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Public Act Number: 90
Public Act Year: 2011
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2011
Document Type(s): MCLs
(18 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Section 324.3104 | Section | Cooperation and negotiation with other governments as to water resources; alteration of watercourses; federal assistance; formation of Great Lakes aquatic nuisance species coalition; report; requests for appropriations; recommendations; permit to alter floodplain; application; fees; disposition of fees; public hearing; minor floodplain projects; other parts subject to single highest permit fee. |
Section 324.3118 | Section | Stormwater discharge fees; definitions. |
Section 324.3120 | Section | New, reissued, or modified permit fees; new or increased use permit; grant or denial of permit; failure to make decision within applicable time period; annual permit fees; definitions. |
Section 324.3122 | Section | Annual groundwater discharge permit fee; failure of department to grant or deny within certain time period; payment of fee by municipality; definitions. |
Section 324.3306 | Section | Certificate of coverage; application fee; adjustment; target; "consumer price index" defined; aquatic nuisance control fund; payment of fee. |
Section 324.11135 | Section | Manifest; submission of copy to department; certification; specified destination; determining status of specified waste; exception report; retention period for copy of manifest; extension. |
Section 324.11153 | Section | Site identification number; user charges; violations; maintenance of information; summary of findings; report; definitions. |
Section 324.12103 | Section | Generator; duties. |
Section 324.12109 | Section | Liquid industrial by-product transporter; delivery; retention of records; use of consolidated shipping document; issuance of site identification number. |
Section 324.12112 | Section | Facility accepting liquid industrial by-product; duties of owner or operator; report. |
Section 324.30104 | Section | Application for permit; fees; refund. |
Section 324.30109 | Section | Ordinary high-water mark agreement with riparian owner; agreement as proof of location; fee. |
Section 324.32312 | Section | Rules; fee required with permit application or project; disposition of fees; violation; restraining order. |
Section 324.32513 | Section | Application for permit; contents; fees; disposition of fees. |
Section 324.80130 | Section | Commercial lookup service of records; disposition of fees; computerized central file; purpose; creation; maintenance; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.80315 | Section | Records available to the public; commercial lookup service of watercraft title records; disposition of fees; computerized central file; creation; maintenance; providing to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.81114 | Section | Records available to public; commercial lookup service of ORV operation, title, and registration; disposition of fees; computerized central file; purging records; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |
Section 324.82156 | Section | Availability of records to public; commercial lookup service of snowmobile operation, title, and registration; disposition of fees; computerized central file; providing records to nongovernmental person or entity; payment; admissibility in evidence. |