HOUSE BILL No. 5771 May 11, 2000, Introduced by Reps. DeHart, Scott, Kelly, Neumann, Gieleghem, Hale, Basham, Jellema, Schermesser, Mans, Jacobs and Spade and referred to the Committee on Senior Health, Security and Retirement. A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled "Public health code," by amending sections 21751 and 21786 (MCL 333.21751 and 333.21786). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 21751. (1) When the department has concluded a pro- 2 ceeding under sections 71 to 106 of the administrative procedures 3 act of 1969,as amended, being sections 24.271 to 24.306 of the4Michigan Compiled LawsMCL 24.271 TO 24.306, orwhenIF the 5 department has suspended or revoked the license of a nursing 6 home, the department, a patient in thefacilityNURSING HOME, 7 or a patient's representative may file an emergency petition with 8 the circuit court to place the nursing home under the control of 9 a receiver if necessary to protect the health or safety of 10 patients in the nursing home. The court may grant the petition 02870'99 CPD 2 1 upon a finding that the health or safety of the patients in the 2 nursing home would be seriously threatened if a condition exist- 3 ing at the time the petition was filed is permitted to continue. 4 (2)TheIF A PETITION IS FILED UNDER SUBSECTION (1), THE 5 court shall appoint as receiver the director of thedepartment6of social servicesFAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY, the director of 7 the department ofpublic healthCONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES, 8 or another state agency or person designated by the director of 9public healthTHE DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY 10 SERVICES. The receiver appointed by the court shall use the 11 income and assets of the nursing home AND, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE 12 PROVIDED BY LAW, THE PERSONAL INCOME AND ASSETS OF EACH OWNER OF 13 THE NURSING HOME to maintain and operate the NURSING home and to 14 attempt to correct the conditionswhichTHAT constitute a 15 threat to the patients IN THE NURSING HOME.ATHE RECEIVER 16 SHALL NOT MAKE A major structural alterationshall not be made17 to the nursing home, unless the alteration is necessary to bring 18 the nursing home into compliance with licensing requirements. 19 (3) To assist in the implementation of the mandate of the 20 court, the receiver APPOINTED UNDER SUBSECTION (2) may request 21 and receive reasonable consultation from the available personnel 22 of the department. 23 (4) The COURT SHALL TERMINATE A receivershipshall be24terminatedORDERED UNDER THIS SECTION when the receiver and the 25 court certify that the conditionswhichTHAT prompted the 26 appointment OF THE RECEIVER have been corrected, when the NURSING 27 HOME'S license is restored, when a new license is issued, or, in 02870'99 3 1 the case of a discontinuance of operation OF THE NURSING HOME, 2 when the patients are safely placed in other facilities, which- 3 ever occurs first. 4 (5) Upon the termination of the receivership, the receiver 5 shall render a complete accounting to the court and shall dispose 6 of surplus funds as the court directs. 7 Sec. 21786. (1) In the case of an emergency closing of a 8 nursing home, orwhen it is determined byIF the department 9 DETERMINES that a nursing home is suddenly no longer able to pro- 10 vide adequate patient care, the department shall do both of the 11 following: 12 (a) Assure that thedepartment of social servicesFAMILY 13 INDEPENDENCE AGENCY has been notified to make arrangements for 14 the orderly and safe discharge and transfer of the NURSING HOME'S 15 patients to another facility. 16 (b) Place a representative of the department ina facility17 THE NURSING HOME on a daily basis to do each of the following: 18 (i) Monitor the discharge AND TRANSFER of patients to other 19 facilities or locations. 20 (ii) Ensure that the rights of patients are protected. 21 (iii) Discuss the discharge and relocation with each patient 22 and next of kin or legal guardian, person, or agency responsible 23 for the patient's placement, maintenance, and care in the 24facilityNURSING HOME. The DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE SHALL 25 PRODUCE A WRITTEN SUMMARY OF THE content oftheEACH explana- 26 tion and discussionshall be summarized in writingand shall 02870'99 4 1be madeMAKE THE WRITTEN SUMMARY a part of the patient's 2 clinical record. 3 (2) IF THE DEPARTMENT DETERMINES THAT A NURSING HOME IS NO 4 LONGER ABLE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PATIENT CARE AND ORDERS THE NURS- 5 ING HOME TO DISCONTINUE OPERATION, OR IF THE DEPARTMENT REVOKES A 6 NURSING HOME'S LICENSE AND AS A RESULT THE NURSING HOME DISCON- 7 TINUES OPERATION, THE DEPARTMENT SHALL FILE A PETITION WITH THE 8 CIRCUIT COURT UNDER THIS SUBSECTION. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL PETI- 9 TION THE COURT FOR AN ORDER FREEZING THE ASSETS AND INCOME OF THE 10 NURSING HOME AND THE PERSONAL ASSETS AND INCOME OF EACH OWNER OF 11 THE NURSING HOME. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL FURTHER PETITION THE 12 COURT FOR AN ORDER ALLOWING THE DEPARTMENT TO USE THOSE ASSETS 13 AND INCOME TO PAY THE COST OF DISCHARGING AND TRANSFERRING THE 14 NURSING HOME'S PATIENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION AND OTHER 15 COSTS INCURRED BY THE DEPARTMENT UNDER THIS SECTION. 02870'99 Final page. CPD