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Public Act Number: 494
Public Act Year: 2002
Document Type(s): MCLs
(7 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 257.13c Section “Electric personal assistive mobility device” defined.
Section 257.33 Section "Motor vehicle" defined.
Section 257.657 Section Rights and duties of persons riding bicycle, electric bicycle, electric skateboard, electric personal assistive mobility device, moped, low-speed vehicle, or commercial quadricycle.
Section 257.658 Section Riding on seat of bicycle, motorcycle, moped, electric skateboard, or electric personal assistive mobility device; number of persons; wearing of crash helmet; conditions; rules; requirements for autocycle.
Section 257.660 Section Electric personal assistive mobility device, low-speed vehicle, commercial quadricycle; electric skateboard, or moped; operation; limitations; applicability to police officer; regulation by local government; prohibitions; regulation by department of natural resources.
Section 257.661 Section Carrying package, bundle, or article on bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, moped, or motorcycle.
Section 257.662 Section Bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric skateboard, or commercial quadricycle; equipment; violation as civil infraction.