Document | Type | Description |
SB 0219 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection; litter; civil action for violation of litter act; provide for.
Amends title of Act 106 of 1963 (MCL 752.901 - 752.906) & adds sec. 3b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
SB 0390 of 1995 (PA 29 of 1995) |
Senate Bill |
State; escheats; uniform unclaimed property act; enact.
Creates new act & repeals Act 329 of 1947 (MCL 567.11 - 567.76).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0029'95 |
SB 0463 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Environmental protection; litter; littering violators; provide a civil cause of action.
Amends Act 451 of 1994 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90101) by adding sec. 8905a.
SB 0496 of 1995 (PA 131 of 1996) |
Senate Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; disclaimer of property interests; enact new act.
Creates new act & repeals Act 9 of 1971 (MCL 554.501 - 554.520).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0131'96 |
SB 0631 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Property; other; doctrine of adverse possession; abolish.
Amends sec. 5867 of Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.5867) & adds sec. 5867a.
TIE BAR WITH: SB 0632'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
SB 0632 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Property; other; doctrine of adverse possession; abolish.
Amends sec. 1 of Act 200 of 1945 (MCL 565.101).
TIE BAR WITH: SB 0631'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
SB 0720 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Natural resources; gas and oil; installation of pipeline, full disclosure and protection of real property owner; provide for.
Amends Act 16 of 1929 (MCL 483.1 - 483.11) by adding secs. 2a, 2b & 2c.
HB 4299 of 1995 (PA 84 of 1995) |
House Bill |
Agriculture; other; certain disclosures by land sellers regarding certain farm operations; require.
Amends sec. 8 of Act 286 of 1972 (MCL 565.808).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4300'95 HB 4301'95
Last Action: assigned PA 0084'95 |
HB 4301 of 1995 (PA 106 of 1995) |
House Bill |
Agriculture; other; seller disclosure statement; include reference to potential location of property near a farm operation.
Amends sec. 7 of Act 92 of 1993 (MCL 565.957).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4299'95 HB 4300'95
Last Action: assigned PA 0106'95 |
HB 4433 of 1995 (PA 101 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Natural resources; other; property rights preservation act; create.
Last Action: assigned PA 0101'96 |
HB 4434 of 1995 | House Bill |
Natural resources; other; assessed valuation; provide for reduction if governmental action results in a taking.
Amends Act 206 of 1893 (MCL 211.1 - 211.157) by adding sec. 27c.
TIE BAR WITH: HB 4433'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation, Environment and Great Lakes |
HB 5418 of 1995 (PA 92 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Agriculture; other; seller disclosure statement; include reference to potential location of property near a farm operation.
Amends sec. 7 of Act 92 of 1993 (MCL 565.957).
Last Action: assigned PA 0092'96 |
HB 5441 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in the revised probate code.
Amends secs. 22, 210, 282, 282a, 291, 635 & 651 of Act 642 of 1978 (MCL 700.22 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5443'95 HB 5444'95 HB 5445'95 HB 5446'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5445 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in chapter 66 of the Revised Statutes of 1846.
Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, ch. 66 of R.S. 1846 (MCL 558.1 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5441'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5446 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in dual claims and in discharges of dower.
Amends sec. 2 of Act 63 of 1847 (MCL 558.52).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5441'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5447 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in filing of claim of dower.
Amends sec. 1 of Act 58 of 1917 (MCL 558.81).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5448 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in filing of claim of dower.
Amends sec. 1 of Act 105 of 1939 (MCL 558.91).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5449 of 1995 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in the revised judicature act.
Amends secs. 2919, 2931, 2933, 3340 & 6069 of Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.2919 et seq.).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5441'95
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5483 of 1995 | House Bill |
Natural resources; other; property rights sensitivity training; require for department of natural resources and department of environmental quality employees.
Amends Act 451 of 1994 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 503a.
SB 1010 of 1996 (PA 403 of 1996) |
Senate Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; definition of "trust" in disclaimer of property interests act; enact technical correction.
Amends sec. 2 of Act 131 of 1996 (MCL 554.872).
Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 0403'96 |
SB 1130 of 1996 | Senate Bill |
Income tax; city; "adopt-a-lot"; create and provide incentives.
Amends Act 284 of 1964 (MCL 141.501 - 141.787) by adding sec. 11 to ch. 1 & sec. 65a to ch. 2.
SB 1151 of 1996 | Senate Bill |
Property; conveyances; lien on behalf of commercial real estate broker; provide for.
HB 5616 of 1996 | House Bill |
Land use; other; corner recordation act; revise.
Amends secs. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13 & 14 of Act 74 of 1970 (MCL 54.202 et seq.) & repeals secs. 9 & 11 of Act 74 of 1970 (MCL 54.209 & 54.210a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Affairs |
HB 5617 of 1996 | House Bill |
Occupations; architects, professional engineers, and surveyors; requirements for survey; revise.
Amends secs. 1, 2 & 3 of Act 132 of 1970 (MCL 54.211 et seq.) & adds sec. 1a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Regulatory Affairs |
HB 5625 of 1996 | House Bill |
Torts; immunity; residential property owned by certain associations; limit liability.
Amends Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding sec. 2963.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5723 of 1996 | House Bill |
Property; other; information regarding under-surface minerals and mineral rights; require to be disclosed under seller disclosure law.
Amends sec. 7 of Act 92 of 1993 (MCL 565.957).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Conservation, Environment and Great Lakes |
HB 5724 of 1996 | House Bill |
Natural resources; mining; 40-year marketable title waiting period; revise to 20 years for mineral interests other than oil and gas interests and require recording of mineral interests.
Amends title & secs. 1, 2, 3 & 6 of Act 200 of 1945 (MCL 565.101 et seq.) & adds secs. 2a & 2b.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government |
HB 5769 of 1996 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in chapter 66 of the Revised Statutes of 1846.
Amends title and secs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, ch. 66 of R.S. 1846 (MCL 558.1 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5771 of 1996 | House Bill |
Probate; wills and estates; dower; require to be gender neutral in the revised judicature act.
Amends secs. 2919, 2931, 2933, 3340 & 6069 of Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.2919 et seq.).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5858 of 1996 (PA 459 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Counties; other; recording requirements; revise.
Amends sec. 1 of Act 103 of 1937 (MCL 565.201).
Last Action: assigned PA 0459'96 |
HB 5870 of 1996 (PA 290 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Natural resources; other; wilderness and natural areas; allow for certain easements across and provide general amendments.
Amends secs. 35101, 35103, 35105 & 35108 of Act 451 of 1994 (MCL 324.35101 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 0290'96 |
HB 6012 of 1996 (PA 527 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Liens; other; individuals who vexatiously or maliciously procure a lien; create penalty and provide treble damages.
Amends Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9948) by adding sec. 2907a.
Last Action: assigned PA 0527'96 |
HB 6063 of 1996 | House Bill |
Liens; other; notification to property owner of lien filed against his or her personal property; require.
Amends sec. 1 of Act 103 of 1937 (MCL 565.201).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government |
HB 6085 of 1996 | House Bill |
Local government; other; certain restoration costs in local historic districts; require historic district commission to fund.
Amends sec. 5 of Act 169 of 1970 (MCL 399.205).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Local Government |