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Public Act Number: 237
Public Act Year: 2004
Document Type(s): MCLs
(8 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 295 of 1994 Statute SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRATION ACT (28.721 - 28.736)
Section 28.724 Section Registration; procedures.
Section 28.724a Section Status report to registering authority; requirements; reports; written documentation; exception.
Section 28.725a Section Notice to registered individual; explanation of duties; reporting requirements; homeless exception.
Section 28.725b Section Sex offenders registration fund; creation; disposition of money; use; lapse; claim of indigence; waiver of fee; payments.
Section 28.725c Section Fee collected by department of corrections; prohibition.
Section 28.727 Section Registration information; format; fee; requirements; forwarding registration, notice, and verification information to Federal Bureau of Investigation, local agencies, and other registering jurisdictions.
Section 28.729 Section Registration required; violations; penalties.