SENATE BILL NO. 897 February 18, 1998, Introduced by Senators CISKY, NORTH, STILLE and HART and referred to the Committee on Transportation and Tourism. A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled "The code of criminal procedure," by amending section 9f (MCL 764.9f), as amended by 1996 PA 81. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 9f. (1) As used in sections 9a to 9g, "appearance 2 ticket" means a complaint or written notice issued and subscribed 3 by a police officer or other public servant authorized by law or 4 ordinance to issue it, directing a designated person to appear in 5 a designated local criminal court at a designated future time in 6 connection with his or her alleged commission of a designated 7 violation or violations of state law or local ordinance for 8 which, except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), the maxi- 9 mum permissible penalty does not exceed 90 days in jail and a 10 fine of $500.00. The appearance tickets shall be numbered 11 consecutively, be in such form as determined by the attorney 03759'97 a TLG 2 1 general, the state court administrator, and the director of the 2 department of state police and shall consist of the following 3 parts: 4 (a) The original which shall be a complaint or notice to 5 appear by the officer and filed with the court. 6 (b) The first copy which shall be the abstract of court 7 record. 8 (c) The second copy which shall be retained by the local 9 enforcement agency. 10 (d) The third copy which shall be delivered to the alleged 11 violator. 12 (2) An appearance ticket may be issued for a misdemeanor 13 violation ofeither1 of the following acts for which the maxi- 14 mum permissible penalty does not exceed 92 days in jail and a 15 fine: 16 (a) Part 487(sport fishing)of the natural resources and 17 environmental protection act,Act No. 451 of the Public Acts of181994, being sections 324.48701 to 324.48740 of the Michigan19Compiled Laws1994 PA 451, MCL 324.48701 TO 324.48740. 20 (b) Part 401(wildlife conservation)ofAct No. 451 of21the Public Acts of 1994, being sections 324.40101 to 324.40119 of22the Michigan Compiled LawsTHE NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMEN- 23 TAL PROTECTION ACT, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.40101 TO 324.40119. 24 (C) THE PERSONAL WATERCRAFT SAFETY ACT. 25 (3) With the prior approval ofsuchTHE state officials 26 LISTED IN SUBSECTION (1),suchAN appearance ticket may be 27 appropriately modified as to content or number of copies to 03759'97 a 3 1 accommodate law enforcement and local court procedures and 2 practices. 3 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 4 effect unless Senate Bill No. 865 of the 89th Legislature is 5 enacted into law. 03759'97 a Final page. TLG