Document | Type | Description |
SB 0494 of 2009 (PA 0099 of 2009) |
Senate Bill |
Vehicles; other; sunset for deposit of funds into transportation administration collection fund; revise. Amends secs. 208b, 217a, 232, 801, 802, 803b, 803r, 804, 806, 809, 810b, 811e & 811h of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.208b et seq.) & repeals enacting section 2 of 2003 PA 152. Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0099'09 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 0563 of 2009 (PA 0195 of 2009) |
Senate Bill |
Income tax; credit; tax credit for donation of an automobile to a qualified charitable organization; repeal sunset. Amends sec. 269 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.269). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0195'09 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 0564 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Education; public school academies; enrollment priority for certain pupils under agreement between schools; allow. Amends sec. 504 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.504). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION |
SB 0759 of 2009 | Senate Bill |
Economic development; obsolete property and rehabilitation; definition of blighted property; revise, and extend exemption deadline sunset to 2013. Amends secs. 2 & 16 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2782 & 125.2796). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY REFORM |
HB 4523 of 2009 (PA 90 of 2009) |
House Bill |
Michigan business tax; credit; sunset and cap on tax credit for the construction and operation of a new facility for development and manufacturing of photovoltaic energy; revise. Amends sec. 430 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1430). Last Action: assigned PA 90'09 with immediate effect |
HB 5092 of 2009 | House Bill |
Income tax; credit; tax credit for donation of an automobile to a qualified charitable organization; repeal sunset. Amends sec. 269 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.269). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE |
HB 5126 of 2009 (PA 103 of 2009) |
House Bill |
Mental health; community mental health; provision relating to carryforward of operating margin; extend sunset. Amends sec. 226 of 1974 PA 258 (MCL 330.1226). Last Action: assigned PA 103'09 with immediate effect |
HB 5448 of 2009 | House Bill |
Traffic control; other; sunset of fees associated with traffic law enforcement and safety fund; repeal. Repeals enacting section 2 of 2003 PA 152. Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 5459 of 2009 | House Bill |
Communications; video services; assessment of public service commission's costs against competitive video service providers; extend sunset. Amends sec. 6 of 2006 PA 480 (MCL 484.3306). Last Action: printed bill filed 09/24/2009 |
HB 5574 of 2009 (PA 191 of 2009) |
House Bill |
Communications; video services; assessment against video service providers for public service commission costs; modify. Amends 2006 PA 480 (MCL 484.3301 - 484.3314) by adding sec. 15. Last Action: assigned PA 191'09 with immediate effect |
HB 5621 of 2009 (PA 24 of 2010) |
House Bill |
Property tax; payment and collection; definition of eligibility for qualified error; clarify. Amends sec. 53b of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.53b). Last Action: assigned PA 24'10 with immediate effect |
SB 1267 of 2010 (PA 0263 of 2010) |
Senate Bill |
Environmental protection; underground storage tanks; environmental protection regulatory fee on refined petroleum products; extend sunset. Amends sec. 21550 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.21550). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0263'10 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 1435 of 2010 | Senate Bill |
Michigan business tax; credit; brownfield credit sunset; extend. Amends sec. 437 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1437). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE |
SB 1450 of 2010 (PA 0179 of 2010) |
Senate Bill |
Natural resources; inland lakes; preapplication meetings to review permit application; extend sunset. Amends sec. 30104b of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.30104b). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0179'10 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 1451 of 2010 (PA 0180 of 2010) |
Senate Bill |
Natural resources; wetlands; preapplication meetings to review permit application; extend sunset. Amends sec. 30306b of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.30306b) & repeals (See bill). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0180'10 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT |
SB 1488 of 2010 | Senate Bill |
Natural resources; Great Lakes; submerged log permits; extend expiration date. Amends sec. 32607 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.32607). Last Action: referred to Committee on Great Lakes and Environment |
SB 1510 of 2010 | Senate Bill |
Civil procedure; foreclosure; mortgage modification negotiation procedures; modify, and eliminate sunset. Amends secs. 3204, 3205a, 3205b & 3205d of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.3204 et seq.) & repeals sec. 3205e of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.3205e). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS |
HB 5983 of 2010 | House Bill |
Property tax; principal residence exemption; additional principal residence exemption on 2 properties up to 5 years; allow under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 7cc of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc). Last Action: printed bill filed 03/24/2010 |
HB 5987 of 2010 | House Bill |
Income tax; index; sunset on income tax rate; modify. Amends sec. 51 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.51). Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2010 |
HB 6044 of 2010 | House Bill |
Michigan business tax; credit; brownfield credit sunset; extend. Amends sec. 437 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1437). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE |
HB 6173 of 2010 | House Bill |
Environmental protection; underground storage tanks; environmental protection regulatory fee on refined petroleum products; extend sunset date. Amends sec. 21550 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.21550). Last Action: referred to second reading |
HB 6203 of 2010 (PA 137 of 2010) |
House Bill |
Economic development; obsolete property and rehabilitation; definition of blighted property; revise, and extend exemption deadline. Amends secs. 6 & 16 of 2000 PA 146 (MCL 125.2786 & 125.2796). Last Action: assigned PA 137'10 with immediate effect |