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Public Act Number: 301
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
Section 333.2652 | Section | Receiving and allocating bodies or parts; purpose; records of receipt and disposition; universities designated to perform duties and responsibilities; powers. |
Section 333.2653 | Section | “Unclaimed body” defined; notice to persons with authority to control disposition of unclaimed body; availability of unclaimed body to department; request for notification concerning unclaimed body; time, manner, and contents of notice; release of body; notice and surrender of body to benevolent association. |
Section 333.2655 | Section | Embalming and disposing of unclaimed body; standards; holding period; identification and claim by person with authority over body. |
Section 333.2658 | Section | Postmortem examination of unclaimed body; certification of body unfit for scientific or education purposes; interment of unclaimed body; expense. |
Section 333.2663 | Section | Violations; misdemeanor. |
Section 333.2851 | Section | Permit request for disinterment of dead human body. |
Section 333.2855 | Section | Autopsy; physician to perform; consent; ordering of autopsy; exceptions; removal, retention, or use of pituitary gland; conditions; charge; submitting pituitary gland for treatment of human being; agreement. |
Section 333.10108 | Section | Person other than donor barred from making, amending, or revoking anatomical gift; conditions; revocation of anatomical gift not considered as refusal; unrevoked or revocation of anatomical gift by person other than donor; certain conduct not considered as limitation; donor as unemancipated minor. |