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Public Act Number: 33
Public Act Year: 2005
Document Type(s): MCLs
(3 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 324.3103 Section Department of environmental quality; powers and duties generally; rules; other actions.
Section 324.3104 Section Cooperation and negotiation with other governments as to water resources; alteration of watercourses; federal assistance; formation of Great Lakes aquatic nuisance species coalition; report; requests for appropriations; recommendations; permit to alter floodplain; application; fees; disposition of fees; public hearing; minor floodplain projects; other parts subject to single highest permit fee.
Section 324.3112 Section Permit to discharge waste into state waters; application determined as complete; condition of validity; modification, suspension, or revocation of permit; reissuance; application for new permit; notice; order; complaint; petition; contested case hearing; rejection of petition; oceangoing vessels engaging in port operations; permit required; compliance with federal aquatic nuisance rule; legislative intent.