STATE PUBLICATIONS                                                          S.B. 418 (S-1): FLOOR ANALYSIS












Senate Bill 418 (Substitute S-1 as reported) Sponsor: Senator Glenn D. Steil Committee: Government Operations




The bill would amend the Administrative Procedures Act to reduce the number of copies of the Michigan Register, and the Administrative Code and annual supplement to the Code, currently required to be distributed. The bill would eliminate provisions that require the Department of Management and Budget (DMB) to deliver or mail a copy of these documents to each standing committee of the Legislature; each member of the Legislature at the legislator’s home; each attorney on the Legislative Service Bureau (LSB) staff; each division of the Department of Attorney General; each county law library, bar association library, and law school library in this State; and any other library in the State (upon request); three copies to each State department; and any additional copies to any officer or agency of the State and any other officers, agencies, and libraries approved by the LSB. The bill would require instead that the DMB, unless otherwise directed by the LSB, provide copies of the documents to the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House in sufficient numbers to supply each legislator.


Currently, members of the Legislature may retain copies of the Michigan Register and the Michigan Administrative Code sent to their homes. The DMB must send to the home address of a new legislator the current volume of the Michigan Register and a complete copy of the Michigan Administrative Code. The DMB also must deliver to the State Library the Michigan Register, the Michigan Administrative Code, and the annual supplement, when requested by the State Library sufficient for its use and for exchanges. The bill would eliminate these provisions.


The bill would allow the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to hire staff to assist the Committee. Supervision of the staff, budgeting, procurement, and related functions of the Committee would be performed by the Legislative Council Administrator (whose position would be created as provided in Senate Bill 506).


MCL 24.259                                                                                       Legislative Analyst: G. Towne




There would be costs savings as a result of the reduction of the free distribution of the publications in the bill. The cost of production, storage, postage, and distribution would be lowered because the number of copies published would be reduced. The actual cost savings cannot be estimated at this time.


Date Completed: 5-18-95                                                      Fiscal Analyst: L. Nacionales-Tafoya




This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.