Senate Bill 959 (Substitute S-1 as reported by the Committee of the Whole) Sponsor: Senator Michael J. Bouchard
Committee: Families, Mental Health and Human Services
The bill would amend the Sex Offenders Registration Act to require the Department of State Police annually to publish a compilation of registered sex offenders, which would be available for public inspection; require the Department to notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency or sheriff’s department if a registered individual notified the Department of an address change or if the Department received a registration or notification under the Act; and require an individual registered under the Act before the effective date of the bill to provide the Department of State Police with his or her date of birth, if the Department requested it. The bill would take effect September 1, 1996.
The Department annually would have to prepare and publish a compilation of registered sex offenders that was indexed numerically by zip code area. The compilation would have to contain the name, aliases, address, physical description and birth date of each registered offender who resided in a zip code area and any listed offense of which the individual had been convicted. The Department would have to provide a copy of the compilation to each local law enforcement agency and sheriff’s department in printed form or by electronic, computerized, or other accessible means. The Department also would have to provide each local law enforcement agency and sheriff’s department with a monthly update of new individuals registered or deleted from registration or who had changed address to a new zip code area. The compilation and updates would have to be available for public inspection at a local law enforcement agency or sheriff’s department during regular business hours. If a court determined that the proposed compilation was unconstitutional, the Department would have to prepare annual compilations and updates that did not contain names, aliases, addresses, physical descriptions, or birth dates.
The Department also would have to produce an annual report of the number of listed offenses committed in the State, arrest numbers and rates, and case dispositions. The Department would have to send the report to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, and make it available to each local law enforcement agency and sheriff’s department. The law enforcement agencies’ and sheriff’s departments’ reports would have to be available to the public.
MCL 28.726 et al. Legislative Analyst: S. Margules
The bill would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on the State. The bill would require the Department of State Police annually to publish or provide electronically or by other means a compilation of individuals registered under the Act and provide a copy to each of the several hundred law enforcement agencies in the State and to provide a report to the Legislature on offenses and case dispositions. According to the Department, this would require the State Police to hire additional FTEs and incur printing or other costs at an amount that cannot be determined at this time.
Date Completed: 5-8-96 Fiscal Analyst: B. Baker
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.