VAN REGENMORTER, HOFFMAN, NORTH and MC COTTER and referred to the Committee on Families, Mental Health and Human Services.

A bill to create the pregnant and parenting student services

fund; to provide grants to encourage certain institutions of

higher education to establish and operate a pregnant and parent-

ing student services office for pregnant and parenting students

attending the institution; to prescribe the powers and duties of

a pregnant and parenting student services office; and to pre-

scribe the powers and duties of certain state departments.


1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the

2 "pregnant and parenting student services act".

3 Sec. 2. As used in this act:

4 (a) "Department" means the department of community health.

5 (b) "Fund" means the pregnant and parenting student services

6 fund created in section 3.

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1 (c) "Institution of higher education" means a degree or

2 certificate granting public or private college or university,

3 junior college, or community college in this state.

4 (d) "Office" means a pregnant and parenting student services

5 office established and operated by an institution of higher edu-

6 cation and described in section 5.

7 Sec. 3. (1) The pregnant and parenting student services

8 fund is established in the department of treasury. The fund

9 shall consist of appropriations; money allocated, donated, or

10 paid to the fund from any source; and interest and earnings from

11 fund investments.

12 (2) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the

13 fund.

14 (3) Money in the fund at the close of a fiscal year shall

15 remain in the fund and shall not revert to the general fund.

16 (4) Money in the fund may be appropriated for grants under

17 this act and the administrative costs of the department in imple-

18 menting and administering this act.

19 (5) The state treasurer shall make a grant from the fund to

20 an institution of higher education upon receipt of a written

21 notice from the department under section 4.

22 Sec. 4. (1) An institution of higher education that has

23 established and operates or agrees to establish and operate an

24 office that meets the requirements of section 5 is eligible for

25 and may receive a grant under subsection (2). The department may

26 establish the form or format of the grant application, and the

27 department may require that an institution of higher education



1 provide additional information after the department has reviewed

2 its grant application.

3 (2) The department may award a grant to 1 or more institu-

4 tions of higher education eligible under subsection (1), but the

5 department shall not award more than 4 grants, for pilot pro-

6 grams, during the first year after the effective date of this

7 act. The department shall determine which, and how many, eligi-

8 ble institutions of higher education shall receive a grant to

9 establish and operate an office.

10 (3) If the department awards a grant under this section, it

11 shall provide a written notice to the state treasurer that con-

12 tains the name of the institution of higher education receiving

13 the grant and the amount of the grant and requests payment of the

14 grant amount from the fund.

15 Sec. 5. (1) An institution of higher education may estab-

16 lish and operate a pregnant and parenting student services

17 office. An office shall meet all of the following:

18 (a) Be located on the campus of the institution of higher

19 education.

20 (b) Annually assess the performance of the institution and

21 the office in meeting the following needs of pregnant and parent-

22 ing students on campus:

23 (i) Comprehensive student health care.

24 (ii) Family housing.

25 (iii) Child care.

26 (iv) Flexible or alternative academic scheduling.



1 (v) Education concerning responsible parenting for mothers

2 and fathers.

3 (c) Identify public and private service providers qualified

4 to meet the needs described in subdivision (b), both on campus

5 and within the local community, and establish programs with qual-

6 ified providers it selects to meet those needs.

7 (d) Assist students in locating and obtaining services that

8 meet 1 or more of the needs described in subdivision (b).

9 (e) If appropriate, provide referrals to adoption agencies

10 or for pregnancy prevention. An office shall not provide refer-

11 rals for abortion services.

12 (f) By the date determined by the department, provide the

13 department with an annual report that itemizes the office's

14 expenditures during the preceding fiscal year and contains a

15 review and evaluation of the performance of the office in ful-

16 filling its obligations under this subsection.

17 (2) The department shall identify specific performance cri-

18 teria and standards that the office shall use in preparing the

19 annual report required under subsection (1). The department may

20 establish the form or format of the report. The department may

21 require that an office provide additional information after it

22 has reviewed the report.

23 Sec. 6. The department may promulgate rules pursuant to

24 the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL

25 24.201 to 24.328, to implement and administer this act.

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