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Public Act Number: 369
Public Act Year: 1996
Document Type(s): MCLs
(13 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 466 of 1988 Statute ANIMAL INDUSTRY ACT (287.701 - 287.747)
Section 287.703 Section Definitions; A to W.
Section 287.709 Section Animal affected with reportable disease or contaminated with toxic substance; restrictions on information that identifies owner of an affected animal; notification of certain disease found in certain wild birds, animals, or game.
Section 287.712 Section Quarantine.
Section 287.714 Section Seizure, slaughter, destruction, or other disposition of livestock or domestic animals; notice; disposal of animals, animal products, and animal feeds; cleaning and disinfecting premises; repopulation of premises; biosecurity and wildlife risk mitigation measures.
Section 287.719 Section Imported animals; requirements.
Section 287.720 Section Official interstate or intrastate health certificate or official certificate of veterinary inspection; forwarding of certificate to state veterinarian; slaughter of imported livestock.
Section 287.722 Section Animal imported without required official tests, vaccination, official identification, or documents.
Section 287.739 Section Exhibition facilities; requirements.
Section 287.740 Section Fair, exhibition, exposition, or show; veterinarian; duties of fair, exhibition, exposition, or show authority; removal of diseased animals; responsibility of exhibitor; exhibition or exposition of poultry requirements.
Section 287.742 Section Official test, vaccination, or diagnosis; identification of livestock; reporting results of official test, sample submission, or official vaccination; form; official brucellosis calfhood vaccination; tattoo; testing and surveillance for brucellosis and tuberculosis; participation in programs; collection of blood or tissue samples.
Section 287.743 Section Autogenous veterinary biologicals; requirements for revocation and permission to distribute veterinary biologicals; experiments and field trial requirements; liability; reporting of adverse reaction.
Section 287.744 Section Enforcement of act; criminal and civil actions; felonies; penalty; violation of act or rule as misdemeanor; costs and attorney fees; powers of director; failure to pay fine; civil action and penalties; remedies and sanctions as independent and cumulative powers of department.