sans-serif">Senate Bill 463 (as introduced 5-7-03)

Sponsor: Senator Valde Garcia

Committee: Appropriations

Date Completed: 5-29-03


The bill would amend the Public Act 222 of 1972 to increase the cost of an official State personal identification card from $7 to $10. Under the Act, a person who is a resident of this State may apply to the Department of State for an official State personal identification card. A card expires on the birthday of the person to whom it is issued in the fourth year following the date of issuance. Personal identification cards may not be issued to individuals who hold an operator’s or chauffeur’s license.

Currently, an applicant for an original personal identification card, or a renewal, pays a fee of $6 plus a service fee of $1. The bill would eliminate the service fee and increase the application (original and renewal) to $10. The fees received are deposited in the State General Fund and appropriated to the Department of State for administration of this Act.

MCL 28.292


In fiscal year (FY) 2001-02, the Department of State processed 257,000 personal identification cards (118,000 originals and 139,000 renewals). The $3 increase would generate approximately $782,000 annually. The Senate-passed version of the FY 2003-04 General Government appropriation bill includes this additional revenue to begin funding the replacement of the Department of State’s computer mainframe system.

 - Fiscal Analyst: Bill BowermanS0304\s463sa

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.