House Bills 6151 and 6152
Sponsor: Rep. Ron Jelinek
Committee: Transportation
Complete to 10-5-98
The bills would change some of the hiring and advertising practices of driver training schools.
Specifically, House Bill 6151 would amend the act regulating driver training schools (MCL 256.605 and 256.605b) to allow the Department of State to issue a temporary instructor's license to a person who has applied for a driving instructor's license. The temporary license would be used while the applicant's qualifications were under investigation. If the investigation showed the temporary instructor did not satisfy the qualifications for a license, the department would be required to immediately notify the driver training school, and the school would require the temporary instructor to surrender his or her temporary license.
House Bill 6152 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MCL 257.208b) to require a driver training school operator who advertises to post a sign at each place of business to announce that (nonpersonal) driving record information for each individual instructor is available for review by the general public at that business address. The bill would eliminate the reference in the current provision that requires this information in any advertisement that a driving school operator publishes in a written publication or through any electronic or computerized media.
Analyst: J. Hunault