April 18, 2002, Introduced by Rep. Ruth Johnson and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management. A bill to amend 2000 PA 92, entitled "Food law of 2000," by amending sections 1109, 1119, 3119, 4111, 4117, 6101, 6149, and 7101 (MCL 289.1109, 289.1119, 289.3119, 289.4111, 289.4117, 289.6101, 289.6149, and 289.7101); and to repeal acts and parts of acts. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1109. As used in this act: 2 (a) "Imminent or substantial hazard" means a condition at a 3 food establishment that the director determines requires immedi- 4 ate action to prevent endangering the health of people. 5 (b) "Label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic 6 matter upon the immediate container of any article and includes a 7 requirement imposed under this act that any word, statement, or 8 other information appearing on the display also appear on the 07057'02 LBO 2 1 outside container or wrapper of the retail package of the article 2 or be easily legible through the outside container or wrapper. 3 (c) "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, 4 or graphic matter upon an article, any of its containers or wrap- 5 pers, or accompanying the article. 6 (d) "License limitation" means an action by which the direc- 7 tor imposes restrictions or conditions, or both, on a license of 8 a food establishment. 9 (e) "License holder" means the entity that is legally 10 responsible for the operation of the food establishment including 11 the owner, the owner's agent, or other person operating under 12 apparent authority of the owner possessing a valid license to 13 operate a food establishment. 14 (f) "Limited wholesale food processor" means a wholesale 15 food processor that has $25,000.00 or less in annual gross whole- 16 sale sales made or business done in wholesale sales in the pre- 17 ceding licensing year, or $25,000.00 or less of the food is rea- 18 sonably anticipated to be sold for the current licensing year. 19 Only the food sales from the wholesale food processor operation 20 are used in computing the annual gross sales under this 21 subdivision. 22 (G) "LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT" MEANS THAT TERM AS DEFINED IN 23 SECTION 1105 OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH CODE, MCL 333.1105, AND HAVING 24 THOSE POWERS AND DUTIES AS DESCRIBED IN PART 24 OF THE PUBLIC 25 HEALTH CODE, MCL 333.2401 TO 333.2498. 26 (H) (g) "Misbranded" means food to which any of the 27 following apply: 07057'02 3 1 (i) Its labeling is false or misleading in any particular. 2 (ii) It is offered for sale under the name of another food. 3 (iii) It is an imitation of another food unless its label 4 bears, in type of uniform size and prominence, the word 5 "imitation" and immediately thereafter the name of the food 6 imitated. 7 (iv) Its container is so made, formed, or filled as to be 8 misleading. 9 (v) It is in package form, unless it bears a label contain- 10 ing both the name and place of business of the manufacturer, 11 packer, or distributor and an accurate statement of the quantity 12 of the contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count 13 subject to reasonable variations as are permitted and exemptions 14 as to small packages as are established by rules prescribed by 15 the department. 16 (vi) Any word, statement, or other labeling required by this 17 act is not prominently placed on the label or labeling conspicu- 18 ously and in such terms as to render it likely to be read and 19 understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions 20 of purchase and use. 21 (vii) It purports to be or is represented as a food for 22 which a definition and standard of identity have been prescribed 23 by rules as provided by this act or under the federal act, unless 24 it conforms to such definition and standard and its label bears 25 the name of the food specified in the definition and standard, 26 and, insofar as may be required by the rules, the common names of 07057'02 4 1 optional ingredients, other than spices, flavoring, and coloring, 2 present in such food. 3 (viii) It purports to be or is represented to be either of 4 the following: 5 (A) A food for which a standard of quality has been pre- 6 scribed by this act or rules and its quality falls below such 7 standard unless its label bears, in such manner and form as such 8 rules specify, a statement that it falls below such standard. 9 (B) A food for which a standard or standards of fill of con- 10 tainer have been prescribed by this act or rules and it falls 11 below the standard of fill of container applicable, unless its 12 label bears, in such manner and form as the rules specify, a 13 statement that it falls below the standard. 14 (ix) It does not bear labeling clearly giving the common or 15 usual name of the food, if one exists, and if fabricated from 2 16 or more ingredients, the common or usual name of each ingredient 17 except that spices, flavorings, and colorings, other than those 18 sold as such, may be designated as spices, flavorings, and color- 19 ings, without naming each and under other circumstances as estab- 20 lished by rules regarding exemptions based upon practicality, 21 potential deception, or unfair competition. 22 (x) It bears or contains any artificial flavoring, artifi- 23 cial coloring, or chemical preservative unless the labeling 24 states that fact and under other circumstances as established by 25 rules regarding exemptions based upon practicality. 26 (xi) If a food intended for human consumption and offered 27 for sale, its label and labeling do not bear the nutrition 07057'02 5 1 information required under section 403(q) of the federal act, 21 2 U.S.C. 343. 3 (xii) It is a product intended as an ingredient of another 4 food and, when used according to the directions of the purveyor, 5 will result in the final food product being adulterated or 6 misbranded. 7 (xiii) It is a color additive whose packaging and labeling 8 are not in conformity with packaging and labeling requirements 9 applicable to such color additive prescribed under the provisions 10 of the federal act. 11 (I) (h) "Mobile food establishment" means a food estab- 12 lishment operating from a vehicle or watercraft that returns to a 13 licensed commissary for servicing and maintenance at least once 14 every 24 hours. 15 (J) (i) "Mobile food establishment commissary" means an 16 operation that is capable of servicing a mobile catering food 17 establishment. 18 (K) (j) "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship, 19 partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity. 20 (l) (k) "Pesticide chemical" means any substance that, 21 alone, in chemical combination, or in formulation with 1 or more 22 other substances, is a pesticide within the meaning of the fed- 23 eral insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act, chapter 125, 86 24 Stat. 973, 7 U.S.C. 136 to 136i, 136j to 136r, and 136s to 136y, 25 and is used in the production, storage, or transportation of raw 26 agricultural commodities. 07057'02 6 1 (M) (l) "Principal display panel" means that part of a 2 label that is most likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or 3 examined under normal and customary conditions of display for 4 retail sale. 5 (N) (m) "Public health code" means 1978 PA 368, MCL 6 333.1101 to 333.25211. 7 Sec. 1119. (1) Except as rescinded, rules promulgated under 8 public acts repealed by this act retain authorization under this 9 act. 10 (2) The following rules are rescinded 6 months after the 11 date of enactment of this act: 12 (a) R 285.538 of the Michigan administrative code. 13 (b) R 285.549 of the Michigan administrative code. 14 (c) R 285.554 of the Michigan administrative code. 15 (d) R 285.556 of the Michigan administrative code. 16 (e) R 285.557 of the Michigan administrative code. 17 (f) R 285.558 of the Michigan administrative code. 18 (g) R 325.25101 through 325.26008 of the Michigan adminis- 19 trative code. 20 (3) Beginning 6 months after the date of enactment of this 21 act, R 285.553 of the Michigan administrative code does not apply 22 to any food establishments under this act except for any farm 23 crop storages exempt from the requirements imposed under section 24 7101. 25 (2) NOTWITHSTANDING R 285.553.1 OF THE MICHIGAN ADMINISTRA- 26 TIVE CODE, THE FOLLOWING TERMS HAVE THE FOLLOWING MEANINGS FOR 27 PURPOSES OF THOSE RULES: 07057'02 7 1 (A) "ACT" MEANS THE FOOD LAW OF 2000, 2000 PA 92, 2 MCL 289.1101 TO 289.8111. 3 (B) "ESTABLISHMENT" MEANS ANY FARM CROP STORAGE WHERE FOOD 4 IS HANDLED, STORED, OR PREPARED AND THAT IS EXEMPT FROM THE 5 REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 7101. 6 Sec. 3119. (1) Except as otherwise provided for in subsec- 7 tion (2), upon submission of an application, an applicant for a 8 food service establishment license shall pay to the local health 9 department having jurisdiction the required sanitation service 10 fees authorized by section 2444 of the public health code, MCL 11 333.2444, and an additional state license fee as follows: 12 (a) Vending machine location fee....................... $ 2.50. 13 (b) Temporary food service establishment............... $ 2.50. 14 (c) Food service establishment......................... $19.00. 15 (d) Mobile food service establishment................. $ 2.50. 16 (D) (e) Mobile food establishment commissary......... $19.00. 17 (E) (f) Special transitory food unit................. $30.00. 18 (2) When licensing a special transitory food unit, a local 19 health department shall impose a fee of $117.00, WHICH INCLUDES 20 THE ADDITIONAL STATE LICENSE FEE IMPOSED UNDER SUBSECTION (1) 21 UNLESS EXEMPTED UNDER SUBSECTION (4) OR (5). 07057'02 8 1 (3) The state license fee required under subsection (1) 2 shall be collected by the local health department at the time the 3 license application is submitted. The state license fee is due 4 and payable by the local health department to the state within 60 5 days after the fee is collected. 6 (4) A school or other educational institution is exempt from 7 paying the fees in IMPOSED UNDER section 2444 of the public 8 health code, MCL 333.2444, and this section THE ADDITIONAL 9 STATE LICENSE FEE IMPOSED UNDER SUBSECTIONS (1) AND (2) but is 10 not exempt from the other provisions of this chapter. 11 (5) A charitable, religious, fraternal, service, civic, or 12 other nonprofit organization that has tax-exempt status under 13 section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986 is exempt 14 from paying ADDITIONAL STATE LICENSE fees IMPOSED under this sec- 15 tion except for the vending machine location license fee. An 16 organization seeking an exemption under this subsection shall 17 furnish to the department or a local health department evidence 18 of its tax-exempt status. 19 (6) (5) The department shall adjust on an annual basis the 20 fees prescribed by subsection SUBSECTIONS (1) AND (2), AS 21 ADJUSTED AFTER NOVEMBER 8, 2000, by an amount determined by the 22 state treasurer to reflect the cumulative annual percentage 23 change in the Detroit consumer price index but not to exceed 5%. 24 As used in this subsection, "Detroit consumer price index" means 25 the most comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the 26 Detroit area from the bureau of labor statistics of the United 27 States department of labor or its successor. The adjustment 07057'02 9 1 shall be rounded to the nearest dollar to set each year's fee 2 under this subsection, but the absolute value shall be carried 3 over and used to calculate the next annual adjustment. 4 (7) (6) The local health department shall forward the 5 license applications to the department with appropriate 6 recommendations. 7 Sec. 4111. (1) The department shall impose the following 8 license fees for each year or portion of a year: 9 (a) Retail food establishment: $67.00. 10 (b) Extended retail food establishment: $172.00. 11 (c) Wholesale food processor: $172.00. 12 (d) Limited wholesale food processor: $67.00. 13 (e) Mobile food establishment: $172.00. 14 (f) Vending: $25.00. 15 (F) (g) Temporary food establishment: $25.00. 16 (G) (h) Special transitory food unit: $117.00. 17 (H) (i) Mobile food establishment commissary: $172.00. 18 (I) (j) Food warehouse: $67.00. 19 (J) FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT: THE AMOUNTS DESCRIBED IN 20 SUBSECTION (2). 21 (2) IF A LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT NO LONGER CONDUCTS A FOOD 22 SERVICE SANITATION PROGRAM, THE DEPARTMENT, IN CONSULTATION WITH 23 THE COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURE, SHALL SET THE FOOD SANITATION FEES 24 TO BE IMPOSED FOR THE DEPARTMENT'S SERVICES PERFORMED UNDER 25 SUBSECTION (1)(J). THE FEES IMPOSED SHALL EQUAL, AS NEARLY AS 26 POSSIBLE, 1/2 OF THE DEPARTMENT'S COST OF PROVIDING THE SERVICE. 27 THE CONDUCT OF THE SERVICES RESULTING FROM A CESSATION OF A FOOD 07057'02 10 1 SERVICE SANITATION PROGRAM IS CONSIDERED AN IMMINENT OR 2 SUBSTANTIAL HAZARD THAT ALLOWS THE DEPARTMENT TO IMPOSE THE SERV- 3 ICE FEES FOR UP TO 12 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF CESSATION BY THE 4 LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT. AFTER THE 12-MONTH PERIOD, THE DEPART- 5 MENT SHALL COLLECT THE FEES ONLY IN THE AMOUNT PROVIDED BY AMEND- 6 MENT OF THIS ACT OR AS AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO APPROPRIATION. 7 Sec. 4117. (1) Except as provided in subsection 8 SUBSECTIONS (2) AND (3), money collected under this chapter by 9 the department shall be credited to the general fund of the 10 state. 11 (2) A consumer food safety education fund is created as a 12 revolving fund in the department of treasury. The consumer food 13 safety education fund shall be administered by the department and 14 funded by adding $3.00 to the fee for each food establishment 15 license in all categories except vending machines and in cases of 16 fee-exempt food establishments. The money in the fund shall be 17 used to provide statewide training and education to consumers on 18 food safety. An advisory committee consisting of at least 9 19 people representing consumers, industry, government, and academia 20 shall advise the department on the use of the funds. Money 21 remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall be car- 22 ried forward into the next fiscal year. 23 (3) An industry food-safety education fund is created as a 24 revolving fund in the department of treasury. The industry 25 food-safety education fund shall be administered by the depart- 26 ment and funded by adding $2.00 to the fee for each food service 27 establishment license in all categories except vending machines 07057'02 11 1 and in cases of fee-exempt food establishments. The money in the 2 fund shall be used to provide food safety training and education 3 to food service establishment employees and agents of the direc- 4 tor who enforce this act. The advisory committee created in 5 subsection (2) shall advise the department on the use of the 6 funds. Money remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year 7 shall be carried forward into the next fiscal year. 8 (4) AS USED IN THIS SECTION, "FEE-EXEMPT FOOD ESTABLISHMENT" 9 MEANS A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT EXEMPT FROM ALL STATE AND LOCAL FOOD 10 ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE FEES UNDER EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING 11 CIRCUMSTANCES: 12 (A) THE EDUCATION INSTITUTION EXEMPTION UNDER 13 SECTION 3119(4). 14 (B) A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION THAT HAS AN EXEMPTION UNDER 15 SECTION 3119(5) COMBINED WITH AN EXEMPTION FROM THE LOCAL HEALTH 16 DEPARTMENT SANITATION SERVICE FEE UNDER SECTION 2444 OF THE 17 PUBLIC HEALTH CODE, MCL 333.2444. 18 Sec. 6101. (1) Notwithstanding section 12909(3) and (4) of 19 the public health code, MCL 333.12909, and rules promulgated 20 under section 12909(3), chapters CHAPTERS 1 to THROUGH 8 of 21 the food code are incorporated by reference except as amended and 22 modified as follows: 23 (a) Section 3-401.11(B) is modified so that the oven temper- 24 ature for high humidity oven temperature reads " 66øC 54øC 25 (130øF) or higher". 26 (b) Where provisions of this act and rules promulgated under 27 this act specify different requirements. 07057'02 12 1 (C) SECTION 3-201.11(D) IS MODIFIED SO THAT 2 "SUBPARAGRAPH 3-401.11(C)(1)" READS 3 "SUBPARAGRAPH 3-401.11(D)(1)". 4 (D) SECTION 6-101.11 IS MODIFIED TO ADD AFTER 5 SUBPARAGRAPH (A)(3): "(B) IN A TEMPORARY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT:". 6 (2) The director, by promulgation of a rule, may adopt any 7 changes or updates to the food code. 8 (3) The annexes of the food code are considered persuasive 9 authority for interpretation of the food code. 10 Sec. 6149. (1) AS USED IN THIS SECTION: 11 (A) "DISCLOSURE" MEANS A WRITTEN IDENTIFICATION AS TO WHICH 12 ITEMS ARE, OR CAN BE, ORDERED RAW OR UNDERCOOKED IN THEIR ENTIRE- 13 TY, OR ITEMS THAT CONTAIN AN INGREDIENT THAT IS RAW OR 14 UNDERCOOKED. 15 (B) "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE" MEANS ACCESSIBLE TO CONSUMERS, 16 WITHOUT THEIR HAVING TO REQUEST IT, BEFORE THEIR PLACING THEIR 17 FOOD ORDERS OR MAKING THEIR SELECTIONS. 18 (C) "REMINDER" MEANS A WRITTEN NOTICE CONCERNING THE SIGNIF- 19 ICANT HEALTH RISK OF CONSUMING RAW OR UNDERCOOKED ANIMAL FOODS. 20 (D) "SELECTION INFORMATION" MEANS WHATEVER CONSUMERS READ TO 21 MAKE THEIR ORDER SELECTIONS, SUCH AS MENU, TABLE TENT, PLACARD, 22 CHALKBOARD, OR OTHER WRITTEN MEANS. 23 (2) (1) To satisfy section 3-603.11 of the food code, the 24 following must be met: (a) A disclosure or reminder, or both, 25 shall be made by effective written means. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT 26 MUST MEET THE PRESCRIPTIONS OF THIS SECTION. 07057'02 13 1 (3) (b) Disclosure THE FOOD ESTABLISHMENT SHALL MAKE A 2 DISCLOSURE IN THE SELECTION INFORMATION that an item contains raw 3 or undercooked food of animal origin by either or both of the 4 following METHODS: 5 (A) (i) Items are described to include the disclosure, 6 such as "oysters on the half shell (raw oysters)", "raw-egg 7 caesar salad", and "EGGS (MAY BE REQUESTED UNDERCOOKED)", 8 "hamburgers (can be cooked to order)". THE DISCLOSURE IS NOT 9 LIMITED TO THOSE ITEMS AND DESCRIPTIONS IN THIS SUBDIVISION BUT 10 INCLUDES ITEMS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF A SIMILAR NATURE. 11 (B) (ii) Items are asterisked with a footnote that states 12 the items are served raw or undercooked, contain, or may contain 13 raw or undercooked ingredients. 14 (4) (c) A reminder of the SIGNIFICANTLY increased risk 15 associated with eating such foods SUBJECT TO THE DISCLOSURE in 16 raw or undercooked form . The reminder is satisfied when 17 items requiring disclosure are asterisked to a footnote that 18 states BY 1 of the following METHODS: 19 (A) ITEMS REQUIRING DISCLOSURE ARE ASTERISKED ON THE SELEC- 20 TION INFORMATION TO A FOOTNOTE THAT STATES 1 OF THE FOLLOWING 21 DISCLOSURES: 22 (i) "Regarding the safety of these items, written informa- 23 tion is available on request.". 24 (ii) "When eating out or cooking at home, thorough cooking 25 of foods of animal origin reduces the risk of foodborne illness. 26 Contact your physician or public health professional for further 27 information.". 07057'02 14 1 (ii) (iii) "Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, 2 seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne 3 illness.". 4 (iii) (iv) "Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, 5 seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne 6 illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.". 7 (2) As used in this section, "effective written means" 8 means the information is displayed in a manner that is noticeable 9 to be read by an interested person actively seeking this 10 information. It does not include effectiveness in changing 11 behavior, effectiveness in educating the target audience, or the 12 effectiveness in being read. For purposes of this section, the 13 opinion of the person in charge on the effectiveness should be 14 presumed to be accurate unless there is a factual reason to 15 believe otherwise. 16 (B) EITHER OF THE REMINDERS LISTED UNDER SUBDIVISION (A)(ii) 17 OR (iii) IS USED AND APPEARS AT LEAST ONCE IN THE SELECTION 18 INFORMATION ON THE FIRST INTERIOR PAGE OR THE PAGE WHERE THE 19 FIRST ITEM REQUIRING DISCLOSURE APPEARS. WHEN THE OPTION 20 DESCRIBED IN THIS SUBDIVISION IS USED, THE WORD "NOTICE" SHALL 21 APPEAR BEFORE THE REMINDER STATEMENT. 22 (C) A PUBLICLY AVAILABLE PLACARD SUPPLIES THE REMINDER OF 23 THE SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED RISK AND MEETS THE FOLLOWING 24 REQUIREMENTS: 25 (i) IT IS TITLED "NOTICE" AND CONTAINS 1 OF THE REMINDERS 26 LISTED IN SUBDIVISION (A)(ii) OR (iii). 07057'02 15 1 (ii) IT IS POSTED NEAR THE CUSTOMER ENTRANCES OF THE 2 ESTABLISHMENT AND IS CLEARLY VISIBLE TO THE CUSTOMERS. 3 (iii) ALL LETTERS IN THE TITLE ARE CAPITALIZED IN BOLD, 4 ARIAL FONT NOT LESS THAN 44-POINT FONT SIZE AND, IF MENU ITEMS 5 ARE ON THE PLACARD, THEN ALL LETTERS ARE EQUALLY READABLE AS THE 6 MENU ITEMS ON THE PLACARD. 7 (iv) ALL LETTERS IN THE REMINDER ARE ARIAL FONT NOT LESS 8 THAN 36-POINT FONT SIZE. 9 (v) THE REMINDER IS PLACED AT APPROXIMATELY EYE LEVEL AND IS 10 EASILY READABLE FROM THE POINT AT WHICH CONSUMERS WOULD NORMALLY 11 STAND TO READ IT. 12 (vi) THE REMINDER MAINTAINS VISIBILITY IN LAYOUT, FORMAT, 13 AND GRAPHICS IN CONTRAST TO OTHER POSTED MATERIALS. 14 (D) THE UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION MODEL 15 CONSUMER ADVISORY BROCHURE OR EQUIVALENT AS DETERMINED BY THE 16 DIRECTOR IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE. 17 (5) A REMINDER MAY BE TAILORED TO BE PRODUCT SPECIFIC IF A 18 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT EITHER HAS A LIMITED MENU OR OFFERS ONLY SPE- 19 CIFIC ANIMAL-DERIVED FOODS IN RAW OR UNDERCOOKED, READY-TO-EAT 20 FORM. 21 (6) THE LANGUAGE FOR THE MENU ITEMS SHALL MATCH THE LANGUAGE 22 USED FOR THE DISCLOSURE AND THE REMINDER. THE DISCLOSURE AND 23 REMINDER MAY ALSO BE IN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES. 24 (7) THE TEXT FOR DISCLOSURES AND REMINDERS SHALL MEET THE 25 FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 26 (A) THE TEXT SIZE FOR STATEMENTS ON HANDHELD MENUS OR TABLE 27 TENTS SHALL BE VISUALLY EQUIVALENT TO AT LEAST 11-POINT FONT SIZE 07057'02 16 1 OR MAY BE VISUALLY EQUIVALENT TO THE FONT SIZE OF MENU ITEM 2 DESCRIPTIONS. 3 (B) TEXT COLOR PROVIDES A CLEAR CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND. 4 (8) TABLE TENTS, PLACARDS, OR CHALKBOARDS THAT ARE USED 5 EXCLUSIVELY TO LIST FOOD ITEMS THAT ARE OFFERED AS DAILY, WEEKLY, 6 OR TEMPORARY SPECIALS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS 7 SECTION WHEN THOSE FOOD ITEMS ALSO APPEAR IN THE PRIMARY SELEC- 8 TION INFORMATION THAT CONTAINS THE DISCLOSURES AND REMINDERS 9 MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION. 10 Sec. 7101. Subject to section 1119(3) 1119(2), a food 11 processing plant shall comply with the regulations of the food 12 and drug administration in 21 C.F.R. part 110, except that 13 refrigerated potentially hazardous food shall be stored at 4.4 14 degrees centigrade (40 degrees Fahrenheit) or below. 15 Enacting section 1. Sections 6119, 6121, 6123, and 6145 of 16 the food law of 2000, 2000 PA 92, MCL 289.6119, 289.6121, 17 289.6123, and 289.6145, are repealed. 07057'02 Final page. LBO