House Bill 4031 (Substitute S-2 as reported)
Sponsor: Representative Lingg Brewer
House Committee: Transportation
Senate Committee: Health Policy and Senior Citizens
The bill would amend Public Act 222 of 1972, which provides for the issuance of State personal identification cards, to require the Secretary of State to give an applicant for a State personal identification card (State I.D.) certain information regarding the applicant's right to make an anatomical gift; and provide for the forwarding of anatomical gift information to a central registry. The bill is tie-barred to House Bill 4620 and Senate Bill 458.
House Bill 4031 (S-2) provides that in conjunction with the issuance of a State I.D., the Secretary of State would have to provide the applicant with written information: a) explaining the applicant's right to make an anatomical gift in the event of death, in accordance with the Act; b) describing the organ donation registry program maintained by Michigan's Federally designated organ procurement organization or its successor, including the organization's address and telephone number and an advisory to call the organization with questions about the program; and c) giving the applicant the opportunity to be placed on the organ donor registry. Further, the Secretary of State would have to provide the applicant with an opportunity to specify on his or her State I.D. that he or she was willing to make an anatomical gift in the event of death; and inform the applicant in writing that if he or she indicated a willingness to have his or her name placed on the organ donation registry, the Secretary of State would forward the applicant's name and address to the registry. The bill would require the Secretary of State to forward the applicant's name and address to the registry within 10 days after the applicant indicated a willingness to have his or her name placed on the registry.
MCL 28.292 - Legislative Analyst: G. Towne
Sections 818(1) and (2) of Public Act 111 of 1997 (General Government Appropriations Act for fiscal year 1997-98) state that $40,000 shall be used for producing a pamphlet to be distributed with driver's licenses and personal identification cards regarding organ donations. The funds must be used to update and print a pamphlet that will explain the organ donation program and encourage people to become donors by marking a checkoff on driver's license and personal identification card applications. Further, $64,000 is earmarked for return postage costs for reply forms addressed to the Gift of Life Organization. In total, $104,000 is appropriated to implement these provisions.
Date Completed: 4-27-98 - Fiscal Analyst: E. Limbs
floor\hb4031 - Analysis available @
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.