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Public Act Number: 294
Public Act Year: 2012
Document Type(s): MCLs
(7 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 324.503 Section Duties of department; powers and jurisdiction; purchase of surface rights; limitations; record; strategic plan; managed public land strategy; volunteers; granting concessions; lease and sale of land; reservation of mineral rights; sale of economic share of royalty interests; definitions.
Section 324.44501 Section Definitions.
Section 324.44516 Section Boat livery; annual inspection decal, plate, or tab; permit application; inspection fee; inspection by sheriff's department; permit; issuance; display; powers and duties of department and conservation officer; items to be furnished by department of natural resources.
Section 324.44518 Section Affixing inspection decal, plate, or tab to motorized livery boat; expiration; fees; information; amount, disposition, and use of fees.
Section 324.44520a Section Nonmotorized livery boat; liability for injury or death to user; notice; definitions.
Section 324.44522 Section Rental of personal watercraft; prohibition; certification required; rental agreement; contents; validity; liability; violation of subsection (1) or (2) as misdemeanor; impoundment.
Section 324.80124 Section Application for certificate of number; certificate of title; 15-day permit; fee; "the length of vessel" defined; tax exemption; issuance; delinquent fee or tax; penalty; retention of certificate of number on shore; contents of lease or rental agreement; painting or attaching number; assigning block of numbers; federally documented vessel; decal; issuance of original certificate of number, numbering renewal decal, or other renewal device; numbering system; registration; issuance of certificate of number; historic vessel; refund to owner of nonmotorized canoe or kayak; refund and computation of fee.