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Public Act Number: 249
Public Act Year: 2006
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Section 484.1301 Section Emergency 9-1-1 district; establishment; implementation of 9-1-1 service; modification or alteration of existing emergency 9-1-1 service; emergency 9-1-1 district board; creation and powers.
Section 484.1401 Section Agreement; emergency telephone technical charge and emergency telephone operational charge; billing and collection service; computation; monthly charge for recurring costs and charges; ballot question; annual accounting; distribution of operational charge; limitation on levy and collection; applicability of subsections (3) through (13) after June 30, 2008.
Section 484.1413 Section Rules; applicability to service suppliers; multiline telephone system compliance with federal regulations; "multiline telephone system" defined.
Section 484.1717 Section Repeal of act.