September 28, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Schermesser, Wojno, O'Neill, Basham, DeHart, Hale, Kelly, Rocca, Daniels, Scott, Bovin, Bogardus, Sanborn and Schauer and referred to the Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation. A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled "Natural resources and environmental protection act," by amending sections 43526, 43527, 43533, 43535, 43536, and 43537 (MCL 324.43526, 324.43527, 324.43533, 324.43535, 324.43536, and 324.43537), as amended by 1996 PA 585. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 43526. (1) A person shall not hunt deer during the 2 firearm deer season without purchasing a firearm deer license. 3 The fee for a resident firearm deer license is $13.00. 4 Beginning in 1999, UNTIL 2001, the fee for a resident firearm 5 deer license is $14.00. Beginning in 2001, the fee for a resi- 6 dent firearm deer license is $15.00. The fee for a nonresident 7 firearm deer license is $120.00. Beginning in 1999, UNTIL 2001, 8 the fee for a nonresident firearm deer license is $129.00. 9 Beginning in 2001, the fee for a nonresident firearm deer license 04097'99 TMV 2 1 is $138.00. Where authorized by the department, a resident or 2 nonresident may purchase a second firearm deer license in 1 3 season for the fee assessed under this subsection for the firearm 4 deer license for which that person is eligible. However, a 5 senior license discount is not available for the purchase of a 6 second firearm deer license. The department may issue orders 7 under part 401 designating the kind of deer that may be taken and 8 the geographic area in which any license issued under this sec- 9 tion is valid, when advisable in managing deer. 10 (2) The department may issue a kill tag with or as part of 11 each deer license. The kill tag shall bear the license number. 12 The kill tag may also include space for other pertinent informa- 13 tion required by the department. The kill tag, if issued, is 14 CONSIDERED part of the license. 15 (3) The department shall charge a nonrefundable application 16 fee not to exceed $4.00 for each person who applies for an ant- 17 lerless deer license. Except as otherwise provided in 18 section 43521, the fee for a resident antlerless deer license is 19 $13.00. Beginning in 1999, UNTIL 2001, the fee for a resident 20 antlerless deer license is $14.00. Beginning in 2001, the fee 21 for a resident antlerless deer license is $15.00. The fee for a 22 nonresident antlerless deer license is $120.00. Beginning in 23 1999, UNTIL 2001, the fee for a nonresident antlerless deer 24 license is $129.00. Beginning in 2001, the fee for a nonresident 25 antlerless deer license is $138.00. 26 Sec. 43527. (1) A person shall not hunt deer with a bow and 27 arrow or crossbow during the bow and arrow deer season without a 04097'99 3 1 bow and arrow deer license. The fee for a resident bow and 2 arrow deer license is $13.00. Beginning in 1999, UNTIL 2001, 3 the fee for a resident bow and arrow deer license is $14.00. 4 Beginning in 2001, the fee for a resident bow and arrow deer 5 license is $15.00. The fee for a resident or nonresident who is 6 12 years of age through 16 years of age for a bow and arrow deer 7 license shall be discounted 50% from the cost of the resident bow 8 and arrow deer license. The fee for a nonresident bow and arrow 9 deer license is $120.00. Beginning in 1999, UNTIL 2001, the fee 10 for a nonresident bow and arrow deer license is $129.00. 11 Beginning in 2001, the fee for a nonresident bow and arrow deer 12 license is $138.00. Where authorized by the department, a person 13 may purchase a second bow and arrow deer license in 1 season for 14 the fee assessed under this subsection for the bow and arrow deer 15 license for which that person is eligible. However, a senior 16 license discount is not available for the purchase of a second 17 bow and arrow deer license. The department may issue orders 18 under part 401 designating the kind of deer which may be taken 19 and the geographic area in which any license issued under this 20 section is valid, when advisable in managing deer. 21 (2) The department may issue a kill tag with, or as a part 22 of, each bow and arrow deer license. Section 43526(2) applies 23 with respect to a bow and arrow deer license. TO THE KILL TAG. 24 Sec. 43533. A resident or nonresident may purchase a 25 limited fishing license entitling that person to take all aquatic 26 species as prescribed by law. Except as provided in this 27 section, UNTIL 2001, the fee for a limited fishing license is 04097'99 4 1 $6.00 per designated consecutive 24-hour period. Except as 2 provided in this section, beginning BEGINNING in 2001, the fee 3 for a limited fishing license is $7.00 per designated consecutive 4 24-hour period. Notwithstanding any other provision of this 5 section, the fee for a limited fishing license for a senior citi- 6 zen is $3.00. 7 Sec. 43535. A resident of this state who is 65 years of age 8 or older may obtain a senior small game license, a senior firearm 9 deer license, a senior bow and arrow deer license, a senior bear 10 hunting license, a senior wild turkey hunting license, or a 11 senior fur harvester's license. The fee for each senior license 12 shall be discounted 60% from the fee for the resident license. 13 THERE IS NO FEE FOR ANY SUCH SENIOR LICENSE. 14 Sec. 43536. (1) A resident of this state who is 65 years 15 of age or older may obtain a senior restricted fishing license. 16 The fee for a senior restricted fishing license is discounted 60% 17 from the fee for a resident restricted fishing license. (2) A 18 resident of this state who is 65 years of age or older may obtain 19 a senior all-species fishing license. The THERE IS NO fee for 20 a senior all-species fishing license. is discounted 60% from the 21 fee for a resident all-species fishing license. 22 Sec. 43537. (1) A resident who is declared legally blind is 23 eligible to purchase OBTAIN a senior restricted or senior 24 all-species fishing license. The department may demand proof of 25 blindness. The licensee, when fishing, shall possess proof of 26 blindness and shall furnish the proof upon the request of a peace 27 officer. 04097'99 5 1 (2) A resident who has been determined by the United States 2 department of veterans affairs to be permanently and totally dis- 3 abled and entitled to veteran benefits at the 100% rate, for a 4 disability other than blindness, OR WHO HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY 5 THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TO BE A DISABLED INDIVIDUAL 6 UNDER SECTION 1614 OF PART A OF TITLE XVI OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY 7 ACT, 42 U.S.C. 1382c, FOR A DISABILITY OTHER THAN BLINDNESS, is 8 eligible to purchase OBTAIN any senior hunting license as 9 described in section 43535 or any senior ALL-SPECIES fishing 10 license described in section 43536, or both. The department may 11 demand proof of eligibility under this subsection. The licensee, 12 when hunting or taking aquatic species, shall possess proof of 13 his or her eligibility under this subsection and shall furnish 14 the proof upon the request of a peace officer. 15 (3) The department shall process licenses issued under this 16 section in the same manner as licenses issued to senior citizens 17 for purposes of receiving appropriations from the legislature 18 under section 43546. 04097'99 Final page. TMV