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Public Act Number: 209
Public Act Year: 2023
Document Type(s): MCLs
(12 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 333.2690 Section Selling, collecting fee for, transferring, distributing, or giving away embryo, fetus, or neonate; financial benefit or compensation prohibited; exception; definitions.
Section 333.2803 Section Definitions; A to F.
Section 333.2848 Section Authorization for final disposition of dead body or fetus; time; form; retention of permit; religious service or ceremony not required; cremation; moving body; permit issued by other state.
Section 333.2854 Section Failure to comply with provisions of MCL 333.2848; violation; state civil infraction; civil fine.
Section 333.9141 Section Ultrasound equipment; purchase; grant program; fund; application; conditions; report; rules; definitions.
Section 333.10102 Section Definitions.
Section 333.16221 Section Investigation of licensee, registrant, or applicant for licensure or registration; hearings, oaths, and testimony; complaint; grounds for proceeding under MCL 333.16226.
Section 333.16226 Section Sanctions; determination; judicial review; maximum and minimum fine for violation of MCL 333.16221(a) or (b); completion of program or examination; permanent revocation; finding; violation of MCL 333.16221(b)(xiv) or (xv); disciplinary subcommittee.
Section 333.16245 Section Reinstatement of limited, suspended, or revoked license or registration; application; payment; time; hearing; guidelines; fee; criminal history check; permanent revocation.
Section 333.16299 Section Violation as misdemeanor; penalties; exception.
Section 333.17015 Section Informed consent; definitions; duties of physician or assistant; location; disclosure of information; view of ultrasound; medical emergency necessitating abortion; duties of department; physician's duty to inform patient; validity of consent or certification form; right to abortion not created; prohibition; portion of act found invalid; duties of local health department; confidentiality.
Section 333.20115 Section Rules defining or differentiating health facility or agency.