House Bill 5123 (Substitute H-2 as passed by the House) Sponsor: Representative Carl F. Gnodtke
House Committee: Transportation
Senate Committee: Transportation and Tourism
Date Completed: 5-15-96
The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to require the maximum speed limit on all freeways to be 65 miles per hour, and to permit the Department of Transportation (DOT) to determine, based on engineering criteria, which freeway speed limits would be less than 65 miles per hour.
The Transportation Department would have 30 days after the bill’s effective date to provide to the Senate and House Transportation Committees a list that described which freeway miles would not be increased automatically to 65 miles per hour and that would require further study by the Department.
Within 12 months after the bill’s effective date, the Transportation Department would have to complete its final determination of freeway speed limits for those freeway miles that had not been automatically increased to 65 miles per hour and submit that determination to the members of the Senate and House Transportation Committees.
Maximum speed rates of less than 65 miles per hour on freeways would have to be based on engineering criteria, including, but not limited to, design speed, and recognition of the frequency of recurring and nonrecurring “traffic congestion” as determined by the Director of the Transportation Department or his or her designee, in consultation with the Director of the Department of State Police or his or her designee. (“Traffic congestion” would mean a condition in which the number of vehicles attempting to use a freeway at any given time exceeded the ability of the freeway to carry that traffic load at generally accepted service levels thereby causing additional daily travel time for those drivers using that freeway.)
The bill also would delete language that requires the maximum speed limit to be 65 miles per hour on all highways or parts of highways upon which this maximum speed limit is permitted by Federal law.
MCL 257.628 Legislative Analyst: L. Arasim
The cost of installing new speed limit signs would depend on the miles of road affected and whether overlays of new signs were required. The Department plans on using overlays. The cost of an overlay is approximately $200. This amount cost includes fabrication and installation.
Fiscal Analyst: B. Bowerman
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
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