounds of the empty weight of the motor vehicle, weighing 4,001             


20  to 6,000 pounds, $1.00 per 100 pounds of the empty weight of the            


21  motor vehicle, and weighing over 6,000 pounds, $1.25 per 100                


22  pounds of the empty weight of the motor vehicle  plateA                  


23  registration plate issued under this subdivision shall expire on            


24  June 30 of the year in which new registration plates are reissued           


25  for all vehicles by the secretary of state.                                 


26      (g) For a bus including a station wagon, carryall, or                       


27  similarly constructed vehicle owned and operated by a nonprofit             


1   parents' transportation corporation used for school purposes,               


2   parochial school or society, church Sunday school, or any other             


3   grammar school, or by a nonprofit youth organization or nonprofit           


4   rehabilitation facility; or a motor vehicle owned and operated by           


5   a senior citizen center, $10.00 per set, if the bus, station                


6   wagon, carryall, or similarly constructed vehicle or motor                  


7   vehicle is designated by proper signs showing the organization              


8   operating the vehicle.                                                      


9       (h) For a vehicle owned by a nonprofit organization and used                


10  to transport equipment for providing dialysis treatment to                  


11  children at camp; for a vehicle owned by the civil air patrol, as           


12  organized under sections 40301 to 40307 of title 36 of the United           


13  States Code, 36 U.S.C. 40301 to 40307, $10.00 per plate, if the             


14  vehicle is designated by a proper sign showing the civil air                


15  patrol's name; for a vehicle owned and operated by a nonprofit              


16  veterans center; for a vehicle owned and operated by a nonprofit            


17  recycling center or a federally recognized nonprofit conservation           


18  organization; for a motor vehicle having a truck chassis and a              


19  locomotive or ship's body which is owned by a nonprofit veterans            


20  organization and used exclusively in parades and civic events; or           


21  for an emergency support vehicle used exclusively for emergencies           


22  and owned and operated by a federally recognized nonprofit                  


23  charitable organization, $10.00 per plate.                                  


24      (i) For each truck owned and operated free of charge by a                   


25  bona fide ecclesiastical or charitable corporation, or red cross,           


26  girl scout, or boy scout organization, 65 cents per 100 pounds of           


27  the empty weight of the truck.                                              


1       (j) For each truck, weighing 8,000 pounds or less, and not                  


2   used to tow a vehicle, for each privately owned truck used to tow           


3   a trailer for recreational purposes only and not involved in a              


4   profit making venture, and for each vehicle designed and used to            


5   tow a mobile home or a trailer coach, except as provided in                 


6   subdivision (b), $38.00 or an amount computed according to the              


7   following schedule of empty weights, whichever is greater:                  




8     Empty weights                                    Per 100 pounds           


9     0 to 2,500 pounds...................................   $ 1.40             


10    2,501 to 4,000 pounds...............................     1.76             


11    4,001 to 6,000 pounds...............................     2.20             


12    6,001 to 8,000 pounds...............................     2.72             


13    8,001 to 10,000 pounds..............................     3.25             


14    10,001 to 15,000 pounds.............................     3.77             


15    15,001 pounds and over..............................     4.39             


16                                                                               If the tax required under subdivision (p) for a vehicle of                         


17  the same model year with the same list price as the vehicle for             


18  which registration is sought under this subdivision is more than            


19  the tax provided under the preceding provisions of this                     


20  subdivision for an identical vehicle, the tax required under this           


21  subdivision shall not be less than the tax required under                   


22  subdivision (p) for a vehicle of the same model year with the               


23  same list price.                                                            


24      (k) For each truck weighing 8,000 pounds or less towing a                   


25  trailer or any other combination of vehicles and for each truck             


26  weighing 8,001 pounds or more, road tractor or truck tractor,               


1   except as provided in subdivision (j) according to the following            


2   schedule of elected gross weights:                                          




3     Elected gross weight                                    Fee               


4     0 to 24,000 pounds..................................$  491.00             


5     24,001 to 26,000 pounds.............................   558.00             


6     26,001 to 28,000 pounds.............................   558.00             


7     28,001 to 32,000 pounds.............................   649.00             


8     32,001 to 36,000 pounds.............................   744.00             


9     36,001 to 42,000 pounds.............................   874.00             


10    42,001 to 48,000 pounds............................. 1,005.00             


11    48,001 to 54,000 pounds............................. 1,135.00             


12    54,001 to 60,000 pounds............................. 1,268.00             


13    60,001 to 66,000 pounds............................. 1,398.00             


14    66,001 to 72,000 pounds............................. 1,529.00             


15    72,001 to 80,000 pounds............................. 1,660.00             


16    80,001 to 90,000 pounds............................. 1,793.00             


17    90,001 to 100,000 pounds............................ 2,002.00             


18    100,001 to 115,000 pounds........................... 2,223.00             


19    115,001 to 130,000 pounds........................... 2,448.00             


20    130,001 to 145,000 pounds........................... 2,670.00             


21    145,001 to 160,000 pounds........................... 2,894.00             


22    over 160,000 pounds................................. 3,117.00             


23      For each commercial vehicle registered pursuant to this                     


24  subdivision $15.00 shall be deposited in a truck safety fund to             


25  be expended for the purposes prescribed in section 25 of 1951               


26  PA 51, MCL 247.675.                                                         

     Senate Bill No. 554 (H-7) as amended July 15, 2003


1                                                                                If a truck or road tractor without trailer is leased from an                       


2   individual owner-operator, the lessee, whether a person, firm, or           


3   corporation, shall pay to the owner-operator 60% of the fee                 


4   prescribed in this subdivision for the truck tractor or road                


5   tractor at the rate of 1/12 for each month of the lease or                  


6   arrangement in addition to the compensation the owner-operator is           


7   entitled to for the rental of his or her equipment.                         


8                                                                                (l) For each pole trailer, semitrailer, trailer coach, or                           


9   trailer, [the tax] shall be assessed according to the following             


10  schedule of empty weights:                                                  




11    Empty weights                                           Fee               


12    0 to  500  2,499 pounds.............................$  17.00              


13                                                            75.00             


14     501 to 1,500 pounds................................   24.00              


15    2,500 to 9,999 pounds...............................   200.00             


16     1,501  10,000 pounds and over......................   39.00              


17                                                           300.00             


18  The registration plate issued under this subdivision expires only           


19  when the secretary of state reissues a new registration plate for           


20  all trailers. [If the secretary of state reissues a new registration plate for all trailers, a person who has once paid the fee for a vehicle under this subdivision shall not be required to pay the fee for that vehicle a second time, but shall be required to pay only the cost of the reissued plate at the rate provided in section 804(2) for a standard plate.] A registration plate issued under this subdivision                                                                


21  is nontransferable.                                                         


22      (m) For each commercial vehicle used for the transportation                 


23  of passengers for hire except for a vehicle for which a payment             


24  is made pursuant to 1960 PA 2, MCL 257.971 to 257.972, according            


25  to the following schedule of empty weights:                                 



1     Empty weights                                  Per 100 pounds             


2     0 to 4,000 pounds...................................   $ 1.76             


3     4,001 to 6,000 pounds...............................     2.20             


4     6,001 to 10,000 pounds..............................     2.72             


5     10,001 pounds and over..............................     3.25             




6        (n) For each motorcycle..........................    $ 23.00           


7                                                                                On October 1, 1983, and October 1, 1984, the tax assessed                          


8   under this subdivision shall be annually revised for the                    


9   registrations expiring on the appropriate October 1 or after that           


10  date by multiplying the tax assessed in the preceding fiscal year           


11  times the personal income of Michigan for the preceding calendar            


12  year divided by the personal income of Michigan for the calendar            


13  year which preceded that calendar year.  In performing the                  


14  calculations under this subdivision, the secretary of state shall           


15  use the spring preliminary report of the United States department           


16  of commerce or its successor agency.                                        


17      Beginning January 1, 1984, the registration tax for each                    


18  motorcycle shall be increased by $3.00.  The $3.00 increase shall           


19  not be considered as part of the tax assessed under this                    


20  subdivision for the purpose of the annual October 1 revisions but           


21  shall be in addition to the tax assessed as a result of the                 


22  annual October 1 revisions.  Beginning January 1, 1984, $3.00 of            


23  each motorcycle fee shall be placed in a motorcycle safety fund             


24  in the state treasury and shall be used only for funding the                


25  motorcycle safety education program as provided for under                   


26  sections 312b and 811a.                                                     


1       (o) For each truck weighing 8,001 pounds or more, road                      


2   tractor, or truck tractor used exclusively as a moving van or               


3   part of a moving van in transporting household furniture and                


4   household effects or the equipment or those engaged in conducting           


5   carnivals, at the rate of 80% of the schedule of elected gross              


6   weights in subdivision (k) as modified by the operation of that             


7   subdivision.                                                                


8       (p) After September 30, 1983, each motor vehicle of the 1984                


9   or a subsequent model year as shown on the application required             


10  under section 217 which has not been previously subject to the              


11  tax rates of this section and which is of the motor vehicle                 


12  category otherwise subject to the tax schedule described in                 


13  subdivision (a), and each low-speed vehicle according to the                


14  following schedule based upon registration periods of 12 months:            


15                                                                               (i) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, for the                       


16  first registration, which is not a transfer registration under              


17  section 809 and for the first registration after a transfer                 


18  registration under section 809, according to the following                  


19  schedule based on the vehicle's list price:                                 




20    List Price                                              Tax               


21    $ 0 - $ 6,000.00.................................... $  30.00             


22    More than $ 6,000.00 - $ 7,000.00................... $  33.00             


23    More than $ 7,000.00 - $ 8,000.00................... $  38.00             


24    More than $ 8,000.00 - $ 9,000.00................... $  43.00             


25    More than $ 9,000.00 - $ 10,000.00.................. $  48.00             


26    More than $ 10,000.00 - $ 11,000.00................. $  53.00             


1     More than $ 11,000.00 - $ 12,000.00................. $  58.00             


2     More than $ 12,000.00 - $ 13,000.00................. $  63.00             


3     More than $ 13,000.00 - $ 14,000.00................. $  68.00             


4     More than $ 14,000.00 - $ 15,000.00................. $  73.00             


5     More than $ 15,000.00 - $ 16,000.00................. $  78.00             


6     More than $ 16,000.00 - $ 17,000.00................. $  83.00             


7     More than $ 17,000.00 - $ 18,000.00................. $  88.00             


8     More than $ 18,000.00 - $ 19,000.00................. $  93.00             


9     More than $ 19,000.00 - $ 20,000.00................. $  98.00             


10    More than $ 20,000.00 - $ 21,000.00................. $ 103.00             


11    More than $ 21,000.00 - $ 22,000.00................. $ 108.00             


12    More than $ 22,000.00 - $ 23,000.00................. $ 113.00             


13    More than $ 23,000.00 - $ 24,000.00................. $ 118.00             


14    More than $ 24,000.00 - $ 25,000.00................. $ 123.00             


15    More than $ 25,000.00 - $ 26,000.00................. $ 128.00             


16    More than $ 26,000.00 - $ 27,000.00................. $ 133.00             


17    More than $ 27,000.00 - $ 28,000.00................. $ 138.00             


18    More than $ 28,000.00 - $ 29,000.00................. $ 143.00             


19    More than $ 29,000.00 - $ 30,000.00................. $ 148.00             


20      More than $30,000.00, the fee of $148.00 shall be increased                 


21  by $5.00 for each $1,000.00 increment or fraction of a $1,000.00            


22  increment over $30,000.00.  If a current fee increases or                   


23  decreases as a result of 1998 PA 384, only a vehicle purchased or           


24  transferred after January 1, 1999 shall be assessed the increased           


25  or decreased fee.                                                           


26      (ii) For the second registration, 90% of the tax assessed                    


27  under subparagraph (i).                                                     


1       (iii) For the third registration, 90% of the tax assessed                    


2   under subparagraph (ii).                                                     


3       (iv) For the fourth and subsequent registrations, 90% of the                 


4   tax assessed under subparagraph (iii).                                       


5       For a vehicle of the 1984 or a subsequent model year that has               


6   been previously registered by a person other than the person                


7   applying for registration or for a vehicle of the 1984 or a                 


8   subsequent model year that has been previously registered in                


9   another state or country and is registered for the first time in            


10  this state, the tax under this subdivision shall be determined by           


11  subtracting the model year of the vehicle from the calendar year            


12  for which the registration is sought.  If the result is zero or a           


13  negative figure, the first registration tax shall be paid.  If              


14  the result is 1, 2, or 3 or more, then, respectively, the second,           


15  third, or subsequent registration tax shall be paid.  A van which           


16  is owned by an individual who uses a wheelchair or by an                    


17  individual who transports a resident of his or her household who            


18  uses a wheelchair and for which registration plates are issued              


19  pursuant to section 803d shall be assessed at the rate of 50% of            


20  the tax provided for in this subdivision.                                   


21      (q) For a wrecker, $200.00.                                                 


22      (r) When the secretary of state computes a tax under this                   


23  section, a computation that does not result in a whole dollar               


24  figure shall be rounded to the next lower whole dollar when the             


25  computation results in a figure ending in 50 cents or less and              


26  shall be rounded to the next higher whole dollar when the                   


27  computation results in a figure ending in 51 cents or more,                 


1   unless specific fees are specified, and the secretary of state              


2   may accept the manufacturer's shipping weight of the vehicle                


3   fully equipped for the use for which the registration application           


4   is made.  If the weight is not correctly stated or is not                   


5   satisfactory, the secretary of state shall determine the actual             


6   weight.  Each application for registration of a vehicle under               


7   subdivisions (j) and (m) shall have attached to the application a           


8   scale weight receipt of the vehicle fully equipped as of the time           


9   the application is made.  The scale weight receipt is not                   


10  necessary if there is presented with the application a                      


11  registration receipt of the previous year which shows on its face           


12  the weight of the motor vehicle as registered with the secretary            


13  of state and which is accompanied by a statement of the applicant           


14  that there has not been a structural change in the motor vehicle            


15  which has increased the weight and that the previous registered             


16  weight is the true weight.                                                  


17      (2) A manufacturer is not exempted under this act from paying               


18  ad valorem taxes on vehicles in stock or bond, except on the                


19  specified number of motor vehicles registered.  A dealer is                 


20  exempt from paying ad valorem taxes on vehicles in stock or                 


21  bond.                                                                       


22      (3)  The  Until October 1, 2009, the fee for a vehicle with                 


23  an empty weight over 10,000 pounds imposed pursuant to subsection           


24  (1)(a) and the fees imposed pursuant to subsection (1)(b), (c),             


25  (d), (e), (f), (i), (j), (m), (o), and (p) shall each be                    


26  increased  by $5.00.  This increase  as follows:                            


27      (a) A regulatory fee of $2.25, which shall be credited to the               


1   traffic law enforcement and safety fund created in section 819a             


2   and used for the purpose of regulating highway safety.                      


3       (b) A fee of $5.75, which shall be credited to the  Michigan                


4   transportation administration collection fund  and used to defray           


5   the costs of processing the registrations under this section.               


6   created in section 810b.                                                    


7       (4) If a tax required to be paid under this section is not                  


8   received by the secretary of state on or before the expiration              


9   date of the registration plate, the secretary of state shall                


10  collect a late fee of $10.00 for each registration renewed after            


11  the expiration date.  An application for a renewal of a                     


12  registration using the regular mail and postmarked before the               


13  expiration date of that registration shall not be assessed a late           


14  fee.  The late fee collected under this subsection shall be                 


15  deposited into the general fund.                                            


16      (5)  (4)  As used in this section:                                          


17      (a) "Gross proceeds" means gross proceeds as defined in                     


18  section 1 of the general sales tax act, 1933 PA 167, MCL 205.51.            


19  However, gross proceeds shall include the value of the motor                


20  vehicle used as part payment of the purchase price as that value            


21  is agreed to by the parties to the sale, as evidenced by the                


22  signed agreement executed pursuant to section 251.                          


23      (b) "List price" means the manufacturer's suggested base list               


24  price as published by the secretary of state, or the                        


25  manufacturer's suggested retail price as shown on the label                 


26  required to be affixed to the vehicle under section 3 of the                


27  automobile information disclosure act, Public Law 85-506,                   


1   15 U.S.C. 1232, if the secretary of state has not at the time of            


2   the sale of the vehicle published a manufacturer's suggested                


3   retail price for that vehicle, or the purchase price of the                 


4   vehicle if the manufacturer's suggested base list price is                  


5   unavailable from the sources described in this subdivision.                 


6       (c) "Purchase price" means the gross proceeds received by the               


7   seller in consideration of the sale of the motor vehicle being              


8   registered.                                                                 


9       Sec. 802.  (1) For a special registration issued as provided                


10  for in section 226(8), there shall be paid 1/2 the tax imposed              


11  under section 801 and in addition a service fee of $10.00.   The            


12  fee shall be credited to the Michigan transportation fund and               


13  used to defray the expenses of the special registration.                    


14      (2) For all commercial vehicles registered after August 31                  


15  for the period expiring the last day of February and all                    


16  motorcycles registered after September 30 for the period expiring           


17  on the last day of March, a tax of 1/2 the rate otherwise imposed           


18  by this act shall be collected.  This subsection is not                     


19  applicable to vehicles registered by manufacturers or dealers               


20  under sections 244 to 247.                                                  


21      (3) For each special registration as provided for in section                


22  226(9), a service fee of $10.00 shall be collected.   The fee               


23  shall be credited to the Michigan transportation fund and used to           


24  defray the expenses of the special registrations.                           


25      (4) For temporary registration plates or markers as provided                


26  for in section 226a(1), a service fee of $5.00 for each group of            


27  5 of those temporary registration plates or markers shall be                


1   collected.   The fee shall be credited to the Michigan                      


2   transportation fund and used to defray the expenses of the                  


3   temporary registration plates or markers.                                   


4       (5)  A fee of $10.00 shall be collected for each temporary                  


5   registration as provided for in section 226b, the fee to be                 


6   credited to the Michigan transportation fund and used to defray             


7   the expenses of the temporary registrations.  For a temporary               


8   registration as provided in section 226b, the fee shall be either           


9   of the following:                                                           


10      (a) For a 30-day temporary registration, 1/10 of the fee                    


11  prescribed under section 801 or $20.00, whichever is greater, and           


12  an additional $10.00 service fee.                                           


13      (b) For a 60-day temporary registration, 1/5 of the fee                     


14  prescribed under section 801 or $40.00, whichever is greater, and           


15  an additional $10.00 service fee.                                           


16      (6) For registration plates as provided for in section                      


17  226a(5), (6), and (7), a service fee of $40.00 for 2 registration           


18  plates and $20.00 for each additional registration plate shall be           


19  collected.   The fee shall be credited to the Michigan                      


20  transportation fund and used to defray the expenses of the                  


21  temporary plates or markers.                                                


22      (7) For special registrations issued for special mobile                     


23  equipment as provided in section 216(d), a service fee of $15.00            


24  each for the first 3 special registrations, and $5.00 for each              


25  special registration issued in excess of the first 3 shall be               


26  collected.   The fee shall be credited to the Michigan                      


27  transportation fund and used to defray the expenses of the plates           


1   or markers.                                                                 


2       (8) The secretary of state, upon request, may issue a                       


3   registration valid for 3 months for use on a vehicle with an                


4   elected gross weight of 24,000 pounds or greater on the payment             


5   of 1/4 the full registration fee provided in section 801(1)(k)              


6   and in addition a service  charge  fee of $10.00.   The service             


7   charge shall be credited to the Michigan transportation fund and            


8   used to defray the expense of the registration plates or tabs.              


9       (9) Upon application to the secretary of state, an owner of a               


10  truck, truck tractor, or road tractor that is used exclusively              


11  for the purpose of gratuitously transporting farm crops or                  


12  livestock bedding between the field where produced and the place            


13  of storage, feed from on-farm storage to an on-farm feeding site,           


14  or fertilizer, seed, or spray material from the farm location to            


15  the field may obtain a special registration.  The service fee for           


16  each special registration shall be $20.00.   The fee shall be               


17  credited to the Michigan transportation fund and used to defray             


18  the expenses of the special registration program.  The special              


19  registration shall be valid for a period of up to 12 months and             


20  shall expire on December 31.  As used in this subsection:                   


21      (a) "Feed" means hay or silage.                                             


22      (b) "Livestock bedding" means straw, sawdust, or sand.                      


23      (10) The secretary of state, upon request, may issue a                      


24  special registration valid for 3 or more months for a road                  


25  tractor, truck, or truck tractor owned by a farmer, if the motor            


26  vehicle is used exclusively in connection with the farmer's                 


27  farming operations or for the transportation of the farmer and              


1   the farmer's family and not used for hire.  The fee for the                 


2   registration shall be 1/10 of the fee provided in section                   


3   801(1)(c) times the number of months for which the special                  


4   registration is requested and, in addition, a service fee of                


5   $10.00.   The fee shall be credited to the Michigan                         


6   transportation fund and used to defray the expenses of the                  


7   registration.  No special registration shall be issued for a                


8   motor vehicle for which the fee under section 801(1)(c) would be            


9   less than $50.00.                                                           


10      (11) The secretary of state, upon request, may issue a                      


11  registration valid for 3 months or more for use on a vehicle with           


12  an elected gross weight of 24,000 pounds or greater.  The fee for           


13  the registration shall be 1/12 of the fee provided in                       


14  section 801(1)(k), times the number of months for which the                 


15  special registration is requested and, in addition, a service fee           


16  of $10.00.   The fee shall be credited to the Michigan                      


17  transportation fund and used to defray the expenses of the                  


18  registration.                                                               


19      (12) The service fees collected under subsections (1), (3),                 


20  (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), and (11) shall be deposited             


21  in the transportation administration collection fund created in             


22  section 810b.                                                               


23      Sec. 803b.  (1) The secretary of state may issue 1                          


24  personalized vehicle registration plate which shall be used on              


25  the passenger motor vehicle, pick-up truck, motorcycle, van,                


26  motor home, hearse, bus, trailer coach, or trailer for which the            


27  plate is issued instead of a standard plate.  Personalized plates           


1   shall bear letters and numbers as the secretary of state                    


2   prescribes.  The secretary of state shall not issue a letter                


3   combination which might carry a connotation offensive to good               


4   taste and decency.  The personalized plates shall be made of the            


5   same material as standard plates.  Personalized plates shall not            


6   be a duplication of another registration plate.                             


7       (2) An application for a personalized registration plate                    


8   shall be submitted to the secretary of state pursuant to section            


9   217.  Application for an original personalized registration plate           


10  shall be accompanied with payment of a service fee of $8.00 for             


11  the first month and of $2.00 per month for each additional month            


12  of the registration period in addition to the regular vehicle               


13  registration fee.  A second duplicate registration plate may be             


14  obtained by requesting that option on the application and paying            


15  an additional service fee of $5.00.  The original and duplicate             


16  service fees shall be deposited in the transportation                       


17  administration collection fund created in section 810b.                     


18  Application for the renewal of a personalized registration plate            


19  shall be accompanied with payment of a service fee of $15.00 in             


20  addition to the regular vehicle registration fee.  The service              


21  fee shall be credited to the Michigan transportation fund  ;  and           


22  , after deduction of manufacturing and administrative costs, the           


23  service fee  shall be allocated pursuant to section 10 of  Act              


24  No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, being section 247.660 of the             


25  Michigan Compiled Laws  1951 PA 51, MCL 247.660.  The amount                


26  allocated to the state trunk line fund shall be used by the state           


27  transportation department for litter pickup and cleanup on state            


1   roads and rights of way.                                                    


2       (3) The expiration date for a personalized registration plate               


3   shall be pursuant to section 226.  Upon the issuance or renewal             


4   of a personalized registration plate, the secretary of state may            


5   issue a tab or tabs designating the month and year of                       


6   expiration.  Upon the renewal of a personalized registration                


7   plate, the secretary of state shall issue a new tab or tabs for             


8   the rear plate designating the next expiration date of the                  


9   plate.  Upon renewal, the secretary of state shall not issue the            


10  owner a new exact duplicate of the expired plate unless the plate           


11  is illegible and the owner pays the service fee and registration            


12  fee for an original personalized registration plate.                        


13      (4) The sequence of letters or numbers or combination of                    


14  letters and numbers on a personalized plate shall not be given to           


15  a different person in a subsequent year unless the person to whom           


16  the plate was issued does not reapply before the expiration date            


17  of the plate.                                                               


18      (5) The secretary of state may issue a temporary permit to a                


19  person who has submitted an application and the proper fees for a           


20  personalized plate if the applicant's vehicle registration may              


21  expire prior to receipt of his or her personalized plate.  The              


22  temporary registration shall be valid for not more than 60 days             


23  after the date of issuance.  The temporary permit shall be issued           


24  without a fee.                                                              


25      Sec. 803m.  (1) The secretary of state may issue 2 special                  


26  organization motor vehicle registration plates to an applicant              


27  for use on a passenger motor vehicle, pickup truck, van, or motor           


1   home for which the plates are issued instead of standard plates.            


2   A special organization motor vehicle registration plate is a                


3   registration plate issued by the secretary of state that bears on           


4   its face the symbol or emblem of an organization.                           


5       (2) Special organization plates shall bear letters and                      


6   numbers as the secretary of state prescribes.  Special                      


7   organization plates may contain the symbol of the organization to           


8   the left of the plate number.  The secretary of state shall not             


9   issue a letter combination or permit the use of a symbol which              


10  might carry a connotation offensive to good taste and decency.              


11  The special organization plates shall be made of the same                   


12  material as standard plates.  Special organization plates shall             


13  not be a duplication of another registration plate.                         


14      (3) In order to qualify its members to receive special                      


15  organization plates, an organization shall meet all of the                  


16  following criteria:                                                         


17      (a) Be a nonprofit fraternal or public service organization.                


18      (b) Certify that it consists of not less than 500 members and               


19  that not less than 500 members will apply for special                       


20  organization registration plates.                                           


21      (c) Have a recognizable state, national, or international                   


22  symbol or emblem of the organization.                                       


23      (d) Submit a service fee of $500.00 for the initial                         


24  manufacture of the symbols or emblems for the special                       


25  registration plates.                                                        


26      (e) Not practice or influence others to practice any form of                


27  discrimination prohibited by the Elliott-Larsen civil rights act,           


1   Act No. 453 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 37.2101             


2   to 37.2804 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1976 PA 453, MCL                  


3   37.2101 to 37.2804.                                                         


4       (4) If an organization meets the criteria set forth in                      


5   subsection (3), the organization may request the secretary of               


6   state to manufacture special organization registration plates for           


7   its members.  A request shall be accompanied by all of the                  


8   following:                                                                  


9       (a) A copy of the organization's charter and bylaws, if any.                


10      (b) A statement of the organization's consent to use of the                 


11  organization's symbol or emblem on special organization plates.             


12  The statement shall be signed by the president or chief executive           


13  officer of the organization.                                                


14      (c) A sample of the organization's symbol or emblem.                        


15      (d) The name of the organization's representative who will                  


16  serve as a contact person with the secretary of state.                      


17      (5) A member of an organization which has met the criteria                  


18  set forth in subsection (3) shall individually make application             


19  for a special organization plate and submit with the application            


20  the organization's confirmation of membership on a form provided            


21  by the secretary of state.                                                  


22      (6) An application for a special organization registration                  


23  plate shall be submitted to the secretary of state pursuant to              


24  the procedures prescribed in section 217.  In addition to the               


25  regular registration fee, each application for a new special                


26  organization plate shall be accompanied by a service fee of                 


27  $25.00.  The service fee prescribed in this subsection shall not            


1   be charged in connection with an application for a renewal tab              


2   for an existing special organization plate.  A special                      


3   organization registration plate shall expire as provided in                 


4   section 226.                                                                


5       (7) Each service fee collected under this section shall be                  


6   deposited in the state treasury and shall be credited to the                


7   Michigan transportation fund.  After deducting manufacturing and            


8   administrative costs, the service fees shall be allocated                   


9   pursuant to section 10 of Act No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951,            


10  being section 247.660 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.                        


11      (7)  (8)  The secretary of state may issue a temporary                      


12  registration permit to a person who submits an application and              


13  the proper fees for a special organization plate, if the                    


14  applicant's current vehicle registration will expire before his             


15  or her receipt of an organization plate.  The temporary                     


16  registration shall expire upon the applicant's receipt of an                


17  organization plate or upon the expiration of 60 days after the              


18  date of issuance, whichever occurs first.  A temporary permit               


19  issued under this subsection shall be issued without charge.                


20      (8)  (9)  This section shall apply to an organization                       


21  described in section 811c only to the extent provided by                    


22  section 811c.                                                               


23      Sec. 803r.  The service fees collected under sections 803e,                 


24  803f, 803i, 803j, 803k, 803l, 803m, 803n, and 803o shall be                 


25  deposited into the transportation administration collection fund            


26  created under section 810b.                                                 


27      Sec. 804.  (1) In addition to any other fees required under                 


1   this act, a $5.00 service fee shall be paid with each application           


2   for each distinctive or commemorative plate provided for in this            


3   act to cover manufacturing and issuance costs unless these costs            


4   are otherwise specifically provided for in this act.                        


5       (2) Each applicant for a duplicate or replacement license                   


6   plate provided for in this act shall pay the following service              


7   fee to the secretary of state, in addition to any other fees                


8   required under this act:                                                    


9       (a) Five dollars for a standard or graphic standard plate,                  


10  personalized registration plate, veterans special registration              


11  plate, or other registration plate for which the duplicate or               


12  replacement fee has not been specified in this act.                         


13      (b) Ten dollars for a set of plates provided for in section                 


14  803m.                                                                       


15      (c) Ten dollars for each fund-raising registration plate                    


16  issued under section 811e or 811f, or collector plate described             


17  in section 811g.                                                            


18      (3) The service fees collected under this section shall be                  


19  deposited in the transportation administration collection fund              


20  created in section 810b.                                                    


21      Sec. 806.  (1)  A  Until October 1, 2009, a fee of $10.00                   


22  shall accompany each application for a certificate of title                 


23  required by this act or for a duplicate of a certificate of                 


24  title.  An additional fee of $5.00 shall accompany an application           


25  if the applicant requests that the application be given special             


26  expeditious treatment.  A $3.00 service fee shall be collected,             


27  in addition to the other fees collected under this subsection,              


1   for each title issued.  The $3.00 service fee shall be deposited            


2   into the transportation administration collection fund.                     


3       (2) A fee of $10.00 shall accompany an application for a                    


4   special identifying number as provided in section 230.                      


5       (3) In addition to paying the fees required by                              


6   subsection (1), until December 31, 2007, each person who applies            


7   for a certificate of title, a salvage vehicle certificate of                


8   title, or a scrap certificate of title, under this act shall pay            


9   a tire disposal surcharge of $1.50 for each certificate of title            


10  or duplicate of a certificate of title that person receives.  The           


11  secretary of state shall deposit money received under this                  


12  subsection into the scrap tire regulatory fund created in section           


13  16908 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,            


14  1994 PA 451, MCL 324.16908.                                                 


15      Sec. 807.  (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), an                     


16  applicant shall include with an application for a license under             


17  section 248  shall be accompanied by  1 of the following  fee               


18  fees:                                                                       




19  Full year's license....................... $   10.00       75.00           


20  Half year's license (after June 30).......      5.00       37.50           


21  Multiple year license.....................     10.00       75.00           


22                                                          per year.           


23      (2) An applicant shall include with an application for a used               


24  or secondhand vehicle parts dealer, an automotive recycler, or              


25  foreign salvage vehicle dealer license  shall be accompanied by             


26  1 of the following fees:                                                    




1   Full year's license....................... $  100.00      160.00           


2   Half year's license (after June 30).......     50.00       80.00           


3   Multiple year license.....................    100.00      160.00           


4                                                           per year.           


5       Sec. 810.   All  Except as otherwise provided, all fees                     


6   received and money collected under sections 801 to 809  ,                   


7   inclusive,  shall be deposited in the state treasury and shall be           


8   credited to the Michigan transportation fund.                               


9       Sec. 810b.  (1) The transportation administration collection                


10  fund is created within the state treasury.                                  


11      (2) The state treasurer may receive money from the                          


12  collections authorized under this act for deposit into the fund.            


13  The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund.  The           


14  state treasurer shall credit to the fund interest and earnings              


15  from fund investments.                                                      


16      (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


17  lapse into the Michigan transportation fund.                                


18      (4) The department of state shall expend money from the fund,               


19  upon appropriation, to pay the necessary expenses incurred by the           


20  department of state in the administration and enforcement of                


21  sections 801 to 810 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300,              


22  MCL 257.801 to 257.810.                                                     


23      (5) The department of treasury shall expend money in the                    


24  fund, upon appropriation, to defray the costs of collecting motor           


25  fuel taxes.                                                                 


26      Sec. 811.  (1) An application for an original operator's or                 


1   an original or renewal chauffeur's license as provided in                   


2   sections 307 and 312 and an application for  a  an original                 


3   minor's restricted license as provided in section 312 shall be              


4   accompanied by the following fees:                                          




5     Operator's license............................  $ 12.00  $25.00           


6     Chauffeur's license............................    20.00  35.00           


7     Minor's restricted license.....................     5.00  25.00           


8   The renewal fee for an operator's license renewed under this                


9   section is $18.00.  However, if an operator's license is expired            


10  at the time of the renewal, the fee is the same as the original             


11  fee.  The date of an application for a renewal of an operator's             


12  license under this section that is delivered to the secretary of            


13  state by regular mail is the postmark date in determining the fee           


14  to be assessed.                                                             


15      (2) The secretary of state shall deposit the money received                 


16  and and collected under subsection (1) in the state treasury to             


17  the credit of the general fund.  The secretary of state shall               


18  refund out of the fees collected to each county or municipality             


19  acting as an examining officer or examining bureau $2.50 for each           


20  applicant examined for an original license, $1.00 for each                  


21  applicant examined for an original chauffeur's license, and $1.00           


22  for every other applicant examined, if the application is not               


23  denied and the money refunded is paid to the county or local                


24  treasurer and is appropriated to the county, municipality, or               


25  officer or bureau receiving the money for the purpose of carrying           


26  out this act.  The state treasurer shall deposit the sum of $4.00           


1   in a driver education fund for each person examined for an                  


2   original license, a renewal operator's license, an original                 


3   chauffeur's license, or a renewal chauffeur's license, except               


4   that the sum deposited for each 2-year operator's or 2-year                 


5   chauffeur's license shall be $2.00.  The department of education            


6   shall use the money in the driver education fund for                        


7   administration of a driver education program and for distribution           


8   to local school districts to be used for driver education                   


9   programs.  Any unexpended and unencumbered balance remaining in             


10  the driver education fund at the end of the fiscal year in excess           


11  of $150,000.00 shall revert to the general fund.                            


12      (3) From the money credited to the driver education fund, the               


13  legislature shall appropriate annually funds to the department of           


14  education for state administration of the program.  In addition,            


15  the department of education shall distribute to local public                


16  school districts from the driver education fund a pro rata amount           


17  equal to the number of students who have completed segment 1 of             


18  an approved driver education course through the local public                


19  school districts whether directly from the student's own local              


20  school district or by certificate issued from the student's own             


21  local school district in the previous fiscal year, or the actual            


22  cost per student, whichever is less.  Beginning April 1, 1998, a            


23  local school district that offers an approved driver education              


24  course shall provide an amount equal to the pro rata amount from            


25  the driver education fund for each student residing in the                  


26  district who completes segment 1 of an approved driver education            


27  course within that district.  The local school district shall               


1   provide each student participating in an approved driver                    


2   education course with a certificate in a form provided by the               


3   local school district and approved by the department of education           


4   that the student shall use toward the payment of any fee charged            


5   for the approved driver education course under the following                


6   conditions:                                                                 


7       (a) If the student participates in an approved driver                       


8   education course at a local school district of his or her choice            


9   other than his or her local school district.                                


10      (b) If the student participates in a driver education course                


11  at a licensed driver training school, but only if the following             


12  conditions exist:                                                           


13                                                                               (i) The student's local school district does not offer an                           


14  approved driver education course either itself or through a                 


15  consortium of local school districts of which the student's local           


16  school district is a member.                                                


17      (ii) The student's local school district does not offer an                   


18  approved driver education course with openings available either             


19  itself or through a consortium of local school districts of which           


20  the student's local school district is a member at the time the             


21  student attains 15 years, 6 months of age.                                  


22      From the amount distributed, the local school district shall                


23  reimburse each licensed driver training school or other local               


24  school district or the parent of the student the determined pro             


25  rata amount from the driver education fund for each student from            


26  that district completing segment 1 of an approved driver                    


27  education course with the licensed driver training school or                


1   other local school district during the fiscal year.                         


2       (4)  Beginning April 1, 1998, the  The approved driver                      


3   education courses may be conducted by the local public school               


4   district or a consortium of school districts, by a licensed                 


5   driver training school either itself or through a contract with a           


6   local school district, or by the intermediate district at the               


7   request of the local district.  If a local school district                  


8   contracts with a licensed driver training school to conduct an              


9   approved driver education course, the contract shall require that           


10  the driver education course be conducted in accordance with the             


11  requirements set forth in department of education rules under               


12  subsection (6) that are applicable to an approved driver                    


13  education course conducted by a local school district.                      


14  Enrollment in approved driver education courses shall be open to            


15  residents not less than 14 years 8 months of age enrolled in                


16  public, nonpublic, and home schools as well as resident                     


17  out-of-school youth not less than 14 years 8 months of age.                 


18  Reimbursement to local school districts shall be made on the                


19  basis of an application made by the local school district                   


20  superintendent to the department of education.  If money                    


21  appropriated from the driver education fund is not sufficient to            


22  provide for state administration of the driver education program            


23  and to reimburse local school districts for each student                    


24  completing segment 1 of an approved driver education course, then           


25  payments made to local school districts shall be prorated to the            


26  amount that is appropriated and available in the fund.  A local             


27  school district or licensed driver training school may use                  


1   videotapes, computers, telecourses, or other similar technology             


2   as part of the classroom instruction portion of its driver                  


3   education courses.  A student may receive and use any of these              


4   materials at home.                                                          


5       (5) As used in this section, "driver education courses"                     


6   include classroom instruction, behind-the-wheel instruction, and            


7   observation in an automobile under the supervision of a qualified           


8   teacher or licensed instructor.  The department of education                


9   shall not require that licensed driver training school teachers             


10  or instructors be certificated under the revised school code,               


11  1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.                                         


12      (6) The department of education may promulgate rules pursuant               


13  to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL              


14  24.201 to 24.328, to implement this section.  The rules shall               


15  include, at a minimum, instructional standards, teacher                     


16  qualifications, and reimbursement procedures.                               


17      (7) Notwithstanding sections 306 and 308, an operator's                     


18  license shall not be issued to a person under 18 years of age               


19  unless that person successfully passes a driver education course            


20  and examination given by a public school, nonpublic school, or an           


21  equivalent course approved by the department of education given             


22  by a licensed driver training school.  A person who has been a              


23  holder of a motor vehicle operator's license issued by any other            


24  state, territory, or possession of the United States, or any                


25  other sovereignty for 1 year immediately before application for             


26  an operator's license under this act is not required to comply              


27  with this subsection.  Restricted licenses may be issued pursuant           


1   to section 312 without compliance with this subsection.  A driver           


2   education course shall be made available for a person under 18              


3   years of age within a time that will enable that person to                  


4   qualify for a license before the time that the person is                    


5   permitted by law to have a license.                                         


6       (8)  Beginning April 1, 1998, a  A public school system may                 


7   impose a charge or enrollment fee for a driver education course             


8   upon a student desiring to take the course as a duly enrolled               


9   student for the course in a school of the public school system.             


10  If a charge or enrollment fee is imposed, it shall be the same              


11  for all students who reside within the territory of the public              


12  school system.                                                              


13      Sec. 811c.  (1) Upon application, the secretary of state                    


14  shall issue a registration plate with an appropriate decal                  


15  representing an olympic education-training center in this state             


16  to an applicant for use on the passenger motor vehicle, pickup              


17  truck, van, or motor home for which the plate is issued.                    


18      (2) An application for a registration plate with an olympic                 


19  education-training center decal shall be submitted to the                   


20  secretary of state pursuant to the procedures prescribed in                 


21  section 217.  In addition to the regular registration tax imposed           


22  by section 801, each application shall be accompanied with                  


23  payment of  a service fee of  $3.00 for the first month and $2.00           


24  per month for each additional month of the registration period of           


25  the plate.  Registration plates with an olympic                             


26  education-training center decal shall expire on the applicant's             


27  birthday pursuant to section 226.                                           


1       (3) The olympic education-training center fund is created in                


2   the state treasury.  Money in the fund shall be expended only as            


3   provided in this section.                                                   


4       (4) The secretary of state shall deposit  each service fee                  


5   $10.00 from the amount received for each original registration              


6   plate collected pursuant to this section into the transportation            


7   administration collection fund created under section 810b.  The             


8   remainder shall be deposited with the state treasurer, to the               


9   credit of the olympic education-training center fund.  The fund             


10  may receive money from any other source as appropriated by the              


11  legislature.  The money in the fund shall, upon appropriation, be           


12  distributed to the olympic education-training center.  after                


13  deducting manufacturing and administrative costs.                           


14      (5) The olympic education-training center shall submit to the               


15  secretary of state a design of a separate decal to be affixed to            


16  a registration plate.  The secretary of state shall confer with             


17  the department of state police to ensure the design will not                


18  compromise the ability of law enforcement agencies to accurately            


19  identify specific vehicles.  Registration plates with an olympic            


20  education-training center decal shall not be a duplication of               


21  another registration plate.  The olympic education-training                 


22  center shall comply with section 803m(2), (3)(c) and (d), and               


23  (4)(c) and (d).                                                             


24      (6) The secretary of state may issue a temporary registration               


25  permit to a person who submits an application and the proper                


26  payments for a registration plate with an olympic                           


27  education-training center decal, if the applicant's current                 


1   vehicle registration will expire before his or her receipt of a             


2   registration plate with an olympic education-training center                


3   decal.  The temporary registration shall expire upon receipt of a           


4   registration plate with an olympic education-training center                


5   decal or 60 days after the issuance, whichever occurs first.  The           


6   temporary permit shall be issued without a separate fee.                    


7       Sec. 811h.  (1) Each service fee collected under sections                   


8   811f and 811g shall be credited to the  Michigan  transportation            


9   fund established under section 10 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.660,              


10  and shall be used first to defray the manufacturing and                     


11  administrative costs incurred by the secretary of state,                    


12  including administrative costs associated with selling, issuing,            


13  replacing, and substituting fund-raising registration and                   


14  collector plates  administration collection fund created under              


15  section 810b.                                                               


16      (2) The secretary of state shall identify and segregate the                 


17  fund-raising donations collected under sections 811f and 811g               


18  into separate accounts.  The secretary of state shall create a              


19  separate account for each fund-raising plate series and matching            


20  collector plates issued or sold by the secretary of state for a             


21  Michigan university or state-sponsored goal pursuant to section             


22  811e.                                                                       


23      (3) As determined necessary by the secretary of state but not               


24  more than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter, the               


25  secretary of state shall not less than once each calendar quarter           


26  authorize the disbursement of fund-raising donations segregated             


27  under subsection (2) and, independent from any disbursement under           


1   subsection (2), report the number of fund-raising registration              


2   and matching collector plates issued, sold, or renewed bearing              


3   the design or logo of that Michigan university or state-sponsored           


4   plate sponsor, to the following, as appropriate:                            


5       (a) The treasurer of a Michigan university.                                 


6       (b) The person or entity identified in a public act pursuant                


7   to section 811e(3) to administer a state-sponsored fund-raising             


8   registration plate fund.                                                    


9       (4) The secretary of state may cease to issue a fund-raising                


10  registration plate or to issue a duplicate replacement of a                 


11  fund-raising registration plate for use on a vehicle if the                 


12  secretary of state issued fewer than 500 of a particular                    


13  fund-raising registration plate within any prior 24 consecutive             


14  months.  The secretary of state may also cease to sell a                    


15  collector plate that matches the discontinued fund-raising                  


16  registration plate.  However, the secretary of state may continue           


17  to renew fund-raising registration plates already issued and                


18  collect the renewal fund-raising donation for those plates.  This           


19  subsection does not apply to Michigan university fund-raising               


20  registration plates issued under section 811f and matching                  


21  Michigan university collector plates issued under section 811g.             


22      (5) The state of Michigan, through the secretary of state,                  


23  shall own all right, title, and interest in all fund-raising                


24  registration and collector plates, including the right to use,              


25  reproduce, or distribute a fund-raising registration or collector           


26  plate or the image of a fund-raising registration or collector              


27  plate in any form.  The secretary of state may authorize the                


1   commercial or other use of a fund-raising registration or                   


2   collector plate design, logo, or image if written consent is                


3   obtained from the pertinent Michigan university or person or                


4   entity that sponsored a state-sponsored fund-raising registration           


5   plate under section 811e.  However, the secretary of state shall            


6   not authorize the commercial or other use of a fund-raising                 


7   registration or collector plate under this section unless the               


8   user first agrees in writing to the terms and conditions that the           


9   secretary of state considers necessary.  Those terms and                    


10  conditions may include the payment of royalty fees to 1 or more             


11  of the following:                                                           


12      (a) This state.                                                             


13      (b) A Michigan university.                                                  


14      (c) A person or entity that sponsored a state-sponsored                     


15  fund-raising registration plate.                                            


16      (6) A royalty fee paid to this state under a written                        


17  agreement described in subsection (5) shall be credited to the              


18  Michigan transportation fund established under section 10 of 1951           


19  PA 51, MCL 247.660.                                                         


20      Sec. 812.  For each duplicate license as provided in section                


21  313, and for each correction of a license, a person may apply for           


22  renewal of the license and pay the renewal fee prescribed in this           


23  act or the person may, at his or her option and upon payment of             


24  the fee prescribed in this section, apply for a duplicate license           


25  which expires on the same date as the license which was lost,               


26  destroyed, mutilated, or became illegible.  The fee for a                   


27  duplicate chauffeur's license shall be  $12.00  $18.00.  The fee            

     Senate Bill No. 554 (H-7) as amended July 16, 2003


1   for a duplicate operator's license shall be  $6.00  $9.00.  In              


2   the case of a person issued a 2-year license under section 314b,            


3   the secretary of state may determine whether the license shall be           


4   renewed for 2 years or 4 years.  A renewal fee shall not be                 


5   charged for a change of address or a correction required to                 


6   correct a department error.                                                 


7       Sec. 819a.  (1) The traffic law enforcement and safety fund                 


8   is created within the state treasury.                                       


9       (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets                   


10  from any source for deposit into the fund.  The state treasurer             


11  shall direct the investment of the fund.  The state treasurer               


12  shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund                    


13  investments.                                                                


14      (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


15  remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.                 

        [(4) Beginning October 1, 2004, of the funds deposited to the fund as described in subsection (2), $1,800,000.00 shall annually be transferred to the trooper recruit school fund created under section 819b.]                                

16      [(5) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), the] department of state police shall expend money from                                                  


17  the fund, upon appropriation, only for 1 or more of the following           


18  purposes:                                                                   


19      (a) To enhance enforcement of traffic laws.                                 


20      (b) To enhance the ability to provide safety on the streets                 


21  and highways of this state.                                                 

                   [Sec. 819b. (1) The trooper recruit school fund is created within the state treasury.

      (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.

      (3) Money in an amount of not more than $5,000,000.00 in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund. Any amount greater than $5,000,000.00 at the close of the fiscal year shall be credited to the traffic law enforcement and safety fund created under section 819a.

      (4) The department of state police shall expend money from the fund, upon appropriation, only for 1 or more of the following purposes:

      (a) Conduct a trooper recruit school to recruit and train new troopers.

     (b) Conduct retraining schools for new troopers during the trooper probationary period.]                                                           

22      Enacting section 1.  Sections 801d, 817, 818, and 820 of the                


23  Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.801d, 257.817,                  


24  257.818, and 257.820, are repealed.                                         


25      Enacting section 2.  Sections 312e, 312h, 807, and 811 of                   


26  the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.312e, 257.312h,             


27  257.807, and 257.811, are repealed effective October 1, 2009.               


1       Enacting section 3.  This amendatory act takes effect                       


2   October 1, 2003.                                                            


3       Enacting section 4.  This amendatory act does not take                      


4   effect unless Senate Bill No. 539 of the 92nd Legislature is                


5   enacted into law.