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Public Act Number: 49
Public Act Year: 2000
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 257.1805 Section Definitions; M to S.
Section 257.1805.amended Section Definitions; L to S.
Section 257.1807 Section Definitions; S, T.
Section 257.1810 Section Transportation of pupils; federal motor vehicle safety standards; restrictions.
Section 257.1810a Section Contract with motor carrier; authorization.
Section 257.1817 Section Signal lights; stoplights; flasher lamps; applicability to school buses manufactured before October 1, 1990; conformance with federal regulations.
Section 257.1819 Section Red and amber signal lights; applicability to new school buses.
Section 257.1855 Section Actuation of alternately flashing lights; procedures for receiving and discharging pupils from bus; crossing road; prohibited stops; instruction on proper school bus etiquette; reimbursement; "required to cross the roadway" explained; visibility.