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Public Act Number: 409
Public Act Year: 2012
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Section 211.7oo Section Low grade iron ore and low grade iron ore mining property; tax exemption.
Section 211.7pp Section Mineral and right, claim, lease, or option; tax exemption; shaft, incline, adit, or value of overburden stripping at open mine; tax exemption; "mineral" and "open mine" defined.
Section 211.7qq Section Mineral-producing property; tax exemption; "mineral-producing property" and "mineral severance tax" defined.
Section 211.24 Section Property tax assessment roll; time; use of computerized database system.
Section 211.25 Section Description of real property.
Section 211.27 Section "True cash value" defined; considerations in determining value; indicating exclusions from true cash value on assessment roll; subsection (2) applicable only to residential property; repairs considered normal repairs, replacement, and maintenance; exclusions from real estate sales data; classification as agricultural real property; "present economic income" defined; applicability of subsection (5); "nonprofit cooperative housing corporation" defined; value of transferred property; "purchase price" defined; additional definitions; "standard tool" defined.
Section 211.34c Section Classification of assessable property; tabulation of assessed valuations; transmittal of tabulation and other statistical information; description; buildings on leased land as improvements; total usage of parcel which includes more than 1 classification; notice to assessor and protest of assigned classification; decision; petition; arbitration; determination final and binding; appeal by department; construction of section; separate assessment roll for certain property.
Section 211.53 Section Payment of taxes or special assessments; certificate; payment by owner of part or parcel of real property assessed in 1 description; suspected violation of or potential nonconformity with land division act; nonrecognition of division; payment by lienholder or tenant; payment by owner of mineral rights or surface rights; property acquired for highway purposes; excluding payment made by means of property tax credit; accepting less than total taxes or special assessments due.