May 3, 2001, Introduced by Reps. Bob Brown, Raczkowski, Gieleghem, Spade and Bovin and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy. A bill to amend 1967 PA 281, entitled "Income tax act of 1967," by amending section 506 (MCL 206.506), as amended by 1996 PA 484. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 506. (1) "Eligible serviceperson", "eligible veteran", 2 and "eligible widow or widower" means MEAN a serviceperson, 3 veteran, or widow or widower, whose income as defined in this 4 chapter is not more than $7,500.00 per year unless the service- 5 person, veteran, or widow or widower receives compensation paid 6 by the veterans administration or the armed forces of the United 7 States for service incurred disabilities and who meets the 8 requirements of the following schedule: 01004'01 RJA 2 1 Taxable 2 Value 3 War Person Service in War Disability % Allowance 4 5 Indian Veteran or 3 months, or 1 No $3,500.00 6 $23,000.00 7 Civil veteran's day with dis- requirement 8 Spanish- widow or charge for serv- 9 American widower ice-connected 10 Mexican disability 11 12 World War I Widow or 3 months, or 1 No $2,500.00 13 $16,500.00 14 World War II widower of day with dis- requirement 15 Korean nondisabled charge for serv- 16 or nonpen- ice-connected 17 sioned disability 18 veteran 19 20 All wars or Pensioned Any No $3,500.00 21 $23,000.00 22 presidential veteran or requirement 23 executive veteran's 24 order or widow or 25 presidential widower 26 proclamation 27 28 All wars or Veteran with Any 10-50 $3,500.00 29 $23,000.00 30 presidential service-con- 31 executive nected dis- 32 order or ability or 33 presidential veteran's 34 proclamation widow or 35 widower 36 37 All wars or Veteran with Any 60-70-80 $4,000.00 38 $26,500.00 39 presidential service-con- 40 executive nected dis- 41 order or ability or 42 presidential veteran's 43 proclamation widow or 44 widower 45 46 All wars or Veteran with Any 90-100 $4,500.00 47 $30,000.00 48 presidential service-con- 49 executive nected dis- 50 order or ability or 51 presidential veteran's 52 proclamation widow or 53 widower 01004'01 3 1 2 All wars or Widow or Any No $4,500.00 3 $30,000.00 4 presidential widower of requirement 5 executive veteran dying 6 order or in service 7 presidential 8 proclamation 9 10 Current Serviceperson Any No $3,500.00 11 $23,000.00 12 service or requirement 13 serviceperson's 14 widow or 15 widower 16 17 (2) THE TAXABLE VALUE ALLOWANCE UNDER SUBSECTION (1) SHALL 18 BE ADJUSTED EACH TAX YEAR AFTER THE 1999 TAX YEAR BY THE PERCEN- 19 TAGE INCREASE IN THE UNITED STATES CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR THE 20 CALENDAR YEAR IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE TAX YEAR FOR WHICH THE 21 ADJUSTMENT IS BEING MADE. AS USED IN THIS SUBSECTION, "UNITED 22 STATES CONSUMER PRICE INDEX" MEANS THE UNITED STATES CONSUMER 23 PRICE INDEX FOR ALL URBAN CONSUMERS AS DEFINED AND REPORTED BY 24 THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 25 AND AS CERTIFIED BY THE STATE TREASURER. 26 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect for 27 tax years that begin on and after January 1, 2000. 01004'01 Final page. RJA