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Public Act Number: 379
Public Act Year: 2008
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2008
Document Type(s): MCLs
(5 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Section 484.1401a | Section | Billing and collection of state 9-1-1 charge; listing on bill or payment receipt; state charge; separate charges imposed on access points or lines. |
Section 484.1401b | Section | Additional charge assessed by county board of commissioners; methods; limitation; approval of charge by voters; statement on service provider's bill; annual accounting; payment and distribution; methods; adjustment; county having multiple emergency response districts; distribution to secondary PSAPs; retention of percentage to cover supplier's costs; listing as separate charge on customer's bill; exemption from disclosure; separate charges imposed on access points or lines; use of charge assessed. |
Section 484.1412a | Section | Annual accounting of total emergency telephone charges; adjustment of amount collected; additional charge. |
Section 484.1413 | Section | Rules; applicability to service suppliers; multiline telephone system compliance with federal regulations; "multiline telephone system" defined. |
Section 484.1717 | Section | Repeal of act. |