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Public Act Number: 562
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
(15 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Section 257.217d | Section | Special Congressional Medal of Honor registration plate. |
Section 257.801 | Section | Registration taxes on vehicle; schedules; exemption from ad valorem taxes on vehicles in stock or bond; increase and disposition of certain taxes; late fee; waiver; taxes and revenues relating to regional transit authority; historic vehicle; fee increase on vehicle using 4 or more tires; increase in fees; definitions. |
Section 257.811d | Section | Definitions; fund-raising registration plate; requirements; design or logo by university or other person; written agreement. |
Section 257.811e | Section | Fund-raising plate. |
Section 257.811f | Section | Fund-raising plate; issuance; application; donation, tax, and fee; renewal; personalized fund-raising plate; disabled person's plate; expiration; temporary registration permit. |
Section 257.811g | Section | Collector plate; display; purchase; ceasing sale. |
Section 257.811h | Section | Disposition of service fee collections; separate accounts; disbursement; ceasing issuance of fund-raising plate; ownership of right, title, and interest; royalty fee; report |
Section 257.811i | Section | Plates recognizing water quality; collection of donations; creation of water quality protection fund; definitions. |
Section 257.811j | Section | Children's trust fund-raising plate or collector plate; collection of donations. |
Section 257.811 |
Section | Critical nongame wildlife habitat fund-raising plate and collector plate; collection of donations; transfer and disposition. |
Section 257.811m | Section | Plates recognizing Michigan veterans memorial; donations. |
Section 257.811n | Section | Agricultural heritage; fund-raising donations; collection; transfer and disbursement. |
Section 257.811o | Section | American pride; design; transfer and disbursement; proud to be American fund; report. |
Section 257.811p | Section | Olympic education-training center; design; logo; transfer and disbursement. |
Section 257.811q | Section | Support for our troops; design; transfer and disbursement; support our troops fund; report. |