sans-serif">Senate Bill 559 (as introduced 6-5-03)

Sponsor: Senator Jason E. Allen

Committee: Local, Urban and State Affairs

Date Completed: 2-11-04


The bill would amend the Michigan Liquor Control Code to allow the Liquor Control Commission to issue a liquor license to the governing board of Northwestern Michigan College. The license could be used only for the sale of liquor for consumption on the premises of the Gerald and Frances Oleson Center, the Dennos Museum Center, and the Great Lakes Campus Center at the college.

Under the Code, the Commission may issue a liquor license to other university or college boards. Liquor may be sold only at regularly scheduled events for on-premises consumption at the schools’ conference centers, which are listed in the Code. Liquor may not be sold to unscheduled patrons or at unscheduled events.

MCL 436.513 - Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe


These new Class C Conference Center licenses would generate approximately $1,800 in license revenue. This revenue is restricted and would be used to offset the cost of regulating the licensees. The statute provides for 45% of the revenue generated from licenses to be retained by the Commission; 55% of license revenue goes to local governments for liquor enforcement activities.

 - Fiscal Analyst: Maria TyszkiewiczS0304\s559sa

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.