HOUSE BILL No. 6219 June 18, 2002, Introduced by Reps. Basham and Phillips and referred to the Committee on Transportation. A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled "Natural resources and environmental protection act," by amending section 80166 (MCL 324.80166), as added by 1995 PA 58, and by adding section 80166a. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 80166. (1) Upon the direction of a peace officer 2 ACTING IN THE LAWFUL PERFORMANCE OF HIS OR HER DUTY, the operator 3 of a vessel moving on the waters of this state shall immediately 4 bring the vessel to a stop or maneuver it in a manner that per- 5 mits the peace officer to come beside the vessel. The operator 6 of the vesseland any person on the vesselshall do the follow- 7 ing upon the request of the peace officer: 8 (a) Provide his or her correct name and address. 9 (b) Exhibit the certificate of number awarded for the 10 vessel. 07531'02 JCB 2 1 (c) If the vessel does not bear a decal described in 2subsection (3)SECTION 80166A, submit to a reasonable inspec- 3 tion of the vessel and to a reasonable inspection and test of the 4 equipment of the vessel. 5(2) Each police chief, the director of the law enforcement6division of the department of natural resources, the director of7the department of state police, and each sheriff shall issue a8book containing both of the following to each peace officer in9his or her department whose duties may include enforcement of10marine law:11(a) Adhesive copies of a uniform marine safety inspection12decal described in subsection (3).13(b) Receipts for each uniform inspection decal copy.14(3) The department shall create and each calendar year make15available to persons described in subsection (2) adhesive copies16of a uniform marine safety inspection decal that is all of the17following:18(a) Effective for 1 calendar year.19(b) Of a distinct color that is changed each calendar year.20(c) Attachable to a vessel and bearing language that sub-21stantially complies with the following: "This vessel has been22inspected by ________ on ________ and is in compliance with the23equipment and registration requirements of part 801 of the natu-24ral resources and environmental protection act.".25(4) A peace officer who conducts an inspection of a vessel26authorized under this section shall include in that inspection a27reasonable examination and test of the equipment on that vessel.07531'02 3 1If the peace officer does not find a violation of a marine law,2he or she shall affix to the vessel an adhesive copy of the uni-3form marine safety inspection decal described in subsection (3)4and shall complete a receipt for that decal.5(5) A completed receipt for a decal shall include all of the6following:7(a) The name of the peace officer.8(b) The time, date, and place of the inspection.9(c) The vessel's identifying number.10(6) A peace officer shall deliver to his or her supervisor11or person designated by that supervisor a receipt for a decal12within 48 hours of affixing the decal to a vessel. The supervi-13sor or person designated by the supervisor shall maintain14receipts received under this section for a period of 1 year.15(7) Except for inspection of a vessel to determine the16number and adequacy of personal flotation devices on that vessel,17a peace officer shall not stop and inspect a vessel bearing the18decal described in this section during the period the decal19remains in effect unless that peace officer has probable cause to20believe the vessel or the vessel's operator is in violation of a21marine law.22 (2) A PEACE OFFICER SHALL NOT STOP A VESSEL MOVING ON THE 23 WATERS OF THIS STATE FOR ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES UNLESS HE OR SHE 24 HAS A REASONABLE SUSPICION THAT A VIOLATION OF THIS PART, A LOCAL 25 ORDINANCE SUBSTANTIALLY CORRESPONDING TO A PROVISION OF THIS 26 PART, OR ANOTHER LAW OF THIS STATE HAS BEEN OR IS ABOUT TO BE 27 COMMITTED. 07531'02 4 1 (3)(8)A person who is detained for a violation of this 2 part or of a local ordinance substantially corresponding to a 3 provision of this part and who furnishes a peace officer false, 4 forged, fictitious, or misleading verbal or written information 5 identifying the person as another person is guilty of a 6 misdemeanor. 7 (4)(9)A peace officer who observes a marine law viola- 8 tion may immediately arrest the person without a warrant or issue 9 to the person a written or verbal warning. 10 SEC. 80166A. (1) THE DEPARTMENT MAY ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT 11 WITH THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 12 AUXILIARY, OR AN ORGANIZATION SPONSORED BY THE UNITED STATES 13 COAST GUARD OR THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY TO PROVIDE 14 FOR COURTESY MARINE EXAMINATIONS OF A VESSEL AND ITS EQUIPMENT. 15 AN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO UNDER THIS SUBSECTION SHALL NOT PRE- 16 CLUDE THE DEPARTMENT, OR ANY PEACE OFFICER WITHIN HIS OR HER 17 JURISDICTION, FROM PERFORMING AN INSPECTION OF A VESSEL OR THE 18 VESSEL'S EQUIPMENT FOR ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES OR COURTESY 19 PURPOSES. 20 (2) AN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL SPEC- 21 IFY THAT THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, THE UNITED STATES COAST 22 GUARD AUXILIARY, OR AN ORGANIZATION SPONSORED BY THE UNITED 23 STATES COAST GUARD OR THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY 24 SHALL PROVIDE THE DEPARTMENT WITH A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF VESSEL 25 SAFETY CHECK DECALS FOR CONSERVATION OFFICERS AND THOSE COUNTIES 26 THAT PARTICIPATE IN THE MARINE SAFETY PROGRAM. IN ADDITION TO 27 ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT IS INCLUDED ON A VESSEL SAFETY CHECK 07531'02 5 1 DECAL, EACH VESSEL SAFETY CHECK DECAL SHALL BEAR THE LIKENESS OF 2 THE STATE SEAL OF MICHIGAN. THE VESSEL SAFETY CHECK DECAL SHALL 3 DISPLAY THE YEAR IN WHICH THE DECAL WAS ISSUED AND DURING WHICH 4 IT IS VALID. 5 (3) UPON THE COMPLETION OF AN INSPECTION OF A VESSEL OR THE 6 VESSEL'S EQUIPMENT BY A PEACE OFFICER, THE UNITED STATES COAST 7 GUARD, THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY, OR AN ORGANIZA- 8 TION SPONSORED BY THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OR THE UNITED 9 STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY, THE PEACE OFFICER OR PERSON PER- 10 FORMING THE INSPECTION SHALL AFFIX TO THE VESSEL THE VESSEL 11 SAFETY CHECK DECAL PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION. 12 (4) THE APPEARANCE OF A VALID VESSEL SAFETY CHECK DECAL, 13 ISSUED IN THIS STATE OR ANOTHER STATE, ON A VESSEL IS PRIMA FACIE 14 EVIDENCE THAT THE VESSEL IS PROPERLY EQUIPPED. 07531'02 Final page. JCB