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Legislative Session(s): 2009-2010
Document Type(s): Bills
Sponsor: Richard LeBlanc
Primary Sponsor Only: false
(436 results found)
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Document Type Description
HCR 0003 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to request the State Officers' Compensation Commission to recommend a 10 percent reduction in salaries of the members of the Legislature, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State the next time the commission meets and to urge the commission to ensure that none of its future recommendations exceed the average increase in state employee pay.
SCR 0004 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to affirm Michigan's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not enumerated and granted to the federal government.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HJR E of 2009 House Joint Resolution Property tax; assessments; limitation on taxable value based on change in SEV; amend constitution to provide for. Amends sec. 3, art. IX of the state constitution.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
SCR 0007 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to honor the memory of Harmon G. Cropsey, former member of the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate.
HR 0008 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing January 25 - 31, 2009, as Catholic Schools Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HCR 0008 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to request that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service extend indefinitely the depredation order for double-crested cormorants.
HR 0009 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President of the United States and the United States Congress to ensure that businesses located in the United States and their employees be the primary beneficiaries of the planned economic relief legislation to stimulate the economy and create jobs.
Last Action: adopted
HCR 0009 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to reaffirm the right to bear arms under the Michigan Constitution, the supremacy of the Second Amendment over the Commerce Clause, and the intent of the Michigan Legislature to not recognize or enforce unconstitutional firearm restrictions placed upon its citizens.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HCR 0010 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to express the intent of the legislature to tie changes in the salaries of executive department directors to the average rate of the changes determined by the State Officers' Compensation Commission for the state's principal elected officials.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HCR 0012 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Prisoner of War - Missing in Action issue.
SCR 0013 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to provide for waivers from requirements attached to stimulus funding that would hamper the state's efforts to meet its constitutional obligation to balance future budgets.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HJR N of 2009 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; reduced compensation for legislators who have unexcused absence from session; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 55 to art. IV.
HCR 0014 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to oppose any move towards the implementation of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax system, including any requirements for tracking devices as standard equipment in the vehicles of United States citizens.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0014 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to waive any taxes or fees related to distilled spirits for plants making ethanol solely for fuel use.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HR 0015 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the Federal Highway Administration to designate Woodward Avenue an All-American Road under its Scenic Byways Program.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0016 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to request that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service extend indefinitely the depredation order for double-crested cormorants.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0017 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to appropriate funds to restore the breakwall at the Grand Marais Harbor.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HCR 0017 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge Michigan's public institutions of higher education to adopt veteran-friendly policies.
Last Action: reported with recommendation without amendment
SCR 0017 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President of the United States and the United States Congress to declassify intelligence information regarding Guantanamo Bay detention camp detainees and provide it to the Governor and Michigan State Legislature.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HR 0019 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing March 2009 as Emergency Services Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0020 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing January 2009 as School Board Recognition Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0021 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the members of the Michigan congressional delegation to vote for the stimulus package and to work to maximize job creation for Michigan.
Last Action: Roll Call # 4 Yeas 67 Nays 41
HR 0022 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring February 8-14, 2009, as NAACP Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: Roll Call # 5 Yeas 105 Nays 0
HR 0023 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to honor Congressman John D. Dingell on the occasion of his becoming the longest serving member of the United States House of Representatives on this date, February 11, 2009.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0024 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress and the President to invest in the manufacturing sector, including the domestic auto industry.
Last Action: adopted
SCR 0026 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution relative to secondary road patrol funds for counties, cities, and villages.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs
HCR 0026 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress and the President to increase Michigan's share of stimulus funding for transportation.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HJR AA of 2009 House Joint Resolution Public employees and officers; other; veteran's preference for state jobs; revise. Amends sec. 5, art. XI of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HCR 0027 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge President Obama to grant Michigan a waiver from federal matching requirements for federal-aid highway projects.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
SCR 0027 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution offered as a memorial for Robert W. Davis, former member of the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
SCR 0028 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take immediate actions to prevent the Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes and to develop long-term strategies to address this problem.
HCR 0029 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact a Taxpayer Equity Act (TEA), prohibiting states with levels of unemployment that exceed the national average from being donor states.
SCR 0029 of 2009 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to support first responder and first receiver personal preparedness planning priorities in state law and local policies.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security
HR 0030 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing February 28, 2009, as Rare Disease Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HCR 0030 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution relative to secondary road patrol funds for counties providing road patrol services to cities, and villages.
Last Action: adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record
HR 0032 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the President of the United States to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HCR 0032 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to disapprove Executive Order No. 2009-45, setting forth changes in the organization of the executive branch.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Government Operations
HR 0033 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing the week of March 1-7, 2009, as School Social Worker Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HCR 0033 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge immediate actions to prevent the Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes and the development of long-term strategies to address this problem.
Last Action: Senate substitute S-1 concurred in
HCR 0034 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to express support for active transportation infrastructure options that promote walking and bicycle usage and reduce childhood obesity.
HJR II of 2009 House Joint Resolution Civil rights; equal protection; right to life; establish and clarify. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 10/15/2009
HCR 0036 of 2009 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the United States Congress to embrace greater economic transparency by enacting H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, and to enact it as a stand alone bill not attached to other legislation and in a version fully supported by the bill's original sponsors.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Banking and Financial Services
HR 0036 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to reaffirm the right to bear arms under the Michigan Constitution, the supremacy of the Second Amendment over the Commerce Clause, and the intent of the Michigan Legislature to not recognize or enforce unconstitutional firearm restrictions placed upon its citizens.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HR 0037 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution commemorating March 2009 as Social Work Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0038 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing March 12, 2009, as World Kidney Day and the month of March as Kidney Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0040 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact an oversight mechanism or structure to ensure that the federal stimulus assistance to the domestic automotive industry be used to pay outstanding debts due to the tool, die, and mold industry.
Last Action: Roll Call # 136 Yeas 109 Nays 1
HR 0044 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the United States Coast Guard to study the health, human, and environmental impact of the proposed twin spanning of the Ambassador Bridge on the city of Detroit, region, and the residents of the Southwest Detroit community and to determine that an environmental impact study is needed.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0046 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to encourage the citizens of the state of Michigan to participation in Earth Hour 2009.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0047 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to oppose preemptive federal insurance regulatory measures.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0051 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President of the United States and the Congress to do everything within their authority to stop American International Group from using taxpayer dollars to pay bonuses to their employees.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Banking and Financial Services
HR 0052 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution honoring the 25th anniversary of MEA-Retired.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0053 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution honoring the 25th anniversary of the merger between the Michigan Education Support Personnel Association and the Michigan Education Association.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0054 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to oppose any move towards the implementation of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax system, including any requirements for tracking devices as standard equipment in the vehicles of United States citizens.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0057 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution proclaiming March 26, 2009, as Support Our Troops Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0058 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Michigan’s congressional delegation to take the lead in creating an American solution to our nation’s health care crisis.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0071 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the United States Congress to increase funding for research into the causes and treatment of autism and to improve training and support for individuals with autism and those who care for individuals with autism.
Last Action: Roll Call # 176 Yeas 106 Nays 3
HR 0076 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing May 2009 as Relay For Life Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0077 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to incorporate into federal road funding distribution formulas appropriate consideration of the impact that climate has on highways.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0078 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring April 19-26, 2009, as Holocaust Remembrance Week and April 21, 2009, as Holocaust Remembrance Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0081 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge Michigan's public institutions of higher education to adopt veteran-friendly policies.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HR 0083 of 2009 House Resolution A resoultion designating April 1, 2010, as Census Day in Michigan and appointing a complete count committee.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0084 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing April 28, 2009, as Equal Pay Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: Roll Call # 175 Yeas 108 Nays 1
HR 0085 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to commemorate May 12, 2009, as Michigan Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0086 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring May 2009 as Bicycle Safety and Driver Alertness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0087 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing the week of May 3-9, 2009, as National County Government Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0088 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing the week of May 10-16, 2009, as Nursing Home Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0089 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act.
Last Action: Roll Call # 209 Yeas 102 Nays 6
HR 0093 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring June 24, 2009, as Older Michiganians Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0094 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing June 2009 as Professional Pest Management Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0095 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to commemorate May 16th, 2009, as Cherry Blossom Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0101 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution commemorating May 2009 as Bike Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0103 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge Michigan-based corporations, advertising companies, and state agencies to film their commercials in Michigan.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HR 0104 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact H.R. 1646, the Hearing Aid Assistance Tax Credit Act.
Last Action: reported with recommendation without amendment
HR 0105 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring the second Saturday in July as Cruisin' Michigan Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0112 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the U.S. Department of State to work with Italian authorities to do all they can to maintain the Italian Consulate in Detroit.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0117 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution designating July 2009 as Michigan Craft Beer Month and commending the Michigan craft brewers.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0122 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to recognize June 28-July 5, 2009, as Fun, Safe Swimming Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0124 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the United States Congress to enact the Automobile Dealer Economic Rights Restoration Act of 2009.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HR 0125 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the United States Congress to appropriate $475 million for a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0126 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the United States Congress to enact the American Clean Energy and Security Act.
Last Action: reported with recommendation without amendment(s)
HR 0127 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to provide that every public employee, including every elected official, must live under the provisions of whatever "public option" for health care emerges from ongoing discussions to overhaul health care in this country.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0128 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President and Congress to resolve the Mexican trucking dispute that has resulted in higher tariffs on United States goods being exported to Mexico.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HR 0133 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing September 2009 as Life Insurance Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0134 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact the Social Security Fairness Act to rectify inequities in Social Security for certain public service workers.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Labor
HR 0135 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge President Obama to grant Michigan a waiver from federal matching requirements for federal-aid highway projects.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0136 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution wishing Muslims in Michigan and beyond a happy Eid al-Fitr, the celebration marking the start of the fasting month of Ramadan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0137 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress and the President to increase Michigan's share of stimulus funding for transportation.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0138 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to affirm the right of workers to bargain collectively in their labor contracts for wages, working conditions, and benefits, and, in particular, health benefits.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Labor
HR 0139 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution proclaiming September 2009 as Safe Sleep Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0140 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the Governor to devise a plan to assure that the Library of Michigan collection remains intact and accessible in Lansing.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HR 0144 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President and Congress of the United States to pursue policies that encourage full reciprocity, fairness, and transparency in trade agreements and the elimination of obstacles to investment in America.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HR 0145 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to encourage the Michigan Department of Education to recognize the psychological differences between how boys and girls learn and to communicate this finding to the state's K-12 education community.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HR 0147 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution commemorating Monday, September 21, 2009, as Family Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0149 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to recognize September 9, 2009, as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0150 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact legislation prohibiting states with levels of unemployment that exceed the national average from being donor states.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Tax Policy
HR 0157 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution proclaiming September 17, 2009, as Buy Local - Select Michigan Day.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0158 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to recognize October 2009 as Filipino American Heritage Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0159 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to recognize September 15, 2009, through October 15, 2009, as Hispanic Heritage Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0160 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution proclaiming the week of September 21, 2009, as Pollution Prevention Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0162 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress and the President of the United States to explicitly exclude coverage for abortion from any government health care plan that is created.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HR 0163 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing October 11-17, 2009, as Credit Union Week in the state of Michigan and honoring all Michigan credit unions.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0164 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution designating October 15, 2009, as Conflict Resolution Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0166 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution declaring November 18, 2009, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0167 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing October 25-31, 2009, as Respiratory Care Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0168 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to adopt the Humane and Optimal Restoration and Sustainability of Equines Act.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Agriculture
HR 0175 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the Congress of the United States to enact and put into immediate effect a Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0176 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to increase funding for research into the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0180 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution recognizing November 14, 2009 as World Diabetes Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0181 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of the peaceful and democratic reunification of Germany.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0187 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to express support for active transportation infrastructure options that promote walking and bicycle usage and reduce childhood obesity.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0190 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution honoring Robert Heft, the designer of the United States 50-star flag.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0191 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to urge the United States Department of State to fulfill its legal obligation to respond to Freedom of Information requests for records related to breaches in passport record security and to provide complete information to the states regarding how Enhanced Driver’s License information is being protected, housed, and shared.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HB 4017 of 2009 House Bill Elections; local; Michigan election law; amend to allow nonresident owners of real property the right to vote on millage issues. Amends secs. 10, 11 & 492 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.10 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4018 of 2009 House Bill Elections; local; fourth class cities; amend to allow nonresident owners of real property the right to vote on millage issues. Amends sec. 1, ch. IV of 1895 PA 215 (MCL 84.1).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4019 of 2009 House Bill Elections; local; general law village act; amend to allow nonresident owners of real property the right to vote on millage issues. Amends sec. 4, ch. III of 1895 PA 3 (MCL 63.4).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4020 of 2009 House Bill Elections; local; revised school code; amend to allow nonresident owners of real property the right to vote on millage issues. Amends sec. 6 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.6).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4028 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; motorcycles; motorcycle helmet requirement; abolish. Amends sec. 658 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.658).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4030 of 2009 House Bill Education; attendance; compulsory age for attendance; increase to age 18. Amends secs. 1561 & 1596 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1561 & 380.1596).
HB 4083 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; funds; strategic fund; modify eligibility requirements. Amends sec. 11 of 1984 PA 270 (MCL 125.2011). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0502'09, SB 0539'09
Last Action: referred to conference committee 10/27/2009
HB 4095 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; millage; millage renewal request; restrict time period during which question may be presented. Amends sec. 24f of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.24f).
Last Action: reassign to Committee on Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs 02/04/2009
HB 4096 of 2009
(PA 10 of 2009)
House Bill Criminal procedure; warrants; issuance of certain search warrants; revise. Amends sec. 2 of 1966 PA 189 (MCL 780.652). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0188'09
Last Action: assigned PA 10'09 with immediate effect
HB 4098 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; driver responsibility fee; eliminate. Amends sec. 732a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.732a).
HB 4103 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; certain certified solar, wind, or water energy conversion devices; exempt. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 7mm.
HB 4110 of 2009 House Bill State; symbol; official Scottish tartan of this state; establish. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4111 of 2009 House Bill Trade; antitrust; gasoline without ethanol for use in watercraft; require that certain wholesalers and fuel terminals make available to marinas. Amends title & sec. 2 of 1984 PA 274 (MCL 445.772).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/23/2009
HB 4118 of 2009
(PA 265 of 2010)
House Bill Human services; children's services; procedure for placement of children in a foster home; expand to give special consideration to relatives. Amends sec. 4a of 1994 PA 203 (MCL 722.954a).
Last Action: assigned PA 265'10 with immediate effect
HB 4122 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; new construction; exempt for certain period. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 7nn.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/28/2009
HB 4126 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; surcharge; repeal of surcharge for taxpayers and revision of certain credits as a result of surcharge; provide for. Amends title & secs. 201, 403, 405, 451 & 601 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1201 et seq.) & repeals sec. 281 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1281).
HB 4161 of 2009
(PA 150 of 2009)
House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; prohibition on dispensing a prescription for a controlled substance received via electronic means from a physician prescriber in a state other than Michigan; remove. Amends secs. 7405, 17708 & 17763 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7405 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 150'09 with immediate effect
HB 4162 of 2009 House Bill Occupations; inspectors; licensure and regulation of home inspection services; provide for, and require certain disclosures and contract provisions. Amends secs. 303a, 401 & 601 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.303a et seq.) & adds art. 14.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/05/2009
HB 4163 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; equipment; use of headlights while operating a motor vehicle in precipitation; require. Amends sec. 684 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.684).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/05/2009
HB 4169 of 2009 House Bill Human services; children's services; requirement for parental disclosure of relatives when placing a child in a home other than that of a parent; implement. Amends sec. 13a, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.13a).
HB 4194 of 2009 House Bill Retirement; legislative; retirement health care benefits for legislators; eliminate. Amends sec. 75 of 1957 PA 261 (MCL 38.1075). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0132'09
Last Action: laid over one day under the rules
HB 4199 of 2009
(PA 91 of 2009)
House Bill Watercraft; other; fine for launching a boat with an aquatic plant attached; provide for. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101-324.90106) by adding sec. 41325.
Last Action: assigned PA 91'09 with immediate effect
HB 4203 of 2009 House Bill Recreation; outdoor activities; waiver or reduction of state recreational fees; require for certain veterans. Amends secs. 43537, 74117 & 83106 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43537 et seq.).
HB 4212 of 2009 House Bill Health; abortion; partial-birth abortions; prohibit. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 90h.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/11/2009
HB 4213 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of performing a partial-birth abortion; enact. Amends sec. 16d, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16d). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4212'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/11/2009
HB 4220 of 2009 House Bill Aeronautics; airports; reference to federal regulations defining sterile area of an airport; revise. Amends sec. 80f of 1945 PA 327 (MCL 259.80f).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/11/2009
HB 4229 of 2009 House Bill Legislature; other; Michigan legislative funeral act; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/11/2009
HB 4230 of 2009 House Bill Income tax; deductions; initial angel investment minimum requirement; revise. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30).
HB 4276 of 2009 House Bill Cemeteries and funerals; funeral practices; procedure to screen for veteran status when cremation order is signed; require of funeral homes. Amends 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.101 - 339.2919) by adding sec. 1807a.
HB 4302 of 2009 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; department of military and veterans affairs; provide for fiscal year 2009-2010. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/18/2009
HB 4306 of 2009 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2009-2010. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/18/2009
HB 4347 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; crime of carrying a concealed weapon in a prohibited place; delete from guidelines. Amends sec. 11b of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.11b). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4348'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/20/2009
HB 4348 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; concealed; list of specified premises on which a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon may not carry that weapon; eliminate. Amends sec. 5c of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425c) & repeals sec. 5o of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425o).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/20/2009
HB 4349 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; other; reporting discovery of a dead body; require. Amends sec. 2841 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2841).
HB 4373 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; resident address on driver license different than resident address on qualified voter file; permit. Amends secs. 307 & 315 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.307 & 257.315).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/20/2009
HB 4374 of 2009 House Bill Elections; registration; resident address on driver license or personal identification card different than resident address on qualified voter file; permit. Amends sec. 509o of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.509o).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/20/2009
HB 4377 of 2009
(PA 188 of 2009)
House Bill Health; smoking; smoke-free workplace and food service establishments; require. Amends heading of pt. 129 & secs. 12601, 12603, 12611, 12613, 12614 & 12905 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.12601 et seq.); adds secs. 12606, 12606a, 12606b, 12610 & 12914 & repeals secs. 12604a, 12605, 12607, 12615, 12617, 21333 & 21733 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.12604a et seq.) & sec. 6127 of 2000 PA 92 (MCL 289.6127).
Last Action: assigned PA 188'09
HB 4378 of 2009 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; lobbying by former legislators and executive branch officers; prohibit for 1 year after leaving state service. Amends sec. 6a of 1978 PA 472 (MCL 4.416a).
HB 4379 of 2009 House Bill Legislature; legislators; voting on bills when a conflict of interest exists; prohibit. Amends 1968 PA 318 (MCL 15.301 - 15.310) by adding sec. 2a.
HB 4380 of 2009 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; legislators applying for or receiving certain grants from the state; prohibit. Amends sec. 2 of 1968 PA 318 (MCL 15.302).
HB 4381 of 2009 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; financial disclosure report; require certain candidates for elective office and state officials to file. Creates new act.
HB 4382 of 2009 House Bill Campaign finance; other; candidate solicitations in state facilities; prohibit. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 57a.
Last Action: laid over one day under the rules
HB 4388 of 2009 House Bill Public utilities; consumer services; notice requirement for utility shutoff; establish. Amends 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.1 - 460.11) by adding sec. 9d.
HB 4402 of 2009 House Bill Trade; consumer goods and services; certain sales or use of human lice treatments containing lindane; prohibit. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding pt. 140 to art. 12.
HB 4424 of 2009 House Bill Insurance; essential; adjustment to premium; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 2114 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2114).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4429 of 2009 House Bill Insurance; no-fault; membership on Michigan catastrophic claims association board; increase. Amends sec. 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3104).
HB 4431 of 2009
(PA 294 of 2010)
House Bill Law enforcement; other; police agencies to retain certain confiscated weapons for use by that police agency; amend penal code to allow under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 239 & 239a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.239 & 750.239a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0212'09
Last Action: assigned PA 294'10 with immediate effect
HB 4445 of 2009 House Bill Appropriations; military affairs; department of military and veterans affairs; provide for fiscal year 2009-2010. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2009
HB 4448 of 2009 House Bill Appropriations; state police; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2009-2010. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2009
HB 4452 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; principal residence exemption of certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses; exempt. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 7oo.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2009
HB 4468 of 2009 House Bill Health; occupations; license revocation or denial upon conviction of first, second, or third degree criminal sexual conduct; require disciplinary subcommittee to impose. Amends sec. 16226 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16226). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4469'09
HB 4469 of 2009 House Bill Health; occupations; revocation or denial of license upon conviction of first, second, or third degree criminal sexual conduct; require disciplinary subcommittee to impose. Amends sec. 16221 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.16221). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4468'09
HB 4471 of 2009 House Bill Civil rights; open meetings; catastrophic claims association; make subject to open meetings act. Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 1976 PA 267 (MCL 15.262 & 15.263). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4427'09
HB 4473 of 2009 House Bill Worker's compensation; disabilities; occupational cancer; provide presumption for certain firefighters regarding. Amends sec. 405 of 1969 PA 317 (MCL 418.405).
HB 4475 of 2009 House Bill Income tax; other; autism research fund; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4477'09
HB 4477 of 2009 House Bill Income tax; checkoff; contribution designation for autism research fund; establish. Amends sec. 435 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.435). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4475'09
HB 4481 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; tax base; purchases from other firms; include certain payments to subcontractors. Amends sec. 113 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1113).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2009
HB 4485 of 2009 House Bill Income tax; credit; credit for the purchase and installation of certain residential renewable energy systems; provide for. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 254.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2009
HB 4492 of 2009 House Bill Liens; other; special tools liens; provide for interest and attorney fees. Amends secs. 13 & 23 of 2002 PA 481 (MCL 570.553 & 570.563).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2009
HB 4493 of 2009
(PA 268 of 2010)
House Bill Traffic control; driver license; individual with level 2 graduated driver license; prohibit from having more than 1 passenger less than 21 years of age other than family member in vehicle, and revise hours of permitted operation. Amends sec. 310e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.310e).
Last Action: assigned PA 268'10
HB 4494 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; vehicle offenses; registering or driving an auctioned surplus state police cruiser without changing the exterior color; prohibit. Amends sec. 255 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.255) & adds secs. 224a & 233c.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2009
HB 4495 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; mopeds; definition of mopeds; remove horsepower threshold. Amends sec. 32b of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.32b).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4501 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; firearms; definition of pistol; modify. Amends sec. 1 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4502'09
HB 4502 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; firearms; definition of pistol; modify. Amends secs. 222 & 223 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.222 & 750.223). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4501'09
HB 4511 of 2009 House Bill Education; curricula; mathematics graduation requirements and personal curriculum requirements; modify. Amends sec. 1278b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1278b).
HB 4512 of 2009
(PA 22 of 2010)
House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; state construction contract preference to firms owned by veterans with certain disabilities; establish. Amends sec. 241 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1241).
Last Action: assigned PA 22'10 with immediate effect
HB 4524 of 2009 House Bill Income tax; credit; tax incentive for purchase of certain new motor vehicles; provide for. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 254.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/11/2009
HB 4525 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; other; coercive abortion prevention act; create. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 15a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/11/2009
HB 4526 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for violation of coercive abortion prevention act; enact. Amends sec. 18, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.18). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4525'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/11/2009
HB 4569 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; licensing; temporary possession of pistol by person who received the pistol through testamentary disposition or laws of descent; allow pending receipt of license. Amends sec. 2 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.422).
HB 4601 of 2009 House Bill Local government; other; fingerprinting of applicants or licensees in certain occupations for the purpose of receiving state and national criminal history record information; allow. Creates new act.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4604 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; other; responsibility and payment method for driver responsibility fees; revise. Amends sec. 732a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.732a).
HB 4608 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; authorities; provision regarding distribution of federal and state formula funds; clarify. Amends secs. 4a & 4b of 1967 PA 204 (MCL 124.404a & 124.404b).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/19/2009
HB 4614 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; violations; aggressive driving; prohibit, and provide penalties and sanctions. Amends secs. 319 & 319b of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.319 & 257.319b) & adds sec. 626d.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/19/2009
HB 4697 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; perjury; providing false information to a legislative committee or subcommittee; prohibit, and provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 423a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/26/2009
HB 4698 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for committing perjury in committee or subcommittee of the state legislature; enact. Amends sec. 16v, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16v). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4697'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/26/2009
HB 4716 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; tax incentive for auto suppliers; provide for. Amends 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1101 - 208.1601) by adding sec. 431d. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4717'09, HB 4718'09, HB 4719'09, HB 4720'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/27/2009
HB 4722 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; financial and employment information to be posted on state website; require. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 447.
HB 4745 of 2009 House Bill Elections; school; technical amendments to revised school code concerning school board elections; provide for. Amends secs. 4, 5 & 614 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.4 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4746'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/01/2009
HB 4746 of 2009 House Bill Elections; school; school board elections; require to be held in November. Amends secs. 302 & 644g of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.302 & 168.644g) & adds sec. 642c.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/01/2009
HB 4747 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; motorcycles; motorcycle helmet requirement; abolish. Amends sec. 658 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.658).
HB 4748 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; traffic regulation; lane change within an intersection; prohibit. Amends sec. 636 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.636).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/01/2009
HB 4751 of 2009 House Bill Labor; other; unpaid leave for immediate family members of military personnel being deployed; allow. Creates new act.
HB 4760 of 2009 House Bill Education; teachers; requirements for teacher certification; allow major in accounting or writing to count toward certification. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1531f.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/03/2009
HB 4761 of 2009 House Bill Education; teachers; certification for teachers; require to have grammar, punctuation, and usage class. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1531i.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/03/2009
HB 4793 of 2009
(PA 143 of 2009)
House Bill Occupations; architects, professional engineers, and surveyors; licensing exam after graduation for architectural graduates; allow. Amends secs. 2004 & 2005 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.2004 & 339.2005).
Last Action: assigned PA 143'09 with immediate effect
HB 4828 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; weapons; sale of brass knuckles to minors; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 145e.
HB 4837 of 2009 House Bill Higher education; community colleges; granting of baccalaureate degrees in certain fields; allow. Amends secs. 105 & 121 of 1966 PA 331 (MCL 389.105 & 389.121).
HB 4870 of 2009 House Bill Civil procedure; civil actions; action against owner or tenant of a property that is a drug nuisance; allow. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding ch. 39.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/01/2009
HB 4907 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; motorcycles; requirement of wearing crash helmets; increase penalty, create exception, and provide for a no-helmet permit and sticker under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 312a, 658 & 907 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.312a et seq.); adds secs. 658c & 658d & repeals secs. 658c & 658d of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.658c & 257.658d).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/13/2009
HB 4916 of 2009 House Bill Campaign finance; other; definition of immediate family; expand to include parents of candidate. Amends sec. 8 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.208).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/13/2009
HB 4925 of 2009 House Bill Trade; consumer goods and services; definition of gift certificate; revise in consumer protection act. Amends sec. 3e of 1976 PA 331 (MCL 445.903e).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/13/2009
HB 4930 of 2009
(PA 53 of 2009)
House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; tax incentive for sale of aircraft and aircraft components manufactured in Michigan; provide for. Amends sec. 4x of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54x).
Last Action: assigned PA 53'09 with immediate effect
HB 4934 of 2009 House Bill Insurance; health; individual health coverage; regulate. Amends secs. 2213b, 3406f, 3501, 3503, 3519, 3521, 3525, 3539 & 3851 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2213b et seq.); adds ch. 37A & repeals sec. 3537 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.3537). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4935'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/14/2009
HB 4935 of 2009 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; individual health coverage; regulate. Amends secs. 401e, 402b, 608, 609, 610, 612 & 613 of 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1401e et seq.); adds secs. 220 & 613a & repeals sec. 614 of 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1614).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/14/2009
HB 4952 of 2009 House Bill Retirement; state police; DROP program; amend to allow certain employees the ability to retire early. Amends sec. 24a of 1986 PA 182 (MCL 38.1624a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/15/2009
HB 4961 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; other; public-private partnerships; create. Amends title & secs. 1, 6a, 7, 7a & 10 of 1964 PA 286 (MCL 247.801 et seq.) & adds secs. 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f & 7g.
HB 4962 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; funds; scope of asset management program; enhance. Amends secs. 1g & 9a of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.651g & 247.659a).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4963 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; funds; transit asset management; expand. Amends sec. 9a of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.659a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/20/2009
HB 4964 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; other; incentives for planning multicounty corridors; establish. Amends sec. 12 of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.662).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/20/2009
HB 4970 of 2009 House Bill Torts; liability; waiver of claims of liability against a sponsor or organizer of children's athletic and recreational activities; allow parent to sign. Amends 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1101 - 700.8102) by adding sec. 5109.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4985 of 2009 House Bill Campaign finance; other; certain communications with electors; require disclosure. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 48.
HB 4997 of 2009 House Bill Campaign finance; contributions and expenditures; general amendments; provide for. Amends secs. 15, 16, 22, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 47, 52, 55 & 57 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.215 et seq.) & adds secs. 43a & 48.
HB 5011 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; arrests; complainant's signature requirement to file a criminal complaint in cases alleging vulnerable adult abuse; prohibit magistrate from refusing to accept complaint because signed upon information and belief by individual other than the victim. Amends sec. 1a, ch. IV of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 764.1a).
HB 5036 of 2009 House Bill Civil procedure; civil actions; strategic lawsuits against public participation; limit. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding sec. 2977.
HB 5040 of 2009 House Bill Law enforcement; other; definition of regularly employed; clarify in commission on law enforcement standards act and allow for certain waivers. Amends secs. 2 & 9 of 1965 PA 203 (MCL 28.602 & 28.609).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/05/2009
HB 5045 of 2009 House Bill Civil rights; equal protection; whistleblower protection for communications with elected officials regarding actions of state agencies; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/05/2009
HB 5053 of 2009 House Bill Vehicles; motorcycles; motorcycle education; provide for. Amends secs. 306, 309 & 312b of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.306 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5054'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/10/2009
HB 5081 of 2009 House Bill Environmental protection; litter; littering informants; create reward program for. Amends sec. 8901 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.8901) & adds secs. 8905d & 8905e.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/12/2009
HB 5082 of 2009 House Bill Environmental protection; litter; civil infraction fines; direct portion of to littering informant reward fund. Amends sec. 8831 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.8831). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5081'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/12/2009
HB 5101 of 2009 House Bill Civil procedure; evidence; information obtained by union agent in course of representing union member; create privilege for. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding sec. 2170.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2009
HB 5102 of 2009 House Bill Communications; cellular telephone; termination of cellular telephone contracts by certain active military personnel; allow. Creates new act.
HB 5103 of 2009 House Bill Human services; fraud; use of public assistance data cross-referenced with certain state employment tax data; allow. Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 57v.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2009
HB 5114 of 2009 House Bill Family law; child custody; joint custody; mandate in every custody dispute between parents except in certain circumstances. Amends sec. 6a of 1970 PA 91 (MCL 722.26a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/18/2009
HB 5123 of 2009 House Bill Courts; judges; magistrates; require to be licensed attorneys. Amends sec. 8507 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.8507).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/18/2009
HB 5124 of 2009 House Bill Law enforcement; other; possession and operation of electrical devices designed to temporarily incapacitate persons; allow for reserve peace officers, auxiliary officers, and reserve officers. Amends sec. 224a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.224a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/18/2009
HB 5129 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guideline for crime of transporting human embryo created through human cloning; provide for. Amends sec. 16v, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16v). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5130'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5130 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; other; transportation of human embryo created through human cloning process; prohibit and provide penalties. Amends sec. 430a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.430a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5131 of 2009 House Bill Health; research; stem cell research; allow, establish procedures for research and donations, prohibit mixing of human and animal embryos, establish requirements for conducting research, and require certain reports. Amends secs. 2685, 2690, 2691 & 2692 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2685 et seq.) & adds secs. 2693 & 2696.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5132 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guideline for certain violations of stem cell research requirements; provide for. Amends sec. 13k, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.13k). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5131'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5133 of 2009 House Bill Health; occupations; procedures for informed consent for human in vitro fertilization services; establish, and require certain reports. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding secs. 2694 & 2695.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5134 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guideline for certain violations regarding human in vitro fertilization services; provide for. Amends sec. 13k, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.13k). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5133'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2009
HB 5181 of 2009 House Bill Local government; audits; pension board subject to audit by municipalities; require. Amends sec. 13 of 1965 PA 314 (MCL 38.1133).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/15/2009
HB 5214 of 2009 House Bill Civil rights; public records; public pension system boards; specifically require to comply with freedom of information act. Amends sec. 2 of 1976 PA 442 (MCL 15.232).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/17/2009
HB 5232 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; firearms; Michigan firearms freedom act; enact. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/12/2009
HB 5241 of 2009
(PA 220 of 2010)
House Bill Retirement; state police; final compensation; modify to include furlough hours. Amends sec. 3 of 1986 PA 182 (MCL 38.1603).
Last Action: assigned PA 220'10 with immediate effect
HB 5245 of 2009
(PA 148 of 2009)
House Bill Occupations; mortuary science; registry of names of unclaimed cremated remains; require. Amends 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.101 - 339.2919) by adding sec. 1809b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5246'09
Last Action: assigned PA 148'09 with immediate effect
HB 5246 of 2009
(PA 149 of 2009)
House Bill Cemeteries and funerals; burial or cremation; funeral director liable for properly disposing of unclaimed cremated remains; grant immunity. Amends title of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.101 - 339.2919) & adds sec. 1809a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5245'09
Last Action: assigned PA 149'09 with immediate effect
HB 5268 of 2009 House Bill Education; reports; schools to exclude information about incarcerated pupils from accreditation data and annual education reports; allow. Amends secs. 1204a & 1280 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1204a & 380.1280).
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/20/2009
HB 5275 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; number of credits available for certain cell manufacturing facilities; increase, and extend deadline. Amends sec. 434 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1434).
HB 5279 of 2009
(PA 50 of 2010)
House Bill Elections; absent voters; absent voter ballot to overseas voters; allow to be sent electronically. Amends sec. 759a of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.759a).
Last Action: assigned PA 50'10 with immediate effect
HB 5287 of 2009
(PA 226 of 2010)
House Bill Law enforcement; local police; provision prohibiting issuance of specified number of traffic citations; revise. Amends sec. 750 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.750).
Last Action: assigned PA 226'10 with immediate effect
HB 5302 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; other; right to transportation and storage of firearms under certain circumstances; allow. Amends title of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421 - 28.435) & adds secs. 1b & 36.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5303 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; other; transportation of firearms for lawful purpose; expand. Amends sec. 231a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.231a).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5320 of 2009 House Bill Occupations; construction; licensure and endorsement of certain individuals installing and servicing fire sprinkler systems; provide for. Creates new act.
HB 5323 of 2009 House Bill Retirement; investments; protection of assets for investments of pension plans; enhance. Amends secs. 13, 15, 17, 19, 19a, 20c, 20d & 20j of 1965 PA 314 (MCL 38.1133 et seq.).
HB 5346 of 2009
(PA 275 of 2010)
House Bill Economic development; other; next Michigan development act; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: assigned PA 275'10 with immediate effect
HB 5347 of 2009
(PA 276 of 2010)
House Bill Economic development; local development financing; next Michigan development areas; expand eligibility. Amends secs. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 12 of 1986 PA 281 (MCL 125.2152 et seq.) & adds secs. 12c & 12d.
Last Action: assigned PA 276'10 with immediate effect
HB 5348 of 2009 House Bill Economic development; plant rehabilitation; business eligibility for abatements; expand to include next Michigan development corporation. Amends secs. 2 & 4 of 1974 PA 198 (MCL 207.552 & 207.554).
HB 5349 of 2009
(PA 277 of 2010)
House Bill Economic development; renaissance zones; next Michigan development zone; create. Amends secs. 3, 6, 8a & 10 of 1996 PA 376 (MCL 125.2683 et seq.) & adds sec. 8h.
Last Action: assigned PA 277'10 with immediate effect
HB 5350 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; personal property; certain property in a next Michigan development corporation; provide exemption. Amends sec. 9f of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.9f).
HB 5351 of 2009 House Bill Economic development; Michigan economic growth authority; next Michigan development businesses; expand eligibility. Amends sec. 3 of 1995 PA 24 (MCL 207.803).
HB 5363 of 2009
(PA 93 of 2010)
House Bill Transportation; school vehicles; provision regarding waivers for school bus driver safety education certification; modify. Amends secs. 51 & 53 of 1990 PA 187 (MCL 257.1851 & 257.1853).
Last Action: assigned PA 93'10 with immediate effect
HB 5365 of 2009 House Bill Environmental protection; toxic substances or products; certain responsibilities of department of environmental quality for hazardous materials and storage tanks; transfer to state fire marshal. Amends secs. 21101, 21102, 21103, 21104, 21105, 21106, 21108, 21109 & 21111 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.21101 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5366 of 2009 House Bill Environmental protection; toxic substances or products; certain responsibilities of department of environmental quality under fire prevention code for hazardous materials and storage tanks; transfer to bureau of fire services. Amends secs. 3b, 3c, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5i, 5j, 5n, 5o & 5p of 1941 PA 207 (MCL 29.3b et seq.).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5367 of 2009 House Bill Fire; other; reference to department of environmental quality or agency promulgating certain rules; delete in act regulating liquefied petroleum containers. Amends sec. 2 of 1959 PA 241 (MCL 429.112). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5366'09
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5416 of 2009 House Bill Natural resources; hunting; use of certain firearms during firearm deer season; allow. Amends sec. 43526 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43526).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/18/2009
HB 5448 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; other; sunset of fees associated with traffic law enforcement and safety fund; repeal. Repeals enacting section 2 of 2003 PA 152.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB 5464 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; competitive bidding of certain leases and rental agreements; require. Amends sec. 221 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1221).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/25/2009
HB 5466 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; competitive bidding of leases and rental agreements; require, and establish certain publishing requirements. Amends sec. 221 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1221).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/25/2009
HB 5469 of 2009
(PA 240 of 2009)
House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; additional credit for cell manufacturing facility and advanced battery pack manufacturing; provide for. Amends sec. 434 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1434). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0818'09
Last Action: assigned PA 240'09 with immediate effect 2009 ADDENDA
HB 5470 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; licensing; waiver of concealed weapons licensing requirements; clarify for military personnel. Amends sec. 5b of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425b).
HB 5471 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; other; no-carry zone violations; require compliance by individuals licensed out of state. Amends secs. 5k & 5o of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425k & 28.425o).
HB 5472 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; licensing; waiver of license to purchase requirement for certain military personnel; provide for. Amends sec. 2 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.422).
HB 5473 of 2009
(PA 209 of 2010)
House Bill Weapons; licensing; possession of pistol as merchandise by licensed dealer; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 12 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.432). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5520'09
Last Action: assigned PA 209'10 with immediate effect
HB 5474 of 2009 House Bill Weapons; other; preemption of firearm laws; expand to include institutions of higher education. Amends secs. 1, 2 & 3 of 1990 PA 319 (MCL 123.1101 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/28/2009
HB 5481 of 2009
(PA 30 of 2010)
House Bill Natural resources; fishing; possession limits; modify. Amends sec. 48721 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.48721). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5662'09
Last Action: assigned PA 30'10 with immediate effect
HB 5491 of 2009 House Bill Torts; governmental immunity; "rebuttable inference" regarding a defect of less than 2 inches in a sidewalk; revise to rebuttable presumption, and require that municipality knew of the defect. Amends sec. 2a of 1964 PA 170 (MCL 691.1402a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/01/2009
HB 5514 of 2009
(PA 155 of 2009)
House Bill Children; child care; certain babysitting services; exempt from child care licensing. Amends sec. 1 of 1973 PA 116 (MCL 722.111).
Last Action: assigned PA 155'09 with immediate effect
HB 5520 of 2009
(PA 210 of 2010)
House Bill Weapons; licensing; purchase and possession of pistol by licensed dealer; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 2a of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.422a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5473'09
Last Action: assigned PA 210'10 with immediate effect
HB 5530 of 2009
(PA 51 of 2010)
House Bill Elections; absent voters; availability of absent voter ballots prior to an election; expand time period for certain elections. Amends sec. 713 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.713).
Last Action: assigned PA 51'10 with immediate effect
HB 5565 of 2009 House Bill Appropriations; supplemental; school aid supplemental for 2010 fiscal year to restore certain vetoed funding; provide for. Amends secs. 11, 20j & 22b of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1611 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/30/2009
HB 5575 of 2009
(PA 360 of 2010)
House Bill Crimes; other; human trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion; prohibit, and provide penalties. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 462j. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5576'09, HB 5577'09, HB 5578'09, HB 5579'09
Last Action: assigned PA 360'10
HB 5576 of 2009
(PA 361 of 2010)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of human trafficking; enact. Amends sec. 16w, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16w). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5575'09, HB 5577'09, HB 5578'09, HB 5579'09
Last Action: assigned PA 361'10
HB 5577 of 2009
(PA 362 of 2010)
House Bill Crimes; other; human trafficking; establish as a predicate offense for racketeering violation. Amends sec. 159g of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.159g). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5575'09, HB 5576'09, HB 5578'09, HB 5579'09
Last Action: assigned PA 362'10
HB 5578 of 2009
(PA 363 of 2010)
House Bill Crimes; other; forfeiture of property involved in human trafficking; allow. Amends sec. 4701 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.4701). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5575'09, HB 5576'09, HB 5577'09, HB 5579'09
Last Action: assigned PA 363'10
HB 5579 of 2009
(PA 364 of 2010)
House Bill Crime victims; restitution; additional restitution for victims of human trafficking; provide for. Amends 1985 PA 87 (MCL 780.751 - 780.834) by adding sec. 16b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5575'09, HB 5576'09, HB 5577'09, HB 5578'09
Last Action: assigned PA 364'10
HB 5586 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; other; reimbursement for certain building expenditures; exclude from gross receipts. Amends sec. 111 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1111).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/12/2009
HB 5589 of 2009 House Bill Crimes; weapons; penalty for brandishing firearm in public; increase. Amends sec. 234e of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.234e).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/13/2009
HB 5590 of 2009 House Bill Watercraft; traffic control; criteria for investigatory stops of moving vessels; clarify. Amends sec. 80166 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.80166).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/13/2009
HB 5602 of 2009 House Bill Criminal procedure; forfeiture; disposition of forfeited property; expand to include state police forensic science division and provide penalties for noncompliance with reporting requirements. Amends secs. 7524 & 7524a of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7524 & 333.7524a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/13/2009
HB 5603 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; other; procedures for imposing driver responsibility fee; revise. Amends sec. 732a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.732a).
HB 5606 of 2009 House Bill Children; adoption; posthumous adoptions; provide for retroactivity for posthumous adoptions and medical assistance payments. Amends 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.21 - 712A.32) by adding sec. 56b to ch. X.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/19/2009
HB 5615 of 2009 House Bill Legislature; reports; distribution of official house and senate journals to legislators; modify. Amends sec. 6 of 1899 PA 44 (MCL 24.6).
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/02/2009
HB 5661 of 2009
(PA 281 of 2010)
House Bill Crime victims; other; assessments against certain criminal defendants and juvenile offenders; increase. Amends sec. 5 of 1989 PA 196 (MCL 780.905). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5667'09, SB 1003'09
Last Action: assigned PA 281'10 with immediate effect
HB 5663 of 2009 House Bill Local government; bonds; issuance of "green energy" bonds; allow. Creates new act.
HB 5683 of 2009 House Bill School aid; other; "Get It, Got It, Go!" assessment tool for early childhood school readiness programs; require. Amends sec. 32d of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1632d).
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/11/2009
HB 5724 of 2009 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; requirements for purchasing property at auction; revise. Amends sec. 78m of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78m).
HB 5741 of 2009 House Bill Insurance; health; certain public employee's rights to invoke the patient's rights to independent review law; create. Amends sec. 2 of 2006 PA 495 (MCL 550.1952).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2010
HB 5742 of 2009 House Bill Transportation; school vehicles; school district inspection of school buses based on certification of school bus mechanics by the state police; revise. Amends sec. 715a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.715a).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5743 of 2009 House Bill Education; transportation; school district inspection of school buses based on certification of school bus mechanics by the state police; provide for. Amends secs. 39, 41 & 43 of 1990 PA 187 (MCL 257.1839 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to second reading
SCR 0037 of 2010 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge inclusion of an addendum to address aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
SCR 0041 of 2010 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President, the Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States to refrain from regulating Internet broadband services as common carrier services under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.
HCR 0043 of 2010 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to enact an extension of the funding for the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HJR RR of 2010 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; vacancy in state senate or house of representatives; allow governor to appoint successor in certain circumstances. Amends sec. 13, art. V of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/15/2010
HCR 0045 of 2010 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to adopt and present to the states for ratification an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to establish fundamental parental rights.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HJR UU of 2010 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; part-time legislature, reduce legislative salaries and benefits, limit number of committees legislators may serve on, limit number of bills legislators may request, eliminate term limits, and require all budgets to be presented to the governor before June 1; provide for. Amends secs. 12, 13, 16, 22 & 31, art. IV & sec. 15, art. V & repeals sec. 54, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/17/2010
HJR EEE of 2010 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; term limits; revise to combination of 14 years' total legislative service and require certain budget bills to be presented and signed by a certain date. Amends secs. 31 & 54, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HCR 0057 of 2010 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the President, the Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States to refrain from regulating Internet broadband services as common carrier services under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.
Last Action: adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record
HCR 0062 of 2010 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution relative to secondary road patrol funds for counties, cities, and villages.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations
HR 0195 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution declaring January 2010 as Radon Action Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0196 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution declaring January 2010 as School Board Appreciation Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0202 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution declaring January 2010 as Discover Snow Sports Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0204 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution recognizing January 31-February 6, 2010, as Catholic Schools Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0208 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution honoring Boy Scouts of America on the one hundredth anniversary of the organization's founding.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0209 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution commemorating March 2010 as Parenting Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0213 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to enact legislation creating a comprehensive jobs program.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Labor
HR 0214 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to encourage the U.S. Department of Transportation to approve the application of Delta Air Lines for a new route from Detroit Metropolitan Airport to Haneda Airport in Japan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0216 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact an extension of the funding for the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0217 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0218 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare March 8-14, 2010, as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0219 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution proclaiming March 26, 2010, as Support Our Troops Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0220 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to reauthorize the funding for the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Emergency Fund program.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0224 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare March 12, 2010, as Girl Scout Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0234 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to encourage the citizens of the state of Michigan to participate in Earth Hour 2010.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0235 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to recognize March 2010 as Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0236 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 2010 as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0241 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to recognize April 2010 as Autism Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0243 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 15, 2010, as Community College Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0244 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 2010 as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0245 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to express opposition to a federal takeover of the Great Lakes.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Great Lakes and Environment
HR 0246 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 2010 as Youth Financial Literacy Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0249 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 16, 2010, as World Voice Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0256 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 19-April 26, 2010, as Conservation Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0263 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 8, 2010, as Train Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0265 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution declaring the week of April 26 through May 2, 2010, as Michigan School Counselors' Week.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0267 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 25, 2010, as Missing Children's Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0268 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Osteoporosis Awareness Prevention Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0271 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare the week of May 9 through May 15, 2010, as Food Allergy Awareness Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0272 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President of the United States and the United States Congress to ensure that local businesses located in Michigan and their employees be the primary beneficiaries of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds appropriated to Michigan to stimulate the economy and create jobs.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HR 0273 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Bike Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0274 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Foster Care Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0275 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare the week of May 3 through May 7, 2010, as Teacher Appreciation Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0276 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0279 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution calling on all fifty states and their congressional delegations to question the authority of the federal government, under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, to collect a federal gas tax from each state and then hold the dollars hostage by requiring each state to provide matching funds to receive those dollars back and memorialize Congress to reconfigure the distribution of transportation money to the states.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HR 0282 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 11, 2010, as Chaldean American Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0283 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Hearing Loss Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0285 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President, the Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission of the United States to refrain from regulating Internet broadband services as common carrier services under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0287 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2010 as Drinking Water Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0288 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to encourage Michigan residents to boycott the city of Chicago the weekend of June 12th and 13th to show the seriousness of the economic and environmental impact of the Asian carp problem.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Great Lakes and Environment
HR 0289 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution supporting Rima Fakih, reigning Miss Michigan 2010, the newly crowned Miss USA 2010.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0290 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact the European Bailout Protection Act to prohibit U.S. tax dollars from being used by the International Monetary Fund for bailouts of European countries.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Banking and Financial Services
HR 0298 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare June 10, 2010, as Older Michiganians Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0300 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare the week of June 21 through June 27, 2010, as State Games Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0301 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare July 2010 as Craft Beer Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0302 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to recognize the retirement of Ron Gettelfinger, chassis line repairman and President of the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0303 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to urge the inclusion of a ban on new oil and gas drilling beneath the Great Lakes in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Last Action: reported with recommendation without amendment
HR 0304 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare June 29, 2010, as Dairy Foods Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0305 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to recognize the Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Chrysler Group LLC, collectively known as the Big Three, for their achievement of surpassing foreign automakers for the first time in the 24-year history of the J.D. Power and Associates Initial Quality Study.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0312 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact legislation to require the Secretary of the Army to study the feasibility of the hydrological separation of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0315 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare August 2010 as Camping and Recreational Vehicle Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0324 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare September 2010 as Life Insurance Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0325 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare September 9, 2010, as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0327 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare December 4th, 2010, as Pallister-Killian Syndrome Awareness Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0328 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare October 15, 2010, as Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness and Action Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0331 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare September 2010 as Safe Sleep Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0332 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare September 2010 as National Infant Mortality Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0333 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare November 2010 as National Prematurity Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0334 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare September 2010 as College Savings Month in the state of Michigan
Last Action: adopted
HR 0336 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to urge the U.S. Coast Guard and the Michigan and U.S. Attorney General to take immediate and decisive action to identify and prosecute the perpetrators responsible for the illegal dumping leading to trash and medical waste washing up on Lake Michigan beaches.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Great Lakes and Environment
HR 0337 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare October 17-23, 2010, as Credit Union Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0338 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to declare November 13, 2010, as American Medicine Chest Challenge Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HB 5749 of 2010
(PA 88 of 2010)
House Bill Health; local health departments; local government authority over licensing requirements for massage therapists; revise. Amends sec. 17967 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.17967).
Last Action: assigned PA 88'10 with immediate effect
HB 5751 of 2010 House Bill Environmental protection; water pollution; incentives for development of green infrastructure relating to storm water management systems; provide for. Amends secs. 5301 & 5303 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.5301 & 324.5303).
HB 5753 of 2010 House Bill Property; land contracts; renting of a home sold on land contract; regulate. Amends title of 1879 PA 237 (MCL 565.351 - 565.361) & adds sec. 4a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/20/2010
HB 5754 of 2010 House Bill Civil procedure; statute of limitations; statute of limitations and statute of repose for actions against architects, engineers, and construction contractors; revise. Amends secs. 5805 & 5839 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.5805 & 600.5839).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/20/2010
HB 5755 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; credit for construction of certain energy-efficient homes; provide for. Amends 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1101 - 208.1601) by adding sec. 465.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/20/2010
HB 5807 of 2010 House Bill Agriculture; animals; transfer of regulatory responsibility from department of natural resources and environment to department of agriculture; provide for. Amends secs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 10 of 2000 PA 190 (MCL 287.952 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/12/2010
HB 5814 of 2010 House Bill Property tax; assessments; assessment change notice; require mailing 30 days before board of review. Amends sec. 24c of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.24c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/17/2010
HB 5815 of 2010 House Bill Property tax; assessments; training program and standards of conduct for board of review members; create, and require completion for eligibility. Amends sec. 28 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.28) & adds sec. 28a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/17/2010
HB 5845 of 2010 House Bill Townships; charter; posting of legal notices as alternative to publishing; provide for. Amends 1947 PA 359 (MCL 42.1 - 42.34) by adding sec. 1b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/19/2010
HB 5848 of 2010 House Bill Cities; home rule; posting of legal notices as alternative to publishing; provide for. Amends 1909 PA 279 (MCL 117.1 - 117.38) by adding sec. 4t.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/19/2010
HB 5850 of 2010 House Bill Probate; other; disposition of decedent's remains; require that directions by a person properly designated by a service member be followed. Amends secs. 3206 & 3209 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.3206 & 700.3209).
HB 5853 of 2010 House Bill Counties; other; methods for public notice disclosure; expand. Amends 1851 PA 156 (MCL 46.1 - 46.32) by adding sec. 10d.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/24/2010
HB 5869 of 2010 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; department of military and veterans affairs; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/24/2010
HB 5873 of 2010 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/24/2010
HB 5885 of 2010
(PA 162 of 2010)
House Bill Appropriations; military affairs; department of military and veterans affairs; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: assigned PA 162'10 with immediate effect
HB 5888 of 2010
(PA 163 of 2010)
House Bill Appropriations; state police; department of state police; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: assigned PA 163'10 with immediate effect
HB 5911 of 2010 House Bill Gaming; lottery; veteran's lottery fund; create, and provide funding from a special instant lottery game. Amends title & secs. 41 & 43 of 1972 PA 239 (MCL 432.41 & 432.43) & adds sec. 10.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/03/2010
HB 5955 of 2010 House Bill Occupations; cosmetologists; manicurist schools; allow to be independent from a cosmetology school. Amends sec. 1205 of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.1205).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/17/2010
HB 5987 of 2010 House Bill Income tax; index; sunset on income tax rate; modify. Amends sec. 51 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.51).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2010
HB 5994 of 2010 House Bill Public employees and officers; state; membership qualifications for natural resources commission; modify. Amends secs. 301 & 501 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.301 & 324.501).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2010
HB 6040 of 2010 House Bill Agriculture; products; farm-to-school grant program; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2010
HB 6041 of 2010 House Bill Agriculture; products; establish program to encourage the purchase by public entities of agricultural products from local farmers; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2010
HB 6053 of 2010
(PA 365 of 2010)
House Bill Weapons; other; content requirements for self-defense spray or foam device; revise. Amends sec. 224d of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.224d).
Last Action: assigned PA 365'10 with immediate effect
HB 6078 of 2010 House Bill Appropriations; other; penalties for members of the executive branch that willingly or knowingly overspends an appropriation line; provide for. Amends sec. 371 of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1371).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/28/2010
HB 6092 of 2010 House Bill Watercraft; safety; county marine safety funding; require state to return 49% of certain revenue to counties for marine safety and require the state to post certain information online. Amends secs. 2035 & 80117 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.2035 & 324.80117).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/29/2010
HB 6099 of 2010
(PA 140 of 2010)
House Bill Trade; vehicles; regulation of new motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers and their relationships and dealings; general revisions to definitions. Amends secs. 2, 3 & 4 of 1981 PA 118 (MCL 445.1562 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6100'10, SB 1308'10, SB 1309'10
Last Action: assigned PA 140'10 with immediate effect
HB 6100 of 2010
(PA 141 of 2010)
House Bill Trade; vehicles; regulation of new motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers and their relationships and dealings; prohibit certain actions by manufacturer and make other general revisions. Amends secs. 11, 12, 13 & 14 of 1981 PA 118 (MCL 445.1571 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6099'10, SB 1308'10, SB 1309'10
Last Action: assigned PA 141'10 with immediate effect
HB 6137 of 2010
(PA 96 of 2010)
House Bill Crimes; other; crime of dueling; repeal. Repeals sec. 171 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.171).
Last Action: assigned PA 96'10 with immediate effect
HB 6139 of 2010 House Bill Law enforcement; local police; sale of certain confiscated firearms by auction by local law enforcement agency; allow. Amends sec. 14 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.434) & adds sec. 14a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/06/2010
HB 6141 of 2010 House Bill Occupations; individual licensing and regulation; testing for investment adviser representative registration; revise to allow previous examination if taken within certain time period. Amends sec. 404 of 2008 PA 551 (MCL 451.2404).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 6164 of 2010 House Bill Traffic control; speed restrictions; establishment of speed limits; revise procedure and limits. Amends secs. 628, 629 & 633 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.628 et seq.) & repeals sec. 629b of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.629b). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6165'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/17/2010
HB 6165 of 2010 House Bill Traffic control; speed restrictions; establishment of speed limits; revise procedure and limits. Amends secs. 320a, 606, 608, 609, 610, 627, 627a, 629c & 721 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.320a et seq.) & adds sec. 30a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6164'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/17/2010
HB 6176 of 2010 House Bill Income tax; other; American Red Cross Michigan fund; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6175'10
HB 6189 of 2010 House Bill Taxation; estates; technical amendments to provision relating to inheritance tax; provide for. Amends sec. 1 of 1899 PA 188 (MCL 205.201).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/20/2010
HB 6190 of 2010 House Bill Use tax; collections; prepayment collection process; revise. Amends sec. 6 of 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.96).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/20/2010
HB 6191 of 2010 House Bill Elections; school; elected school board members to take office at first school board meeting after election; provide for. Amends sec. 302 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.302).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/20/2010
HB 6201 of 2010 House Bill Insurance; health; abortion coverage in policies offered through the state exchange; prohibit except through the purchase of optional rider. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3407c.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/21/2010
HB 6202 of 2010 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; abortion coverage in qualified health plans offered through the state exchange; prohibit except through the purchase of optional rider. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 402d.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/21/2010
HB 6224 of 2010
(PA 213 of 2010)
House Bill Liquor; authorized distribution agents; provision relating to dualing; modify and provide for certain new license categories and sampling activities. Amends secs. 109, 111, 113, 113a, 205, 307, 525, 537, 543, 603, 1025, 1027, 1111, 1113, 1114 & 1115 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1109 et seq.) & adds sec. 545.
Last Action: assigned PA 213'10 with immediate effect
HB 6235 of 2010
(PA 103 of 2010)
House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; motorsport entertainment complexes; extend sunset and require additional investments. Amends sec. 409 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1409).
Last Action: assigned PA 103'10 with immediate effect
HB 6236 of 2010 House Bill Administrative procedure; rules; effective date for administrative rules; modify. Amends sec. 45a of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.245a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/03/2010
HB 6260 of 2010 House Bill Health; research; research on a live or aborted embryo, fetus, or neonate; prohibit after elective abortions and require consent after spontaneous and nonelective abortions. Amends secs. 2685 & 2688 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2685 & 333.2688).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/16/2010
HB 6262 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; gross receipts; definition of purchases from other firms; include cost of vaccines and certain pharmaceuticals administered by physicians. Amends sec. 113 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1113).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/16/2010
HB 6266 of 2010 House Bill Traffic control; civil infraction procedures; certain civil infraction fees distributed under the revised judicature act of 1961; increase and provide for distribution into secondary road patrol and training fund. Amends sec. 181 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.181). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6267'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2010
HB 6267 of 2010 House Bill Traffic control; civil infraction procedures; certain civil infraction fees collected under Michigan vehicle code; increase, and earmark into secondary road patrol and training fund. Amends sec. 629e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.629e). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6266'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2010
HB 6268 of 2010 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; department of community health; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2010
HB 6269 of 2010 House Bill Appropriations; zero budget; higher education; provide for fiscal year 2010-2011. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2010
HB 6270 of 2010
(PA 255 of 2010)
House Bill Military affairs; other; retirement requirement for adjutant general; modify. Amends sec. 306 of 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.706). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6271'10
Last Action: assigned PA 255'10 with immediate effect
HB 6271 of 2010
(PA 256 of 2010)
House Bill Retirement; state employees; adjutant general as qualified participant; allow. Amends sec. 55 of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.55). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6270'10
Last Action: assigned PA 256'10 with immediate effect
HB 6273 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; hiring incentive for certain qualified small businesses; create. Amends 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1101 - 208.1601) by adding sec. 465.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/18/2010
HB 6279 of 2010 House Bill Education; examinations; department of education to score tests and return results to students regardless of whether school submits in a timely manner; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1279h.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/23/2010
HB 6280 of 2010 House Bill Health; smoking; smoking ban; exclude war veterans' organizations. Amends secs. 12601 & 12905 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.12601 & 333.12905).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/23/2010
HB 6284 of 2010 House Bill Property tax; assessments; transfer of ownership; revise for property conveyed by land contract. Amends sec. 27a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a).
Last Action: notice given to discharge committee
HB 6287 of 2010 House Bill Corrections; other; entering probation orders by department of corrections; revise procedure. Amends sec. 3, ch. IX of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 771.3).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2010
HB 6288 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; other; carryforward of investment tax credit; allow. Amends sec. 403 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1403).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2010
HB 6291 of 2010 House Bill Property tax; other; qualified forest property recapture tax; revise. Amends sec. 4 of 2006 PA 379 (MCL 211.1034).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/25/2010
HB 6292 of 2010 House Bill Property tax; classification; qualified forest property tax program; modify. Amends secs. 7jj & 27a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7jj[1] & 211.27a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/25/2010
HB 6303 of 2010 House Bill Income tax; credit; credit for expenditures by certain school teachers for certain supplies; provide for. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.532) by adding sec. 277.
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/02/2010
HB 6310 of 2010 House Bill Human services; medical services; covered providers; expand to include registered dental hygienists. Amends sec. 109 of 1939 PA 280(MCL 400.109).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/02/2010
HB 6353 of 2010 House Bill Income tax; checkoff; donation to the Michigan firefighter training council; provide for check-off option. Amends sec. 435 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.435).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/29/2010
HB 6381 of 2010 House Bill Local government; other; city motor vehicle racing act of 1981; update reference in the Michigan vehicle code. Amends sec. 922a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.922a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6377'10
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 6409 of 2010 House Bill Employment security; other; payment method for unemployment tax; modify. Amends secs. 13 & 15 of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.13 & 421.15) & adds sec. 15a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/02/2010
HB 6446 of 2010 House Bill Elections; other; metropolitan district elections; revise. Amends secs. 3, 4, 7, 9 & 13 of 1929 PA 312 (MCL 119.3 et seq.) & adds sec. 2a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6447'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/16/2010
HB 6447 of 2010 House Bill Elections; other; metropolitan district elections; provide for under the Michigan election law. Amends secs. 24a, 509q, 558, 659, 699, 863, 960 & 968 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.24a et seq.) & adds sec. 17 & ch. XVIIA. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6446'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/16/2010
HB 6448 of 2010 House Bill Civil rights; public records; requests for public records; require state agencies to report to governor. Amends secs. 3 & 6 of 1976 PA 442 (MCL 15.233 & 15.236).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/16/2010
HB 6455 of 2010 House Bill Vehicles; equipment; helmet law; waive motorcycle crash helmet requirement for month of July 2011. Amends sec. 658 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.658).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/17/2010
HB 6477 of 2010 House Bill Watercraft; other; provision relating to administering boating safety course examination; modify to allow online examinations. Amends sec. 80212 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.80212).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/23/2010
HB 6484 of 2010 House Bill State financing and management; bonds; use of capital outlay bond proceeds for certain transit infrastructure projects; allow. Amends sec. 1 of 1964 PA 183 (MCL 830.411) & adds sec. 8b.
HB 6486 of 2010 House Bill Sales tax; distribution; distribution of certain revenue from aviation fuel to be earmarked into the state aeronautics fund; provide for. Amends sec. 25 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.75).
Last Action: notice given to discharge committee
HB 6539 of 2010 House Bill Criminal procedure; DNA; procedure for collection of DNA samples from incarcerated individuals; provide for. Amends sec. 33d of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.233d).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/06/2010
HB 6540 of 2010 House Bill Courts; other; time for filing of legal documents by prisoners not represented by counsel; modify. Amends sec. 1974 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.1974).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/06/2010
HB 6555 of 2010 House Bill Holidays; other; Arab-American heritage month; designate. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/10/2010