SPEED LIMIT                                                                         H.B. 5123 (S-7): FLOOR ANALYSIS











House Bill 5123 (Substitute S-7 as reported by the Committee of the Whole) Sponsor: Representative Carl F. Gnodtke

House Committee: Transportation

Senate Committee: Transportation and Tourism




The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to require the maximum speed limit on all freeways to be 70 miles per hour (mph) but allow the State Transportation Department to designate up to 170 miles of freeway on which the speed limit could be less than 70 mph. The bill also would double the fine for moving violations in construction and school zones.


Specifically, a person responsible for a moving violation in a construction zone or in a school zone during the period beginning 30 minutes before school in the morning and through 30 minutes after school in the afternoon would be subject to a fine that was double the fine otherwise prescribed for that violation. Signs would have to be placed at construction zones to warn motorists of the double fine.


MCL 257628 et al.                                                                         Legislative Analyst: L. Burghardt




The cost of installing new speed limit signs would depend on the miles of road affected and whether overlays or new signs were required. The Department plans on using overlays. The cost of an overlay is approximately $200. This amount cost includes fabrication and installation.


Revenue generated from doubling fines for moving violations in construction zones would depend on the level of enforcement. The Michigan Department of State Police issued 1,427 moving violation tickets in construction zones in 1994. These data do not include tickets issued by local law enforcement officers. There were 5,992 crashes in construction zones Statewide in 1994. Costs for signs notifying motorists that fines for moving violations in construction zones were double would depend on the size of sign required. The cost of movable signs currently used in construction areas is approximately $80 per sign.


Date Completed: 6-4-96                                                                     Fiscal Analyst: B. Bowerman













This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.