April 23, 1998, Introduced by Reps. Stallworth, Kilpatrick, Hale and Thomas and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. A bill to amend the Initiated Law of 1996, entitled "Michigan gaming control and revenue act," by amending section 12 (MCL 432.212). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Section 12. Wagering Tax; Rate; Distribution. 2 SEC. 12. (1) (a) A wagering tax is imposed on the gross 3 revenue received by the licensee from gaming authorized under 4 this act at the rate of 18%. 5 (2) (b) THE CASINO GAMING FUND IS CREATED WITHIN THE 6 DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY. The wagering tax plus all other fees, 7 fines, and charges IMPOSED UNDER THIS ACT shall be deposited into 8 the state casino gaming fund. in the department of treasury. 9 Such THE WAGERING tax is to be remitted daily by the holder of a 10 casino license to the department of treasury by electronic wire 11 transfer of funds. All of the ordinary, necessary and reasonable 01105'97 VPW 2 1 expenses of operating the board shall be deducted from the fund. 2 The fund shall be distributed periodically in accordance with 3 the provisions of this act pursuant to a schedule and methodol- 4 ogy which shall be mutually agreeable THAT HAS BEEN AGREED to 5 BY the department of treasury and the city IN WHICH THE CASINO IS 6 LOCATED. 7 (3) (c) The state casino gaming fund shall be allocated as 8 follows: 9 (A) (1) 55% to the city in which a THE casino is located 10 for use in connection with ALL OF the following: 11 (i) the THE hiring, training, and deployment of street 12 patrol officers. ; 13 (ii) neighborhood NEIGHBORHOOD and downtown economic 14 development programs designed to create local jobs. ; 15 (iii) public PUBLIC safety programs such as INCLUDING, 16 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, emergency medical services, fire department 17 programs, and street lighting. ; 18 (iv) antigang ANTIGANG and youth development programs. ; 19 and 20 (v) other OTHER programs which THAT are designed to con- 21 tribute to the improvement of the quality of life in the city. 22 (B) (2) 45% 25% to the state to be deposited in the State 23 School Aid Fund STATE SCHOOL AID FUND to provide additional 24 funds for K-12 classroom education. 25 (C) 20% TO THE STATE TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE STATE SCHOOL AID 26 FUND TO BE USED EXCLUSIVELY TO ENABLE SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO DEVELOP 27 OR EXPAND, IN CONJUNCTION WITH WHATEVER FEDERAL FUNDS MAY BE 01105'97 3 1 AVAILABLE UNDER THE HEAD START ACT, SUBCHAPTER B OF CHAPTER 8 OF 2 SUBTITLE A OF TITLE VI OF THE OMNIBUS BUDGET RECONCILIATION ACT 3 OF 1981, PUBLIC LAW 97-35, 42 U.S.C. 9831 TO 9835, 9836 TO 9844, 4 9846, AND 9848 TO 9852a, COMPREHENSIVE COMPENSATORY PROGRAMS 5 DESIGNED TO IMPROVE THE READINESS AND SUBSEQUENT ACHIEVEMENT OF 6 EDUCATIONALLY DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN RESIDENTS OF 7 THIS STATE FOR AT LEAST 2 YEARS. 8 (4) (d) Funds from this act shall not be used to supplant 9 existing state appropriations or local expenditures. 01105'97 Final page. VPW