House Bill 4459
Sponsor: Rep. Marc Shulman
Committee: Gaming and Casino Oversight
Complete to 5-5-99
The bill would amend the Traxler-McCauley-Law-Bowman Bingo Act to exempt groups of senior citizens who conduct recreational bingo games from the act's licensing requirements. "Senior citizen group" would be defined as a group, club, or home that consisted of members who were each at least 60 years of age or older. Under the bill, a senior citizen group could conduct bingo without a license if all of the following conditions were met:
(1) The bingo was conducted solely for the recreation and amusement of the members and not for fundraising.
(2) Only members; their guests; and employees of the group, home, or club could participate in the bingo.
(3) Players were charged 25 cents or less per bingo card.
(4) The combined retail value of all prizes and merchandise awarded in a single day was not more than $100.
(5) All revenue from the bingo was used for prizes and reasonable expenses incurred in the operation of the game.
(6) No one was compensated for participating in the conduct of the bingo.
MCL 432.105a
Analyst: S. Stutzky