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Public Act Number: 265
Public Act Year: 1995
Document Type(s): MCLs
(13 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 181 of 1963 Statute MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ACT OF 1963 (480.11 - 480.25)
Section 480.11a Section Adoption of federal regulations; exceptions; definitions; applicability of act to bus operated by transit agency; applicability of subsection (1)(b) and sections 5(8) and 6(1); definitions.
Section 480.12d Section Person qualified to operate commercial motor vehicle.
Section 480.12f Section Motor carrier; review of driving records required; exception.
Section 480.13 Section Motor carrier safety appeal board; creation; membership; duties; person not physically qualified to drive; waiver to drive commercial motor vehicle; application; requirements; issuance of waiver; validity; renewal; notice; suspension or revocation; denial of application for waiver; appeal; effect on worker's compensation status.
Section 480.16 Section Motor carriers; submission of documents to motor carrier officer; inspection of cargo.
Section 480.17 Section Violation of act or rules; penalty.
Section 480.17c Section Transporting package relating to hazardous material required to be marked or labeled; violation; penalty; owner or user of hazardous materials vehicle inspection or repair facility; violation as misdemeanor.
Section 480.17d Section Definitions; compliance order; shut down order; noncompliance as misdemeanor; impoundment of vehicle.
Section 480.19 Section Notification of incident; definition.
Section 480.20 Section Vehicle combination transporting combustible liquid; requirements; information required to be on file; retention and transfer of information; applicability of requirements in subsections (2) and (3); transport of flammable liquids, gases, or compressed gases.
Section 480.21 Section Ordinances or resolutions inconsistent with act; "inconsistent" defined; fine for operating vehicle with serious safety defect; exception; issuance of more than 1 citation; requirements as motor carrier enforcement officer.
Section 480.22 Section Transfer of hazardous material; prohibitions; exceptions; overfilling container; violation; penalty.