House Bill 5129 as enrolled

Public Act 460 of 1998

Third Analysis (1-12-99)

Sponsor: Rep. Paul Wojno

House Committee: Regulatory Affairs

Senate Committee: Government Operations


The United States flag is a symbol imbued with many of the values and ideals embraced by many of the citizens of this nation and of the state of Michigan. Many believe that displaying the United States flag on one's own property is an admirable expression of patriotism and support for this country's values and ideals. It is also seen as way of remembering and honoring those who have given their lives in service of this country and as a way of expressing support for the men and women who are currently dedicated to protecting and preserving this country's values and ideals, especially those who serve in the armed forces.

Although June 14 has been established as the national day for honoring the flag since 1949 (see BACKGROUND INFORMATION), as a result of a grassroots action initiated by a Nicholas Marty, the city of Warren and Macomb county have adopted resolutions to declare the 31-day period from June 14 to July 14 as flag month. It has been suggested that the state should also provide a similar extension of the time period for honoring the flag of the United States.


The bill would designate June 14 through July 14 each year as the official flag month of Michigan. The bill would also encourage people to observe the following guidelines when displaying of the flag of the United States: