HOUSE BILL No. 5747 February 26, 2002, Introduced by Rep. DeWeese and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform. A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled "The management and budget act," by amending section 267 (MCL 18.1267), as amended by 1999 PA 8. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 267. (1) The department shall issue directives to pro- 2 vide for the disclosure, transfer, and disposal of surplus, sal- 3 vage, and scrap material of state agencies. The department may 4 dispose of surplus and of salvage or scrap by donating or selling 5 the property or equipment to a unit of local government. 6 However, if a unit of local government is not interested in the 7 property or equipment, the department may sell the surplus, sal- 8 vage, or scrap at auction. THE DEPARTMENT MAY DISPOSE OF SURPLUS 9 COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, AND COMPUTER ACCESSORIES BY DONATING THEM TO 10 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICTS FOR DISTRIBUTION TO INDIVIDUALS WHO 03227'01 JLB 2 1 ARE FINANCIALLY UNABLE TO PURCHASE A COMPUTER AS DETERMINED BY 2 THE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 (2) The department may pay necessary costs incurred in the 4 conduct of the transfers or auctions of the property or equipment 5 including the necessary warehousing and reconditioning costs from 6 the proceeds of the auction or by assessing a MINIMAL handling 7 fee for property or equipment being donated. THE MINIMAL HAN- 8 DLING FEE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUAL COSTS OF HANDLING THE PROP- 9 ERTY OR EQUIPMENT. 03227'01 Final page. JLB