House Bill 6219 (Substitute H-3 as passed by the House)

Sponsor: Representative Raymond Basham

House Committee: Transportation


The bill would revise the marine safety inspection provisions of Part 801 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.

The bill would allow the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, or an organization sponsored by the Guard or Auxiliary to provide for vessel safety checks of a vessel and its equipment. An agreement could not preclude the DNR, or any peace officer within his or her jurisdiction, from inspecting a vessel or its equipment for enforcement or courtesy purposes. An agreement would have to specify that the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, or sponsored organization would provide the DNR with a sufficient number of vessel safety check decals for conservation officers and those counties participating in the marine safety program. A decal would have to display the year in which it was issued and during which it was valid.

Upon the completion of an inspection of a vessel or its equipment by a peace officer, the U.S. Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, or an organization sponsored by the Guard or Auxiliary, the peace officer or person performing the inspection would have to affix the decal to the vessel.

The bill would delete current provisions that do the following: require police chiefs, the DNR, the State Police, and sheriffs to issue a book of marine safety inspection decals to each peace officer whose duties may include enforcement of marine law; require the DNR to make marine safety inspection decals available to various law enforcement agencies; require receipts for each decal; and require a peace officer who conducts a vessel inspection to include a reasonable examination and test of the equipment, and affix the marine safety inspection decal to the vessel if no violation of marine law is found.

Currently, if a vessel does not bear a decal created by the DNR, the operator must submit to an inspection of the vessel and its equipment. The bill would refer to a decal described in the bill or an equivalent decal issued by or on behalf of another state.

MCL 324.80166 et al. - Legislative Analyst: George Towne


The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Date Completed: 12-11-02 - Fiscal Analyst: Pam Graham

- Bruce Bakerfloor\hb6219 - Analysis available @

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.