HOUSE BILL No. 4865 June 5, 2001, Introduced by Reps. Gosselin and Drolet and referred to the Committee on Redistricting and Elections. A bill to amend 1909 PA 278, entitled "The home rule village act," by amending section 21 (MCL 78.21). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 21. (1) All elections heldhereunderUNDER THIS ACT 2 shall be paid for by the locality where held, and except as oth- 3 erwise providedhereinIN THIS ACT shall receivesuchpubli- 4 cation and notice as the legislative body may determine, and 5 shall be arranged for, held, and conducted by the same officers 6 and in the same manner, as near as may be, as general biennial 7 fall elections. 8 (2) A VILLAGE SHALL HOLD AN ELECTION UNDER THIS ACT ONLY ON 9 A TUESDAY. 03198'01 c Final page. KDD