Document | Type | Description |
SB 0036 of 2017 | Senate Bill |
Law enforcement; records; fingerprinting and photographing of child or youth with special health care needs taken and submitted to the automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) and the statewide network of agency photos upon request of parent or guardian; allow. Amends secs. 2 & 4 of 1985 PA 176 (MCL 722.772 & 722.774). Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary |
SB 0383 of 2017 (PA 0103 of 2017) |
Senate Bill |
Law enforcement; records; procedure for fingerprinting and photographing of child or youth with special health care needs taken and submitted to the automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) and the statewide network of agency photos upon request of parent or guardian; modify. Amends sec. 4 of 1985 PA 176 (MCL 722.774). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0103'17 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 0397 of 2017 | Senate Bill |
Children; protection; Children; protection; "plan of safe care" definition; create. Amends sec. 2 of 1975 PA 328 (MCL 722.622). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0398'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FAMILIES, SENIORS AND HUMAN SERVICES |
SB 0398 of 2017 | Senate Bill |
Children; protection; plan of safe care for newborn infant testing positive for illicit drugs; require. Amends sec. 3a of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623a). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0397'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FAMILIES, SENIORS AND HUMAN SERVICES |
SB 0420 of 2017 (PA 0059 of 2018) |
Senate Bill |
Children; protection; considerations for returning child to custody of parent; modify. Amends secs. 2 & 18 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.622 & 722.638). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0059'18 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 0421 of 2017 (PA 0060 of 2018) |
Senate Bill |
Children; child abuse or child neglect; considerations for returning child to custody of parent; modify. Amends sec. 2 of 1982 PA 250 (MCL 722.602). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0060'18 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 0491 of 2017 | Senate Bill |
Children; other; release of child protection records to child placing agency; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 7 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.627). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0488'17, SB 0489'17, SB 0490'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT |
SB 0616 of 2017 (PA 0056 of 2018) |
Senate Bill |
Children; protection; access to electronic central registry; allow tribal entity or tribal social services representative to have access. Amends sec. 7 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.627). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0056'18 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
HB 4020 of 2017 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include K-12 coaches and volunteers. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 4137 of 2017 (PA 24 of 2017) |
House Bill |
Law enforcement; records; fingerprinting and photographing of child or youth with special health care needs taken and submitted to the automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) and the statewide network of agency photos upon request of parent or guardian; allow. Amends secs. 2 & 4 of 1985 PA 176 (MCL 722.772 & 722.774). Last Action: assigned PA 24'17 with immediate effect |
HB 4298 of 2017 | House Bill |
Children; protection; electronic video recording of child interrogations in child protection cases; require. Amends 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.621 - 722.638) by adding sec. 8f. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4299'17, HB 4300'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 4299 of 2017 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; evidence; consideration of videorecorded statements in certain proceedings; allow. Amends sec. 2163a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2163a). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4298'17, HB 4300'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 4300 of 2017 | House Bill |
Children; protection; videorecorded statements; allow to be used in child protective services hearings, increase fines for improper release of, and require to be retained for certain period of time. Amends sec. 17b, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.17b). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4298'17, HB 4299'17 Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 4632 of 2017 | House Bill |
Human services; children's services; interstate compact for the placement of children; revise. Creates new act & repeals 1984 PA 114 (MCL 3.711 - 3.717). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 05/18/2017 |
HB 4716 of 2017 (PA 193 of 2017) |
House Bill |
Children; parental rights; termination of parental rights for subjecting child to undergo female genital mutilation; require. Amends sec. 19b, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.19b). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4636'17, HB 4637'17 Last Action: assigned PA 193'17 with immediate effect |
HB 5016 of 2017 | House Bill |
Health; other; implanting microchip in certain individuals; allow. Creates new act. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/27/2017 |
HB 5121 of 2017 (PA 489 of 2018) |
House Bill |
Children; protection; children's assurance of quality foster care policy; create. Amends sec. 3 of 1994 PA 203 (MCL 722.953) & adds sec. 8b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5122'17, HB 5123'17 Last Action: assigned PA 489'18 with immediate effect |
HB 5334 of 2017 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting of sexual assault of one child against another child; require. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623) & adds sec. 3b. Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
SJR Q of 2018 | Senate Joint Resolution |
Children; other; consideration of best interests of the child in all parental termination cases, child custody cases, and out-of-home placement cases; require. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FAMILIES, SENIORS AND HUMAN SERVICES |
SB 0873 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include K-12 coaches and volunteers. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: referred to Committee on Law and Justice |
SB 0874 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
Children; child abuse or child neglect; failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect; increase penalties.
Amends sec. 13 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.633). Last Action: LAID OVER ONE DAY UNDER THE RULES |
SB 0880 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; penalty for not reporting child abuse; increase.
Amends sec. 15g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.15g). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0874'18 Last Action: LAID OVER ONE DAY UNDER THE RULES |
SB 1032 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
Education; safety; mandatory reporting by certain individuals of credible threats of violence against a school; establish. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE |
SB 1089 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
Children; protection; videorecorded statements used for training purposes; require consent of certain individuals, and allow to be used in counties other than the county in which the videorecorded statement was taken. Amends sec. 17b, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.17b). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY |
HB 5402 of 2018 (PA 343 of 2018) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; evidence; videorecorded statements used for training purposes; require consent of certain individuals, and allow to be used in counties other than the county in which the videorecorded statement was taken. Amends sec. 2163a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2163a). Last Action: assigned PA 343'18 with immediate effect |
HB 5403 of 2018 (PA 344 of 2018) |
House Bill |
Children; protection; videorecorded statements used for training purposes; require consent of certain individuals, and allow to be used in counties other than the county in which the videorecorded statement was taken. Amends sec. 17b, ch. XIIA of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712A.17b). Last Action: assigned PA 344'18 with immediate effect |
HB 5444 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include physical therapist and physical therapist assistant. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: recommendation concurred in |
HB 5538 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include K-12 or postsecondary coaches, athletic trainers, and volunteers. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/08/2018 |
HB 5541 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include physical therapist and physical therapist assistant. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/08/2018 |
HB 5556 of 2018 | House Bill |
Education; school districts; instruction and training in child sex abuse prevention; require. Amends secs. 1505 & 1505a of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1505 & 380.1505a). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/13/2018 |
HB 5557 of 2018 | House Bill |
Education; curriculum; instruction in child sex abuse prevention; require for public and nonpublic schools. Amends secs. 1505 & 1505a of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1505 & 380.1505a). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/13/2018 |
HB 5659 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse or child neglect; expand to include K-12 coaches and volunteers. Amends sec. 3 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.623). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH SUBSTITUTE S-2 |
HB 5750 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; safe delivery of newborns act; modify definition of newborn and allow surrender to a newborn safety device. Amends secs. 1, 2 & 3, ch. XII of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712.1 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5751'18 Last Action: vetoed by the Governor 12/27/2018 |
HB 5751 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; surrender of newborn to a newborn safety device; allow. Amends secs. 5, 7, 10, 17 & 20, ch. XII of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 712.5 et seq.) & adds sec. 3a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5750'18 Last Action: vetoed by the Governor 12/27/2018 |
HB 5796 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; distribution of training package to individuals designated as mandatory reporters for child abuse or child neglect; require. Amends 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.621 - 722.638) by adding sec. 3b. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE |
HB 5953 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; reporting death of a newborn after surrender to a newborn safety device; expand. Amends sec. 2843 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2843). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5750'18 Last Action: vetoed by the Governor 12/27/2018 |
HB 5954 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; reference in Michigan penal code to surrender of a newborn under the newborn safe delivery law; revise. Amends sec. 135 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.135). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5750'18 Last Action: vetoed by the Governor 12/27/2018 |
HB 5967 of 2018 | House Bill |
Education; safety; mandatory reporting by certain individuals of credible threats of violence against a school; establish. Creates new act. Last Action: referred to Committee on Law and Justice |
HB 6036 of 2018 | House Bill |
Children; protection; health professional; include in the definition of child abuse. Amends sec. 2 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.622). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 05/17/2018 |
HB 6165 of 2018 | House Bill |
Crimes; prostitution; references to prostitute and prostitution; modify in the child protection law. Amends sec. 2 of 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.622). TIE BAR WITH: HB 6169'18 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/12/2018 |
HB 6391 of 2018 | House Bill |
Crime victims; notices; department of health and human services to provide crime survivors information regarding Michigan crime survivor trauma recovery centers (CSTRC); require. Amends 1975 PA 238 (MCL 722.621 - 722.638) by adding sec. 14a. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6388'18 Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 09/26/2018 |