October 4, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Hager, DeRossett, Julian, Tabor, Patterson, Kowall, Gilbert, Koetje, Richardville, Hart and Ehardt and referred to the Committee on Family and Children Services. A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled "Public health code," by amending section 2888 (MCL 333.2888). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 2888. (1) To protect the integrity of vital records, 2 to insure ENSURE their proper use, and to insure ENSURE the 3 efficient and proper administration of the system of vital sta- 4 tistics, a person or governmental entity shall not permit inspec- 5 tion of A VITAL RECORD, disclose information contained in A vital 6 records RECORD, or copy or issue a copy of all or part of a 7 VITAL record except as authorized by this part, by rule, or by 8 order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Procedures THE 9 DEPARTMENT shall ESTABLISH PROCEDURES THAT provide for adequate 10 standards of security and confidentiality of vital records. 07261'00 * GWH 2 1 (2) The department may establish procedures for the 2 disclosure of information contained in vital records for research 3 purposes. 4 (3) THE DEPARTMENT SHALL ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR THE DIS- 5 CLOSURE OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN VITAL RECORDS TO ASSIST THE 6 FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY IN MEETING THAT DEPARTMENT'S RESPONSI- 7 BILITY UNDER SECTION 3 OF THE CHILD PROTECTION LAW, 1975 PA 238, 8 MCL 722.623, OF IDENTIFYING, AT THE TIME OF BIRTH, CHILDREN WHO 9 HAVE A PARENT WHOSE PARENTAL RIGHTS TO ANOTHER CHILD WERE 10 TERMINATED. THESE PROCEDURES MAY INCLUDE PARTICIPATION IN THE 11 AUTOMATED SYSTEM IMPLEMENTED BY THE FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY AS 12 REQUIRED BY THAT SECTION. 13 (4) (3) An appeal from a decision of a custodian of per- 14 manent local records refusing to disclose information , or to 15 permit inspection of or copying of records under the authority of 16 this section and procedures adopted under section 2896 , shall 17 be made to the state registrar. , whose THE STATE REGISTRAR'S 18 decision ON THE APPEAL is binding on the local custodian of per- 19 manent local records. 20 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 21 effect unless Senate Bill No. _______ or House Bill No. 6081 22 (request no. 07262'00) of the 90th Legislature is enacted into 23 law. 07261'00 * Final page. GWH