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Public Act Number: 174
Public Act Year: 1996
Document Type(s): MCLs
(6 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 324.80142 Section Wearing of personal flotation device by child required; exception; “charter boat” and “class C vessel” defined; violation; fine.
Section 324.80176 Section Operation of or authorizing operation of motorboat while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation as felony; penalty; "serious impairment of a body function" defined; operation by person less than 21 years of age; "any bodily alcohol content" defined; requirements; "operate" defined.
Section 324.80180 Section Peace officer; arrest without warrant; reasonable cause; conditions; returning motorboat and occupants to shore; effect of not charging person receiving citation.
Section 324.80183 Section Chemical test; introduction of other competent evidence; availability of test results.
Section 324.80184 Section Refusal to submit to chemical test as admissible evidence.
Section 324.80187 Section Consent to chemical tests of blood, breath, or urine; circumstances; exception; administration.