MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/11/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

Search Results

Public Act Number: 299
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
(6 results found)
Document Type Description
Section 700.1104 Section Definitions; E to H.
Section 700.3206 Section Right and power to make decisions about funeral arrangements and handling, disposition, or disinterment of decedent's body; presumption; funeral representative designation; priority; "exercise their rights or powers under subsection (1)" defined; shared rights and powers; family member, personal representative, or nominated personal representative; guardian; special fiduciary or special personal representative; additional persons; reasonable attempt to locate person; effect of section on anatomical gift; person criminally charged with intentionally killing decedent; payment for costs; definitions.
Section 700.3207 Section Petition; venue; hearing; date; notice; service; funeral establishment as petitioner; factors to be considered in court decision; embalming of decedent's body.
Section 700.3209 Section Funeral establishment not civilly liable; reliance on funeral representative designation.
Section 700.3614 Section Special personal representative; appointment.
Section 700.3701 Section Powers and duties of personal representative; commencement; accrual.