HB-4097,As Passed House, Feb 27, 2003


















January 29, 2003, Introduced by Rep. Ruth Johnson and referred to the Committee on Land Use and Environment.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    by amending section 32714 (MCL 324.32714), as added by 1996                 


    PA 434.                                                                     


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 32714.  (1) The water use protection fund is created                   


2   within the state treasury.                                                  


3       (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets                   


4   from any source for deposit into the fund.  The state treasurer             


5   shall direct the investment of the fund, and shall credit to the            


6   fund interest and earnings from fund investments.                           


7       (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


8   remain in the fund and shall not lapse into the general fund.               


9       (4) The department may expend money from the fund, upon                     


10  appropriation, only for the implementation and administration of            



1   this part and part 317.                                                     


2       (5) By December 31, 1999, the department shall conduct an                   


3   assessment of the fund and report to the legislature on the                 


4   overall number of irrigation and industrial or processing                   


5   facilities registered in the program, the annual amount of water            


6   use reporting fees received by the fund, and the staff workload             


7   necessary to implement this part, to determine if the amount of             


8   the annual water use reporting fees can be lowered.                         


9       Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take                      


10  effect unless Senate Bill No. ________ or House Bill No. 4087               


11  (request no. 00028'03) of the 92nd Legislature is enacted into              


12  law.